
Douluo: Martial Soul is Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong never dreamed that she would come back from rebirth in the form of someone else's martial spirit ps: Let me explain first! Bibi Dong is completely under the protagonist's control, but the protagonist didn't know that in the beginning, and she knew since chapter 47. This story is not mine it's a translation The image is not mine came from teacher google

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Capítulo 47 Entrando na Piscina de Sangue

"Although he has successfully entered the Shrek Academy now, it is because of his physical talent that his cultivation speed is slightly faster, and the fundamental problem still exists!"

"With his talent, in the future it is difficult to go further!"

"Although I can't accurately predict where his future is, but his innate soul power is level 2, no matter how fast he upgrades now, there's no hope of breaking through level 70!"

"And you, Xiaosan, your future is limitless, you can go a long way on the path of Title Douluo!"

"Of course, don't tell him what I say, you will be teammates in the future, he will still be very useful to the team in the future!"

"It must be said that your current teammates are very good and can form a team with you, a strong team!"

"This team can help you shine brightly in the Soul Masters competition two years later on the world's biggest stage of Soul Masters!"

"At your age, you can still participate in the next soul master competition. You will be unstoppable!"

"Then, what you have to do, Xiaosan, is to gather this team, and I will be your team's instructor in the future, and I will also help you!" Yu Xiaogang looked serious.

"Yes, teacher, I understand!"

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's heartfelt instructions, Tang San respectfully nodded.

"Professor, I'm already at level 31..."

Tang San then told about his discovery this time, and also successfully hunted a 1,900-year-old spider.

"You broke?"

"Okay, 1900 years has already broken the limit of my previous theory, yes, my disciples must dare to break the limit that others cannot break, but next time we still have to pay attention, and we must be sure to do so!"

After hearing Tang San's words, Yu Xiaogang was naturally excited and then asked Tang San to summon the advanced Blue Silver Grass to analyze Tang San.

Bibi Dong watched Yu Xiaogang teaching Tang San, and for some reason, the joy of seeing Yu Xiaogang simply disappeared from her heart.

Maybe it's because Yu Xiaogang tried his best to belittle Su Mo just now!

Because in her opinion, Su Mo is still pretty good.

Especially when Yu Xiaogang compared Tang San with Su Mo, it made her feel even tougher.

It's just that she hasn't seen Yu Xiaogang for so long and doesn't want to leave so soon, so she continues to stay.

"Hmph, Xiaogang, you don't know that the Eight Spider Spears, which should have belonged to Tang San, were snatched away by Su Mo, right? One of Tang San's treasures is missing!" Bibidong groaned inwardly



"Who do you despise..."

Su Mo in the dorm, after hearing what Yu Xiaogang said to Tang San, he felt a strong feeling of discontent in his heart.

However, Su Mo quickly suppressed the anger in his heart. It's useless to worry about these things now, he just needs to work hard to improve himself and then slap the other party in the face.

Seeing that Bibi Dong did not intend to return, Su Mo's heart slightly moved.

Then I saw Su Mo meditating with his eyes closed, and then his awareness entered his own Wuhun space.

"Surely, I can still share the view of Bibi Dong inside!"

After entering, Su Mo immediately wanted to make sure if he could still see Bibi Dong's vision.

Only after he could did Su Mo dare to continue to delve deeper into Rakshasa space.

A long time ago, Su Mo thought of entering the Rakshasa space, especially the pool of blood within, to see if he could gain a clearer understanding of his second martial art through deep soul contact.

Before Su Mo guessed that Bibi Dong wouldn't dare to do anything to him, but that was just a guess, everything was uncertain.

What Su Mo wanted was 100% certainty.

Although Bibi Dong had secretly left to go to Yu Xiaogang's house earlier, Su Mo didn't know when she would be back, so he didn't act rashly.

Now, after he entered and was able to continue sharing Bibi Dong's vision, Su Mo dared to enter and carefully explore her.

If he finds out that Bibi Dong is back, he only needs one thought to snap out of it.


Soon, Su Mo passed through the bloody mist of his martial soul space and continued to enter the Raksha realm, where the martial soul of god Raksha is hidden.

When he reached the edge of the pool of blood, Su Mo saw Bibi Dong sleeping in the pool of blood again.


Without hesitation, Su Mo quickly jumped into the pool of blood.

Hmm -

the moment he stepped into the pool of blood, Su Mo could instantly feel a strong coldness permeating his entire body, his eyes gradually turned red, and negative emotions exploded in his heart.

When he saw Bibi Dong lying quietly in the middle of the pool of blood, a hint of desire appeared in Su Mo's eyes, and he wanted to go upstairs and play with Bibi Dong.


But at the critical moment, Su Mo still bit the tip of his tongue and woke up from the pain.

He came to find out the situation of Rakshasa God Martial Soul.

Involuntarily, a pure smiling face appeared in Su Mo's mind.

"I didn't expect this pool of blood to contain such a large amount of negative emotions. I have to hurry!"

"After a long time, it will be difficult for me to control myself!"

Soon, Su Mo came to Bibi Dong in the pool of blood.

Looking at the beautiful Bibi Dong in the pool of blood, Su Mo didn't know how to continue, so he could only try to get his hands on Bibi Dong's body.

Hmm -

the moment Su Mo's hands touched Bibi Dong's body, an inexplicable wave suddenly passed from Bibi Dong's body into Su Mo's.

Su Mo also realized many things very quickly.

After coming into contact, Su Mo had a complete understanding of his second martial spirit.

"Surely, between me and Bibi Dong, I am the master!"

After clearly understanding, Su Mo immediately chuckled in satisfaction.

As he had guessed before, Su Mo was the master of the Rakshasa Spirit.

Be it Rakshasa's martial soul or Bibi Dong's consciousness, they are all under Su Mo's complete control.

In the past, in the Rakshasa domain, the reason he was kicked out by Bibi Dong with a wave of his hand was not because of Bibi Dong's skill, but because of Su Mo's subconscious cooperation with Bibi Dong's actions.

It was Su Mo who left alone.

After knowing the result, Su Mo was a bit stunned. Turns out it was because I was too much of a coward before!


(end of this chapter)