
Chapter 60 Insulting Yu Xiaogang! [1st Update! Seek recommendation votes everyone! The ranking has dropped!]_1

Translator: 549690339

"Dean Flender, do your academy's teachers really think that it's not important to introduce one's Martial Soul and Soul Power when facing a Soul Master??"

Ye Feng looked at Flender.

Killing a person is easy.

To tell the truth, Ye Feng, now having advanced to the Soul Ancestor level, found killing a Master as easy as pie.

The other party was just a level 29 ant after all.

But isn't it more satisfying to crush someone's spirit as well as taking their life?

If it were you, would you let your enemy die so easily?

I think you'd do whatever it takes.

Just like a cat that has caught its prey, not eating it in a hurry, but slowly playing with it.

Playing until it is exhausted, gradually losing the will to live, and then gobble it up!

It is the same here, Ye Feng wants to strip off Yu Xiaogang's ugly facade layer by layer.

Then let him die in pain and ignominy.

Any game needs time, and the same is true for this grand play.

"Brock, not mentioning one's Martial Soul and Soul Power during a formal introduction is showing disrespect to the other party."

Flender looked at the Master.

Obviously, this level 29 waste, Yu Xiaogang, had never participated in an official competition.

He hadn't even sparred with other Soul Masters.

So he didn't know even these basics.

"Since that's the case, let me introduce myself. I am a level 29 Grand Soul Master, my Martial Soul is Three Cannons. Don't look down on me for my low level, even Soul Saints and Soul Douluo must call me 'Master'."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang introduced himself.

Despite being a Grand Soul Master, he forcefully projected the demeanor of a Titled Douluo.

Yu Xiaogang was a contradiction.

On one hand, he was insecure about his own level, while on the other hand, he didn't want others to look down on him.

So he took this approach to elevate himself.

"Pfft—, so Master, you're just a level 29 waste! Dean Flender, why would a 78th level Soul Saint hire a level 29 waste to teach? What can he teach?"

Ye Feng laughed out loud, mocking the Master unabashedly.

From the moment the other party stepped through that door, everything had been decided!

If Yu Xiaogang could bear it, he would; if not, he could get lost!

When the time comes, he would destroy everything in his own way!

"Are you insulting me?!"

Suddenly, the Master's face turned pitch black,

He loathed it when others mentioned the word 'waste'!

It was as if it touched the most sensitive spot in his heart!

"Did I insult you, Master? As the Young Master of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, you're only at level 29 now. If that's not a waste, what is? I finally understand why you use the word 'formerly'. Could it be that you were kicked out of your clan?"

Ye Feng asked with a slight smile playing on his lips.

"You! You, you, you!!"

The Master's face turned red all the way to his neck upon hearing these words!

He almost jumped up!!

Flender was quite embarrassed on the side.

This kid really has a venomous tongue, and his intelligence is off the charts, deducing this.

Was Brock really here to take on a disciple today instead of being humiliated??

"What's the matter, Master, are you angry?"

Ye Feng looked at the Master who was frustrated, with his legs crossed and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Exposing someone's weakness in public felt so exhilarating.

"Huff—, angry? Not exactly. I just hope you can look beyond the Martial Soul and Soul Power and see me for who I truly am. I can guarantee that if you enter Shrek Academy and train according to my method, your chances of becoming a Titled Douluo will be fifteen times higher than others."

The Master took a deep breath.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't angry!

In his view, this Bloodthirsty man was like an unruly Mad Dragon!

And Yu Xiaogang was willing to be the dragon tamer!

Sure, he might get bitten a few times at the start.

No matter.

As long as the other party witnessed his, Yu Xiaogang's, formidable personal charisma at Shrek, they would certainly become his disciples, just like Tang San, and follow him with unwavering loyalty.

"Fifteen times? Ha, Master, you really dare to say it!"

Ye Feng sneered.

This Yu Xiaogang really talks big!

If it were a naive kid who hadn't seen the world, they might really have been hoodwinked.

Unfortunately for him, the person he was facing was Ye Feng!

A transmigrator.

He knew exactly what Yu Xiaogang was worth!

"This data is absolutely true. If you're willing to take me as your master, I will guide you on a shortcut to becoming a Titled Douluo,"

Master said with a serious face.

"Stop kidding, even a pig could soar with Shrek Academy's enrollment criteria. Do you really think it's your doing?"

Ye Feng sneered again.

It seems like there is no Liang Jingru in this world.

Where did the Master get his courage from?

"A pig teaching could soar? Ha! Shrek Academy had already recruited three people before I arrived. They were taught by the 76th Level Soul Saint, Motionless Bright King himself. What happened to them after that? Could they compare to my disciple Tang San? Even a level 38 student isn't a match for my student in terms of combat power! That's the difference!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Ye Feng and snorted coldly.


Dean Flender felt awkward.

He had become a stepping-stone.

But Tang San should be an exception, right?

Who is his father?

He is the Titled Douluo, Haotian Your Highness.

How could his son be anything less?

"You should know that I came here today out of desperate need, concerned that you might go astray in the future and the world of Soul Masters would lose a towering talent. That's why I swallowed my pride to come and find you. As for the achievements you've obtained in the Soul Fighting Arena that seem impressive, they are merely in a small city under a kingdom. My student, once he enters the arena, could achieve the same, or even completely crush you."

Yu Xiaogang rose to his feet.

He looked out the window with a dignified face, standing with his hands behind his back.

Even the Pope once knelt before him, utterly subservient.

This kid dared to mock him again and again—he had his temper, too!

Moreover, in his eyes, Tang San might not necessarily turn out to be inferior to this person after his guidance!

"A waste teaching a genius has actually fostered a sense of superiority. How amusing,"

Ye Feng said indifferently.


Yu Xiaogang glared at Ye Feng.

His eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

"Dean Flender, aren't you afraid he'll spoil those students of yours?"

Ye Feng turned to speak to Flender.

"Whether they are spoiled or not is our affair at Shrek Academy. Brock, let's go."

Flender stood up.

Clearly, this person wasn't as interested in joining Shrek as Brock had suggested.

Rather than letting Brock be insulted here, it would be better to return to the academy where things were comfortable and easygoing.

"Since you're so arrogant, then do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Yu Xiaogang really exploded with anger.

Pointing at Ye Feng.

"Oh? What do you want to bet?"

Ye Feng looked at the hysterical Yu Xiaogang, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Bet that there are always bigger fish in the sea. My students will go to the Soul Fighting Arena for a week of practice tomorrow. If even one of them scores higher than you, then you shall become my disciple!"

He didn't know about Dai Mubai, but he had confidence in Tang San, the Master's disciple!



The first update is delivered. Everyone, please vote energetically~ The author has dropped in ranking o(╥﹏╥)o. Also, a big thank you to "Qiong Gou", "Buffer 99%", "Jiu Feng", "Can Yue", and other stylish and cute readers for their rewards, and all the other readers for their votes. Continuing with three updates today~ The last day of the PK, climbing one more rank, and I'll be secure!!! Begging for your support!!