
Chapter 25: Hao Tian Douluo, Descends?! [Two-in-One Mega Chapter]_2

Translator: 549690339


If it hadn't been for Teacher Zhao Wuji's timely intervention, he would have probably become the second Dai Mubai.

"Xiaosan, what exactly happened between you two? That kid seems to bear a grudge against you,"

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San with curiosity.

The others turned their attention to Tang San as well.

They all wanted to know what had happened.

"No grudge, just that he was rejected when he sought to become a disciple of my teacher, and he harbored resentment afterward,"

Tang San said.

He didn't want to say too much about this matter.

Moreover, in this world, one could only have one master; while his teacher did nothing wrong, some words, if spoken, could easily lead to misunderstandings about his teacher, thus affecting his reputation.

"Become a disciple? Rejected?"

As soon as Tang San said this, everyone was in an uproar.

Even Zhao Wuji was somewhat incredulous!

The boy they had just seen appeared to be only a little older than Tang San, and it was possible that the two were the same age!

However, that boy was already at Soul Elder level 39!

And such a person was rejected when he sought apprenticeship??

Impossible, right?

Just who exactly is Tang San's teacher?

It is simply unbelievable.

They had heard about Tang San's teacher before.

Back then, they just thought his teacher was extremely powerful, able to nurture a supreme genius like Tang San!

But today, their views were completely shattered.

"Well, the main reason at that time was that his soul power rank was too low, only at level 2. Also, my teacher probably felt that he harbored evil intentions, so he did not take him on,"

Tang San explained.

"His initial soul power was only level 2? How is that possible!"

The Shrek companions all looked disbelieving.

He's so young and already a Soul Elder.

How could he have advanced so quickly from level 2 soul power?

Normally, with level 2 soul power, reaching Grand Soul Master would already be at the limit.

Yet now, the boy was about the same age as them, but he was at least ten levels ahead of them!

"Uh, as for the specific reasons, I don't know,"

Tang San helplessly shrugged his shoulders.

To tell the truth, he had thought that Ye Feng had turned into bones in the Hunting Soul Forest.

But to his utter surprise, not only had the boy survived,

he had even advanced to the Soul Elder rank.

Especially during their fight just now, he was shocked to discover that the last soul ring the boy had was a ten-thousand-year one!!

It was simply inconceivable!!

It seems that when he gets a chance, he needs to go back and ask his teacher.

What exactly the situation was.

"What about what that guy just said about being bitten by a Datura snake, and being left alive to wait for death? What's that about?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked.

She could clearly sense the resentment emanating from that youngster named Ye Feng.

It was clear either Tang San or that teacher of his must have done something very wrong to him.

"Ah, the snake bite incident was because he carelessly ran into a Datura snake, so he got chased down. However, this matter is too complicated, and I don't know how to explain it. The night is getting late, so how about we find a place to rest behind the town first, and I can tell you more when we have time,"

Tang San now changed the subject.

He didn't want to delve further into it.

After all, the teacher did give Ye Feng a push at that time.

Later, when he was absorbing a Soul Ring, and after he finished, the teacher told him that he had taken care of Ye Feng's body.

Honestly, he hadn't asked about the following events.

So he wasn't very clear about what exactly happened during that process.

It's also possible that the teacher tried to cure Ye Feng of poison, thinking he failed when in fact he succeeded without knowing.

He would have to see his teacher to ask about these things.

For now, they would just let it lie.

"Yes, it's getting late, let's find a place to rest,"

Zhao Wuji said at this moment.

It was already midnight.

Tomorrow morning they would have to set out to hunt soul beasts in the Aquipeia Forest.


And so, the group headed towards the back of the town.

"Brother, what exactly happened back then?"

On the way, Xiaowu asked Tang San curiously.


She had a hunch that there might be hidden information concerning the events of the past.

Moreover, in her eyes, the Master seemed more like a charlatan.

Xiaowu found it very hard to understand why Xiaosan had taken him as a master.

"It's nothing, there were some misunderstandings back then, I'll explain everything to you later,"

Tang San said to Xiaowu.

Soon, the group found an inn.

But since all the inns at the front of the town had been destroyed, and it was late,

the Shrek group was forced to pay extra to get a place to sleep.

The bright moon shone.

A gentle breeze caressed.

"Ah, what in the world did we encounter today? Can't these little monsters give me a break?"

Zhao Wuji returned to his room and flung himself onto the bed.

He was truly exhausted today.


Suddenly, at that moment, a noise came from outside.

"Who's there!"

Zhao Wuji jerked alert and sprang to his feet.

He looked around with a face full of wariness.

"Zhao Wuji!"

This time, the sound was clearer.

"First soul skill, Immovable King Body! Who's playing ghost and trickster? Come out here, you coward!"

Zhao Wuji was also extremely irritable.

He directly released his Immovable King Body.

"Immovable King Zhao Wuji, you've got quite the temper. If you want a fight, come with me!"

As the voice faded, everything returned to calm.

Zhao Wuji saw a figure heading towards the distant forest.

The speed was incredibly fast!!

It was breathtaking!


Watching the distant figure, something resonated in Zhao Wuji's memory.

He paused slightly.

Indeed, he had been beaten just a few days ago.

The same way, the same setting, and seemingly the same voice!

It couldn't be that same person coming, could it?

Today, Xiaosan was the one who had been beaten.

Last time, it was also Xiaosan who had been beaten.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuji's back instantly drenched with sweat.

It's over!

It must be that person coming to hold him accountable.

Damn it, he had just arrogantly demanded to know who the other party was!

He was screwed, thoroughly screwed!!

Zhao Wuji quickly retracted his Martial Soul.

With a regretful posture, he smacked the back of his head!

What a sin!!

He was seen leaping from the window.

Heading towards the nearby forest.

He quickly spotted a figure in a black cloak.

Instantly, he found breathing difficult, as if someone was choking him. It was uncomfortable!!

Who else could be dressed like this?

Tang San's father had arrived!!

The legendary Hao Tian Douluo!

An existence that could make the entire Continent tremble.

Now, whether he would even survive was questionable!!

In his life, Zhao Wuji had never done anything particularly bad.

Why was he so unlucky!!

"Immovable King Zhao Wuji."

A somber and profound voice echoed.

"Junior is here."


PS: During the launch of this new book, could everyone please show some support? Thanks to Qi Dian's "Ji Fen Zeng Jing" for the 500 Book Coins reward, and also to "Zai Zeng Bu Huo 99%", and to "May Ji You Yue" for their rewards; thank you for your support. I'd also like to thank all the silent voters, thank you all, the author will strive for regular updates!! Also, a group has just been created, book-loving friends who want to push for updates or chat are welcome to join~, QQ group number 362886412