
Chapter 120: Diamond Fighting Soul Badge, Inducted into the Continent Soul Fighting Arena Hall of Fame! [First Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

He slumped down on the sofa, his mind a complete blank!!

Everything had happened too quickly.

His disciple had clearly been in the ascendancy.

He had even been preparing to turn the tides.

But in the end, he was utterly defeated!

Why? He had Stamina Pills, his tactical arrangements had been so proper, so why did he still lose?!

For a moment, Grandmaster didn't know how to face it.

He could only feel his head buzzing!

Below, fireworks were dazzling!!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am the Soul Arena's Chief Manager, Ao Tian. Please don't rush to leave just yet, as we have one last item on our agenda, which is the points calculation. Given the performance of both team captains today, we at the Soul Arena have decided to let everyone witness the birth of the highest badge of the Soto City Great Soul Fighting Arena right here!!"

The Soul Arena's Chief Manager, dressed in a black uniform, stepped forward.

In the past, the Fighting Soul Badges were always dealt with in the team's respective private box.

But today was somewhat special.

Especially for those who had spent three thousand gold coins for a seat.

So, one way or another, the event needed to be prolonged a bit, right?

Thus, Chief Manager Ao decided to present the badges on the spot!

"What? The Chief Manager is personally presenting the badges here??"

Upon hearing this, everyone appeared utterly incredulous.

For the Chief Manager to present the badges was the highest level of honor.

It was unprecedented in the history of Soto City to do so in public.

"Bloodthirsty Demon!"

"Bloodthirsty Demon!!"

Instantly, the audience below was whipped into excitement.

Those who had just felt unsatisfied with only one minute of action now felt it was completely worth it!!

This segment was simply fantastic!

They also wanted to see just how many points the Bloodthirsty Demon had amassed!!

"First, we invite the captain of the Shrek squad, Thousand Hands Asura!!"

Only to see Chief Manager Ao looking toward Tang San.

Tang San's clothes were torn and tattered.

His complexion was also very poor.

"Xiaosan, are you alright?"

Dai Mubai was supporting Tang San.

"It's nothing, help me look after Xiaowu."

He had just treated his own wounds, and then helped Xiaowu deal with the Green Phosphorus Purple Poison in her body.

He was now almost completely drained!

Tang San staggered onto the stage.

Though he had lost,

this was still his achievement.

"Although Thousand Hands Asura was indeed defeated in today's battle, his performance this week is impressive enough to be proud of. Shrek Academy's Thousand Hands Asura won a total of one hundred twenty-nine consecutive battles, plus various record-breaking bonuses, for a total of 44,630 points!"

Seeing Tang San step onto the stage, Chief Manager Ao announced.

In the Soul Arena, the rule is that after ten consecutive wins, the points for each win are doubled, and after a hundred consecutive wins, the points for each win are multiplied by ten.

"According to the rules, he will be awarded the Sapphire Soul Badge! And a 20,000 gold coin record-breaking bonus from the Soul Arena! Let's all congratulate him!!"

The Soul Arena had badges that included the Iron Fighting Soul, Bronze Fighting Soul, Silver Fighting Soul, Gold Fighting Soul, Purple Gold Fighting Soul, Sapphire Fighting Soul, Ruby Fighting Soul, and Diamond Fighting Soul, with corresponding points of 0, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, respectively.

"Thousand Hands Asura!"

"Thousand Hands Asura!!"

Though Tang San had lost,

he still gained some supporters.

They were wildly cheering for him at this moment.

Quickly, Chief Manager Ao presented the Sapphire Badge to Tang San and additionally took out a gold card.

Inside was a prize of 20,000 gold coins!

Only 20,000? It must be said that, had he not encountered the Bloodthirsty Demon, he would have received much more.

"Very well, now let's see how many consecutive victories the Bloodthirsty Demon has achieved over the week? This week he won a total of one hundred thirty consecutive battles, adding to last week's thirty-one, making a total of one hundred sixty-one consecutive victories since his entry into the Soul Arena two weeks ago!!"

After Tang San descended the stage to where Ye Feng was, they heard Chief Ao's voice becoming increasingly loud!!

"A winning streak of 161 matches?"

The audience below burst into an uproar upon hearing this.

Damn, this guy must be a freak!!

However, the seasoned audience members remained silently.

If the Bloodthirsty Demon could maintain tonight's form and fight eighty matches a day, then he would have five hundred sixty in a week; now that's what you call a real freak.

Obviously, the opponent didn't put forth their full effort in this wave!!

"So, how many points will he have?"

As the grand finale, Director Ao played coy, shifting the attention to the giant crystal screen!

Soon, a staircase-like curve appeared on the large screen.

A little dot started bouncing, just like clocking in!!

Bronze Fighting Soul! 100 points, achieved!

Silver Fighting Soul! 1,000 points, achieved!

Gold Fighting Soul! 5,000 points, achieved!

Purple Gold Fighting Soul! 10,000 points, achieved!

Sapphire Fighting Soul! 20,000 points, achieved!

Ruby Fighting Soul! 50,000 points, achieved!

"He actually passed fifty thousand effortlessly! Could Bloodthirsty Demon become the first ever recipient of the Diamond Soul Fighting Badge in the history of Soto City Great Soul Fighting Arena??"

Chief Ao also feigned extreme excitement.

After all, with forty thousand paying spectators, he had to perform well!!

For the competition points, 161 matches yielded a total of 90,020 points, breaking nineteen records across the soul fighting arenas of the Continent this week, earning a bonus of 9,980 points.

Total points: 100,000!!

Diamond Fighting Soul! 100,000 points, achieved!!

An explosive special effect occurred!

"The Diamond Soul Fighting Badge! Our Soto City Great Soul Fighting Arena's one and only Diamond Soul Fighting Badge! Let's congratulate the Bloodthirsty Demon for entering the Soul Fighting Hall of Fame of the entire Continent!!!"

At this moment, Chief Ao screamed hysterically, his voice cracking.

"Bloodthirsty Demon!!"

"Bloodthirsty Demon is awesome!!"


The audience below went wild as if they had lost their minds, shouting at the top of their lungs.

To witness the birth of a Diamond Soul Fighting Badge.

It's a moment of no regrets in their lives!!

These gold coins were well spent!!

"So what will our Bloodthirsty Demon receive? He will receive the Hall of Fame badge from the soul fighting arenas across the Continent, authenticated by both Martial Soul Hall and the Empire, and he will also receive the extremely precious Diamond Soul Fighting Badge along with a reward of 250,000 gold coins!"

Director Ao proudly announced.

Seeing the audience so excited, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

He could perfectly disperse the crowd.

Receive the reward.

Ye Feng returned to the VIP waiting room.

Soon, the soul fighting arena sent someone over.

They were naturally there to award the Silver Soul Badges for numbers 2 to 7.

"Instructor, why did uncle deceive me?!"

In the waiting room, Yu Tianheng was deeply frustrated.

Because he had just found out that the instructor wasn't his uncle's preparatory disciple at all.

This was a completely far-fetched matter.

Moreover, he was very dissatisfied that the other party had given the elixir meant for him to Shrek.

He couldn't understand why his uncle would deceive him!

"Perhaps he wanted to gain your approval?"

Suddenly, Ye Lingling spoke up from the side.

She had been sitting in the waiting room.

She also heard the entire conversation from the instructor.

There was merely a bet between the two, no mention of a preparatory disciple, so the only explanation was that the other party wanted Yu Tianheng to accept him.

After all, this uncle was only level 29.
