
Douluo: I am Ultraman

Vaiss was reborn in Douluo Dalu 1 and almost died at first. Knowing the dark future of this world, he used the gift from the system to change the future. #System #Ultraman #Maybe a harem

Fluffas · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 14, Son of Destiny

Di Tian stood there in the middle of a circle of fallen guards, he was unbothered by the suppression of a limit douluo and level 98 super douluo.

Di Tian ignored Bibi Dong or Qian Daoliu, he looked straight at Vaiss behind Bibi Dong with a smile, he tried his best to soften his face to not scare the little cub. He created a shielding barrier around the three of them, so no one could spy on them.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu frowned, their suppression did fall to Di Tian but it was like dropping a stone into a lake, there was barely any effect. And the sudden barrier made them assume a battle position.

Such a strong soul beast, how did they never find it? And how could a transformed soul beast still have soul beast breath when they hit titled douluo?

Due to the scarce information about soul beast cultivation, they only knew that soul beasts could transform into humans when they reached 100,000 years old or stayed as soul beasts. They didn't know about fierce beasts that could switch from human and soul beast form freely. Even Qian Daoliu who traveled the world back then only knew about the transformed soul beast.

They thought Di Tian was a transformed soul beast and were confused why Di Tian still had soul beast breath which should have disappeared when he reached level 60.

Bibi Dong shielded Vaiss behind her while Qian Douliu stood beside him.

Vaiss met Di Tian's gaze, and Di Tian's approval of Vaiss rose a little because of his courage. Vaiss was curious as to why Di Tian came back so fast.

"Who are you?"

"Heh, don't be so anxious. I already said I'm not hostile, unlike you humans, we don't lie."

Di Tian mocked which made Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu frown deeper.

"Little cub, I said I'll give you back double the worth of the rice and wheat, so here you go."

Di Tian tossed a space ring to Vaiss, inside the space ring were multiple sea soul beasts and land soul beasts, and some fruits from plant soul beasts. He noticed that Vaiss was a greedy little guy who liked to eat, hence the gifts.

Di Tian caught it himself, as long as it was not hunted for soul rings and soul bones or soul beasts he knew, Di Tian had no problem if they were killed. 

After all, he also caught a soul beast to eat from time to time and the soul beast still followed the rule of the jungle.

As for the space ring, this was something he picked up from a crow fierce beast that liked to collect shiny things. It could store living things and the time inside would stop, making sure the stored items remain fresh. The size was as big as a two-story villa, the crow fierce beast was reluctant to part with it.

Bibi Dong caught the ring and scanned it with her mental power, when she didn't find anything strange, she checked the inside and saw the ring was full of meat and fruit.

Bibi Dong began to believe that Di Tian was not hostile, his action conveyed his straightforward character. From what she could see, Di Tian was not a person who liked or used trickery, Qian Daoliu held the same opinion as her. Bibi Dong gave the ring to Vaiss and his eyes lit up when he saw the things inside, he could make a lot of good dishes with it.

"Thank you!"

"No problem."

Di Tian smiled, he had ulterior motives for giving Vaiss this gift, while Di Tian was observing Vaiss, he was greedy for the dishes Vaiss cooked.

"Who are you?"

Bibi Dong said coldly, he might not be hostile but it was impossible to let her guard down against a strong man like him.

"I'm Di Tian, 800,000 years old Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King. I'm here to invite the little cub to meet my lord."



Bibi Dong answered instantly, she didn't care if she would provoke Di Tian, she would not let Vaiss go somewhere unknown and meet some soul beast lord. Qian Daoliu was also the same, Vaiss had the power to make Qian Renxue even stronger, he would not let him encounter any danger.

Di Tian recognized Bibi Dong's looks, it was the same looks as those crazy female soul beasts when they were protecting their offspring. 

"Make no mistake, I will say it again, I and the lord are not hostile, we will even protect the little cub. After all, we need his first soul skill. 

And if I wanted to kill him, I would have done it 6 years ago.

While I'm up for exterminating the human race, it is impossible as those gods will not allow it, so the little cub's existence is crucial for saving the soul beast clan.

Of course, it didn't have to be today, he would come when he wanted to."

Di Tian explained patiently, if it weren't for Gu Yuena's order and the little cub, he wouldn't bother explaining.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu grew silent, they were thinking about what to do. There was too much information, 800,000 years old soul beast and there was an even stronger soul beast lord, and they were inviting Vaiss to visit them. 

if possible they wanted to refuse and put an end to this matter but it seemed that it would only postpone it.

Vaiss looked at Di Tian and thinking about his words, it seems that Gu Yuena valued me more highly than I expected, Vaiss thought.

'Since Di Tian had observed me for a long time, he should have seen my healing and purification power, maybe Gu Yuena wanted me to heal her?'

Vaiss knew that Gu Yuena was injured severely by the gods and was recovering in the Great Star Dou forest.

'Hm, maybe I can use this chance to further my plan of coexistence of human and soul beast.'

But Vaiss would not go meet Gu Yuena now, he realized his existence was bringing change to the original course of history far more than he expected.

Gu Yuena and fierce beasts, who should have been dormant until douluo 2, were showing up now. Vaiss thought he needed to push forward his Shrek five monsters recruitment plan.

"Uncle, you said I can come when I want to, right? Then, can I come later and bring my mother with me?"

"Of course."

Di Tian smiled as he finished his mission. As long as the little cub came to the lake of life, as a kind child, he would definitely try to heal the lord.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu didn't refuse, at present, they could only do this. They also wanted to know why the soul beast lord wanted to meet Vaiss.

"Then, I'll go back and tell the lord. I'll be back to protect you later."

"Wait, we can protect Vaiss ourselves, we don't need your help."

Bibi Dong said coldly, Di Tian sneered and covered Vaiss with spirit power so he didn't hear what he said and got scared. 

"You can protect him from other humans or soul beasts but can you protect him from god?"

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were shocked. God? How did god come up?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it literally. You humans don't know but before you didn't have to hunt for a soul ring, you can condense one yourself when your cultivation reaches a certain level.

But the gods altered the laws of the world and made it so you need to hunt a soul ring to advance, and that soul beast will produce soul rings and soul bones when they die.

They intend to use you to reduce us to extinction. As for after that, maybe you will regain the ability to condense your soul ring or maybe you don't, tossed away after your god used you.

The little cub soul skill can create soul rings and soul bones, it was far safer and more convenient than hunting for one, and it would make hunting for soul rings and soul bones obsolete.

What do you think your god will do when they know someone obstructs their will?

They will smite him. You won't be able to stop it but we can hide him from the gods."

Bibi Dong's face paled, she never realized there was such a secret, and she thought of how close Vaiss was to Rakshasa god's secret realm entrance at her residence every day. It was a miracle Vaiss was not found by Rakshasa.

Qian Daoliu was the same but he was much better than Bibi Dong, he could feel that the Angel god never showed any hostility toward Vaiss, on the contrary, she showed closeness to Vaiss, and the proof was his seraphim martial soul. And the Angel god also advocated protecting the soul beast from needless hunting. He believed the Angel god would never attack Vaiss.

"Now you understand how dangerous his situation is. Thankfully, the gods rarely put their attention on the douluo continent. So we have some leeway, as long as Vaiss could heal my lord's wound to a certain point, my lord can shroud the douluo continent. 

We can't fight them yet but we can hide till we are strong enough."

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu felt a little better and decided to trust Di Tian, his story was too real for it to be a lie and he didn't have any reason to lie to them in the first place.

Unbeknownst to them, Vaiss heard them all. Di Tian only made the barrier sound-proof, so Vaiss could use his mental power to hear what they say and his face paled. He never thought about this.

He was too caught up in trying to change the future, he forgot about the gods.

"System, do you have something I can use?! This is an emergency!"

"Ding, please rest assured, host. The gods cannot smite you or directly meddle with the douluo continent. While they have certain authorities on the douluo continent, the will of the douluo planet will not let them do as they pleased.

As long as you don't do anything too destructive, the will of the planet will protect you. 

But the gods could still send their believers after you, and the will of the planet will not help you with that."

Vaiss shocked, the will of the planet? What's that?

"Ding, The will of the planet is the planet's consciousness, unlike other sapient beings, it only had a simple mind with two purposes. That is to preserve lives and strengthen itself.

You, who had helped preserve the lives of the soul beasts and strengthened the planet by letting more people become spirit masters, are protected by the planet and given some luck.

The more you do these two things, the more the planet will protect you and strengthen your luck."

"That means, I'm safe?"

"Yes, as long as the will of the planet protects you, the gods would have to destroy the planet to kill you or send their believer to kill you."


Vaiss felt relieved, the threats of a divine smite by the gods were like Damocles's sword, truly horrible. But then he remembered Tang San's action.

"System, then why did the planet let Tang San do as he pleases in douluo 2? Or let the gods change the laws of the world?"

"Ding, because Tang San was the son of destiny, also called the son of the planet, he was imbued with great luck by the planet itself and was protected by the planet. 

The planet was expecting him to strengthen the common people using his knowledge but it didn't know that Tang San's arrival was planned by the Shura god. He wanted to make Tang San the son of destiny of the douluo planet and his inheritor, so God's realm could interfere directly with the douluo planet through Tang San.

And the will of the planet can interfere with attacks from outside but it can't interfere with the actions of the living being on it.

As for changing the laws of the world, the will of the planet was still weak back then and can not do anything."

"Then can't the planet just strip Tang San of his status as the son of destiny when he did as he pleased?"

"Ding, for the planet, the resulting number spike of strong spirit masters either evil or not was more important. As the planet will be strengthened every time a spirit master or soul beast breakthroughs a big realm. 

And the status of the son of destiny cannot be easily stripped, they can only be defeated by another son of destiny."

"Then, do I count as a son of destiny?"

"Ding, yes."

Vaiss smiled, now he didn't have any fear. He had ample time to grow, and as for Tang San and God's realm, he would slowly play with them. But to buy enough time, he needed to coax the will of the planet.

"System, you said that the planet will be strengthened but what exactly changes when the planet grows stronger? And what else can I do to help it?"

"Ding, the aura of heaven and earth will be more abundant and everything will flourish, and there is a chance new resources will grow.

You can help it by growing things full of aura, taking resources from outside to enrich the planet, increasing the number and training many strong living beings, or subduing another will of the planet and letting it be absorbed or be a vassal of the douluo planet's will."

Looking at the options, Vaiss smiled. Except for the second and last one, he could do everything.

"Either way, I need to grow strong first."

Vaiss looked at Di Tian and the others again, and they had finished their talk.

"Then I'll be back in two weeks, then I will lead you to my lord."

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu nodded, their priority now was to send Vaiss to Gu Yuena and let him try to heal her, so she could help hide him from the gods.

Vaiss didn't refuse, after all, he could not just say that he would be fine, that the will of the planet would protect him, he couldn't answer if they asked where he heard it from.

Besides, two weeks was enough for him to do something. 

Vaiss's target this time was the Ice and Fire Polarized Eyes in the sunset forest, he wanted to get this treasure before Tang San. And there was also the little rabbit.

Thank you for reading my work and please enjoy :)

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