
Douluo: Huo Yuhao's Revenge

Huo Yuhao, the god of emotions, was reincarnated in his youth and awakened his memory. His previous life was a life full of exploitation and betrayal so in this life anger will burn the world. Everything will be liquidated by him one by one. ***************** For those who want to read the original, the link is https://book.qq.com/book-read/47280427 Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator.

Yukaropa · Others
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95 Chs

Wang Dong: Huo Yuhao, I want to merge with you too

"Uh...well...anyway, you should go back and rest first. I will find you later."

Facing Huo Yuhao's question, Wang Yan was speechless and had to change the subject.

Wang Yan didn't know that just when he said he wanted to get Huo Yuhao the first soul ring of the extreme year, Tianmeng was already snarling in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

 "Hateful! Damn it!" The human form transformed by Tian Meng grinned, revealing a few small milk teeth.

"How dare you look down on Lord Tianmeng's soul ring! Sooner or later Lord Tianmeng will let him know how powerful he is! Humph!"

Tianmeng put his hands on his hips and turned his head away proudly. He didn't look annoying, but rather felt a little coquettish.

Seeing Tian Meng like this, Huo Yuhao laughed dumbly, patted Tian Meng on the head and said: "Okay, now I have reached level 20. You want to tell me how to add a second martial spirit to me?" "

"Here... you go back to the dormitory first, and I'll tell you later." Tianmeng said sarcastically.

 When it comes to the second martial spirit, Tianmeng's attitude is a little different.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but think of the chill in his previous life.

Although it was later proven that Tianmeng was not detrimental to him, the chill in that moment still made him remember it deeply.

It was fashionable and like this. How could he forgive Dai Hao and everything later?

  Tang San!

Every time he thought of this name, Huo Yuhao seemed to see a face that disgusted him so much that he wanted to drink its blood and eat its flesh immediately.

That deep-seated hatred alarmed Electrolux again.

Just feeling the vibration of Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, Electrolux couldn't help but sigh.

This hatred is so similar to what he was back then!

But unlike him, Huo Yuhao didn't seem to be completely swallowed up by hatred at this time.

At least, he knows how to keep his hands open and knows the differences between people.

This feeling is as if there is some anchor anchoring the kindness of Huo Yuhao's personality.

Electrolux was thoughtful, but did not stop Huo Yuhao's emotions from radiating.

It is better to block than to open up. Having also experienced unforgettable hatred, Electrolux naturally knew how to guide Huo Yuhao.

What's more, when Huo Yuhao said the Mingjiao declaration, Electrolux also heard it.

How joyful is life, and how painful is death? To eliminate evil for the sake of good, there is only light. Joy and sorrow all return to dust. Have pity on my people, for they are full of sorrows!

These four sentences particularly touched his heart.

Light... Once upon a time, he was also the son of light, the hope of mankind. Once upon a time, he also did good and eliminated evil, and he also had mercy on the world.

Electrolux can't read minds, nor can he read Huo Yuhao's mind. He doesn't know that Huo Yuhao's declaration of Mingjiao is just to promote the religion.


Shrek Academy, if nothing else, has a pretty good scenery.

The three of them wandered around and returned to the dormitory building.

Xiao Xiao went straight upstairs, while Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong returned to the dormitory.

Wang Dong didn't notice that Xiao Xiao, who was supposed to go straight upstairs, had stopped on the stairs and stared at the two of them.

"whispering sound..."

In the dormitory, Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao who immediately fell into a state of cultivation, and became very angry.

 But she didn't dare to slap Huo Yuhao directly for fear of hurting him.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was not just practicing.

 In the spiritual sea, Tianmeng turned into a delicate human form like a porcelain doll.

"Tell me, how can you help me add a second spirit?"

Tian Meng put his hands on his chest and pressed them against each other, then released them, then pressed them against each other...

"Hmm... what should I tell you... In your human world, there is a human forbidden zone, which includes the interior of the Star Dou Forest and our destination, the Far North."

"As you all know, I, Lord Tianmeng, am the first million-year-old soul beast in the history of Douluo Continent!"

Tian Meng boasted about himself first, but Huo Yuhao resisted the urge to tease Tian Meng and did not tell her about the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

"However, among you humans, you have also ranked several super soul beasts, called the top ten ferocious beasts. They are all super soul beasts that are more than 200,000 years old."

"What I want to add to you is one of the only two ice-attributed beasts among the ten ferocious beasts, the seventh-ranked 390,000-year-old super soul beast, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the Ice Emperor."

As Tianmeng spoke, he put his hands on his hips, raised his head slightly, and closed his eyes.

After waiting for a long time without hearing Huo Yuhao's exclamation, Tianmeng opened one eye slightly and looked at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao was seen listening seriously, like an obedient student.

"Hmm~ Are you still listening carefully? Forget it, Lord Tianmeng will let you go this time."

"Ahem, in short, that is a super soul beast. So if we want her to add a second martial soul to you, we have to use some means."

"Anyway, just remember one sentence and follow Lord Tianmeng to have meat to eat. By the way, when will you take Lord Tianmeng to the far north?"

Huo Yuhao thought for a while and replied: "After all the assessments are over. It shouldn't be difficult to ask for a leave."

"The Far North, alas, it's been so long in the blink of an eye..." Tianmeng's mood suddenly became a little low.

Huo Yuhao ignored it and silently withdrew from the sea of spirit.

The stars and moon filled the sky, casting a silvery light along the window into the bedroom.

Wang Dong was looking at Huo Yuhao calmly, but Huo Yuhao suddenly opened his eyes, almost making Wang Dong fly up in shock.

"What are you doing? Ouch. You scared me to death. Why did you suddenly open your eyes?"

Wang Dong patted his chest with lingering fear, his eyes full of resentment.

Huo Yuhao's eyes seemed to have a very strange magical power. At that moment, she seemed to have fallen into an infinite kaleidoscope.

"I'm talking about Yuhao, the twins' martial soul fusion skills today are very good! They seem to be very strong. If they hadn't suddenly passed out in the end, maybe the result would not have been certain. This must have been done by you, right?"

Huo Yuhao was noncommittal, "For soul masters, martial soul fusion skills are a way for the weak to defeat the strong. It often allows soul masters to fight across one or even two realms."

"If someone's martial soul fusion skills don't give you a strong feeling, then it can only prove two things."

Huo Yuhao paused, "Either you are too strong, or they are too weak."

Wang Dong was stunned for a moment, then raised his head proudly, "Then it must be that we are too strong."

"You are said to be fat and you are out of breath." Huo Yuhao gave Wang Dong a slap in the face, "The martial soul fusion skills of the Lan sisters today must have been figured out recently. Didn't you notice that they were very unskilled in using them? ?"

"Ah, that's right..." Wang Dong was stunned.

"But, Yuhao, tell me, is it possible for us to have martial soul fusion skills?"

"Look, if we can also have martial soul fusion skills, who among the same level opponents can compete with us?"


 (End of this chapter)