
Douluo: Huo Yuhao's Revenge

Huo Yuhao, the god of emotions, was reincarnated in his youth and awakened his memory. His previous life was a life full of exploitation and betrayal so in this life anger will burn the world. Everything will be liquidated by him one by one. ***************** For those who want to read the original, the link is https://book.qq.com/book-read/47280427 Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator.

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Snow Emperor

Shortly after the Ice Emperor released his soul wave, the snow in the distance suddenly shook.

Where Huo Yuhao could see it with his naked eyes, a green color emerged from the end of the snowfield.

Is that really green?

Under Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes, the green area was bright and clear, and they were clearly ice jade scorpions one after another!

Yes, that green color is all ice jade scorpions.

Although they are not as gorgeous in appearance as the Ice Emperor, they are still considered a beautiful group among the soul beasts.

Some of these Ice Jade Scorpions exude hundreds of thousands of years of fluctuations, which are extremely terrifying, while others only have tens of thousands or thousands of years, and there is not even a hundred-year-level Ice Jade Scorpion.

They rushed over and stopped in front of Huo Yuhao.

"The Ice Scorpion King has met the Emperor!"

The leader of the 100,000-year-old Ice Jade Scorpion raised its two front pincers, and the Ice Jade Scorpions behind it also raised their front pincers.

For a time, the momentum was overwhelming.

Ice Emperor's head was full of black lines, "I asked you to come over, but I didn't ask you to bring your clansmen over!"

After the soul beast reaches a hundred thousand years, it has the ability to speak human words. Therefore, during this hundred thousand years, the Ice Jade Scorpion King used human words to talk to the Ice Emperor. [1]

"Your Majesty the Emperor has summoned you. Don't dare to neglect it. Your Majesty the Emperor, are you this human and ice silkworm next to you?"

Since Huo Yuhao had been simulating the aura of the Ice Emperor, the Ice Jade Scorpion King did not notice anything strange about the Ice Emperor.

"You must remember this human aura. From now on, seeing him is like seeing me. Yuhao, put the simulation away."

Huo Yuhao withdrew his simulated ability, and his own aura was immediately revealed.

At the same time, the Ice Emperor's strange behavior was also noticed by the Ice Jade Scorpion King.

"Lord Emperor, you..."

"I have embarked on the road to becoming a god, and this human being and the ice silkworm are the key to it. Okay, let the other tribesmen retreat. You are here to take us to find the Snow Emperor."

The Ice Jade Scorpion King had no doubt that he was there and looked very excited.

"Congratulations to the Emperor on his journey to becoming a god! May the Emperor be immortal forever!"

With that said, the Ice Jade Scorpion King turned around, his tail hook made a friction sound, and the group of Ice Jade Scorpions left in groups.

"Lord Emperor, and..."

"Since seeing him is like seeing me, you also call him the emperor. As for that useless ice silkworm, you can just call her trash."

Tianmeng immediately bared his teeth and claws, "What did you say? How dare you look down on Lord Tianmeng? Who couldn't stop it in the first place..."

"Shut up!" Ice Emperor suddenly covered Tian Meng's mouth.

"Uh, you two emperors, and that piece of trash, please carry it on your back."

"Change your words! Lord Tianmeng is not rubbish! Nor is he a waste!"

Even so, Tianmeng was dragged by Huo Yuhao and sat on the back of the Ice Jade Scorpion King. The Ice King also jumped up and sat in front of Huo Yuhao, with his two smooth thighs overlapped.

The Ice Jade Scorpion King crawled powerfully on the snowy field at a very fast speed, while Huo Yuhao sitting on it felt as if he was walking on flat ground, which was more comfortable than riding a carriage.

"During this period, was there any other movement in the Snow Emperor's territory?" Huo Yuhao asked.

As the Ice Jade Scorpion King headed towards the Snow Emperor's territory, he replied: "Your Majesty the Human Emperor, we have always lived in the Ice Jade Scorpion Tribe and have never crossed the border. For the Snow Emperor, no one except the Emperor can Haven `t been there."

The Ice Emperor also nodded, "No one dares to enter the Snow Emperor's territory except me and Xiaobai."

"Oh, Xiaobai is a 200,000-year-old ice bear, adopted by the Snow Emperor."

"In the long years of the Far North, only the Titan Snow Demon King has ever broken into the Snow Emperor's territory and tried to show his love to the Snow Emperor."

"In its final outcome, all the bones in its body, including its skull, were beaten to pieces by the Snow Emperor, and it took thousands of years of recuperation before it regained its strength."

"It survived because the Snow Emperor spared it because it had a faint trace of Ice God blood in it."

"Speaking of which," Huo Yuhao asked, "The Snow Emperor should be a pure elemental body raised by nature. Why is it a soul beast?"

"This..." The Ice Emperor seemed to be asked, hesitating a little, "Actually, I don't know very well. I only know that since the Snow Emperor took shape, he was judged to be a soul beast by the rules of heaven and earth."

"Is it the reason you mentioned again?"

Huo Yuhao spread his hands and said, "Then I don't know either."

He never paid attention to these issues in his previous life. Now that he thinks about it, there are still some things he doesn't understand.

Like the Ice God.

He knew the existence of the Ice God and knew where the Ice God's ruins were, but he had never really entered or thoroughly understood it.

And as he completely woke up, his focus was entirely on the layout of the Eye of Eternity.

Under the speed of the Ice Jade Scorpion King, the depths of the core area of the Far North were quickly revealed in front of Huo Yuhao.

Compared to the place where Tianmeng used his own body to trap the Ice Emperor, the landscape here has actually changed.

What appeared in front of Huo Yuhao was a low-lying basin.

But in this basin, there miraculously stands a snow-capped mountain. Under the snow-capped mountain is an ice-free lake, which is extremely magical.

And halfway up the snow mountain, higher than the snowfield, there is a huge palace made entirely of ice and snow.

Once here, it is considered the territory of the Snow Emperor.

The Ice Jade Scorpion King stopped and was extremely respectful.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the Human Emperor, and the trash, I can only send you here."

"Hey, you big scorpion, just don't call me Lord Tianmeng as Lord Tianmeng. Do you really look down on Lord Tianmeng if you keep calling me Lord Tianmeng?"

"Okay, Tianmeng, stop making trouble. You will always be a little fool here with me." Huo Yuhao touched Tianmeng's little head.

Tianmeng showed a silly smile and suddenly woke up, "No, did you just say that Lord Tianmeng is a fool!"

The Ice Emperor pursed his lips, for fear of ruining his image in the eyes of the Ice Jade Scorpion King.

"Okay, you can go back." The Ice Emperor waved his hand and asked the Ice Jade Scorpion King to return to the Ice Jade Scorpion Clan.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor." The Ice Jade Scorpion King raised his front pincers to signal, and then left quickly.

"Now, is it time to tell me your plan?" Ice Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao.

"How do you plan to convince the Snow Emperor?"

Huo Yuhao looked at the huge ice and snow palace.

"Isn't it enough that all your efforts to survive are in vain?"

With that said, Huo Yuhao stepped forward.

The Ice Emperor remained silent.

The cultivation of soul beasts goes against the will of heaven.

Every 100,000 years, one has to endure a catastrophe. Once one passes through a 200,000-year catastrophe, there is no chance of transforming into a human being.

What's more, converting to adult cultivation is also a complete scam?


Note [1]: The Ice Jade Scorpion King refers to the Ice Emperor in the original work. Changes are made here.

 (End of this chapter)