
Douluo: Huo Yuhao's Revenge

Huo Yuhao, the god of emotions, was reincarnated in his youth and awakened his memory. His previous life was a life full of exploitation and betrayal so in this life anger will burn the world. Everything will be liquidated by him one by one. ***************** For those who want to read the original, the link is https://book.qq.com/book-read/47280427 Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator.

Yukaropa · Others
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Chapter 23 However, I refuse

"Five copper soul coins... Okay, here are fifteen copper soul coins. Little brother, take it."

Tang Ya handed the Copper Soul Coin to Huo Yuhao, but Wang Dong who was behind Huo Yuhao took it first.

"I'm his roommate, and I'll collect money for him." Wang Dong said while trying to avoid contact between his clothes and Huo Yuhao's stall.

Tang Ya looked at Huo Yuhao and saw that Huo Yuhao had no intention of refusing, so she handed the Copper Soul Coin to Wang Dong.

In fact, although Huo Yuhao couldn't see anything on the surface, he was actually a little confused in his heart.

Wang Dong's performance was beyond his expectation, as if some attribute had been awakened after being beaten up by him, and he followed him like a follower.

Xiao Xiao, who was at the side, turned his eyes and came to Huo Yuhao's side.

"Yuhao, let me help you."

Wang Dong, who was arranging copper soul coins, froze slightly.

On the other side, the girl who bought grilled fish took the three grilled fish from Xiao Xiao, and handed one of them to the blue-haired boy beside her.

The girl herself sat aside with the remaining two grilled fish and carefully ate them.

"Are you the freshmen recruited this year? My name is Tang Ya, and he is Beibei. We are all fourth-grade students, and we are your seniors!"

Tang Ya said while eating grilled fish.

Beibei on the side looked helpless, but didn't say anything.

Xiao Xiao said: "Yes, senior sister Tang Ya, we are all freshmen this year."

"Which class are you from?" Tang Ya asked curiously.

"Freshman class one." Wang Dong said sullenly, rubbing a copper soul coin in his hand.

"Freshman class one?" Tang Ya and Bei Bei looked at each other with a slightly surprised voice.

"I remember, the head teacher of Class 1 Freshmen seems to be that perverted old aunt Zhou Yi, right?"

Beibei nodded, "Yes, Mr. Zhou was originally teaching the third grade. He heard that he was too strict and was complained to the college by the students many times, so he was relegated to the freshman class."

Tang Ya looked at Huo Yuhao and the others with a pitiful look.

"With this perverted old aunt Zhou Yi on the table, your future will not be very good."

"Uh..." Xiao Xiao hesitated for a moment, glanced at Huo Yuhao cautiously, and then said to Tang Ya: "Senior Tang Ya, Teacher Zhou... how should I put it... I have been convinced by Yuhao."


Don't talk about Tang Ya, even Bei Bei looked sideways, shocked by what Xiao Xiao said.

Wang Dong showed his sense of existence in a timely manner, and said: "Teacher Zhou's teaching philosophy and teaching methods are all wrong."

"It was Yuhao who exposed her true face."

"But..." Beibei seemed to want to say something, but the excited Tang Ya cut in.

"Hmph, elementary school boy, you're pretty good! That perverted old aunt of Zhou Yi, I've long been annoyed by her."

"Beibei always said that perverted old aunt is a good teacher, I think she was deceived!"

"Xiaoya, you... well, forget it." Beibei sighed.

Tang Ya said angrily, "What did you call me?"

Before Beibei could answer, Tang Ya turned her head again and stared at Huo Yuhao with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing Tang Ya like this, Bei Bei became inexplicably irritable, and Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao also looked at Huo Yuhao frequently, feeling an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

"Primary brother, do you want to join my sect?"

After staring at it for a long time, Tang Ya quickly finished the grilled fish in her hand, and asked Huo Yuhao seriously.

"My sect used to be the number one in the mainland! If you join, you will definitely not suffer! These two juniors are also the same. If you want to join, I welcome it!"

Seeing Tang Ya start to pull people, Beibei quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Dong was puzzled after hearing Tang Ya's words "the former number one in the mainland", and asked, "Senior Tang Ya, what is the name of your sect?"

Hearing Wang Dong's question, Tang Ya said seriously: "Tang Sect. It used to be the number one sect in the mainland."

"Tang Sect..." Wang Dong had a strange look on his face, but no one cared about it. They only thought it was because Wang Dong knew the legend of Tang Sect.

Only Huo Yuhao knew why Wang Dong showed such a look.

Clear Sky Clan... sooner or later he will kill those two beasts, as the interest of revenge on Tang San.

Everyone felt a chill all over their bodies, and Wang Dong also came back to his senses.

Just when Tang Ya was expecting Huo Yuhao's answer, Huo Yuhao finally spoke.

"I refuse to join the Tang Sect."

Wang Dong, who was about to speak just now, looked at Huo Yuhao in astonishment, then thought of something, and didn't follow suit.

Tang Ya's eyes dimmed slightly, and said: "That's right, the foundation of the Tang Sect has been taken away. The only people left are me and Bei Bei. Such a Tang Sect really doesn't attract you much... "

Wang Dong seemed to be moved by Tang Ya's words, obviously moved.

"Why was Tang Sect's foundation taken away?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Tang Ya, who was feeling depressed, choked suddenly.

But soon, she calmed down her emotions and said: "More than four thousand years ago, the Sun Moon Continent collided with the Douluo Continent, and it was at that time that our Tang Sect began to decline."

"Our Tang Sect is famous for hidden weapons, and we also sell hidden weapons as our main source of income. But since more than 4,000 years ago, the soul guides of the Sun Moon Empire have completely surpassed our Tang Sect's hidden weapons."

"Since then, the countries that have been purchasing hidden weapons from our Tang Sect have all reduced their purchases..."

Tang Ya recounted the experience of Tang Sect's prosperity and decline. When she finally talked about her parents, she shed tears and clenched her fists.

Wang Dong couldn't help but murmured and asked: "Is it true that Tangmen's hidden weapons are inferior to those soul guides?"

Beibei sighed and said: "In some respects, it can indeed be said that."

"No, in every sense, hidden weapons are completely inferior to soul guides."

Huo Yuhao's sudden intervention made everyone look at him.

Although she knew that what Huo Yuhao said might be true, Tang Ya was still a little angry, but she didn't explode.

And Xiao Xiao's eyes seemed to light up like stars, and she felt that the young man beside her was about to start acting aggressive!

"The Tang Sect's foreign trade is all equipment called mechanical hidden weapons. Such hidden weapons can only threaten soul masters of the soul sect level at best."

"But soul guides are completely different. From titled Douluo to ordinary soul masters, as long as they have soul power, they can use them, and their power is stronger than hidden weapons of the same level."

"Although soul tools cannot be applied to civilians without soul power, civilians also have no power and channels to use hidden weapons."

"In this way, hidden weapons are no match for soul guides. Isn't this a matter of course?"

"The reason for the decline of the Tang Sect is not to blame for the soul tools. If you want to blame, you can only blame your ancestors of the Tang Sect for being self-styled and extremely arrogant."


After a careful study of the original work, Douluo's combat power is really a mystery. Dou Yi's full-strength blow from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King hammered Dai Zhu's Nether White Tiger with eight rings, but the titled Dai Zhu fused into a god-level Nether White Tiger. The full-strength blow was still strengthened by Oscar, and the golden crocodile was useless. Any skill face received the enhanced god-level blow, and was supplemented with a god-level light bullet. He got up and continued to command the battle, lamenting that his recovery speed was slow when he was old.

[They blocked the fourth priest and the fifth priest earlier. The strength of these two priests is quite strong. Although the Nether White Tiger is amazingly powerful, they barely withstood the Nether White Tiger's attack and saved themselves in the defeat. ]

The two 96-level priests can barely withstand the god-level Nether White Tiger. Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were about to cry and faint in the toilet.

The fusion of Douer Bahuan Grilled Fish and Tang Wutong's Wuhun can't defeat 97 Yan Shaozhe, and can only fight in one battle.

So confused.  

(End of this chapter)