
Chapter 4: Divine Knight

After this little reflection I went back to the wuhu temple where we were about ten children and in front was a deacon.

When we saw him everyone fell silent. After a minute of silence the deacon is introduced.

"Hello children I'm Deacon Vince, a soul ancestor, my martial soul is the bow of the winds, I'll be the one to take care of your awakening, so let's get started. You're going to take turns..."

After this introduction Deacon Vince proceeded to explain to us what we should do during this ceremony. I found him very nice, he was neither in a hurry nor abrupt with the children.

Then each child passed and it was my turn but something surprised me. Of the 9 past children before me two had soul power.

One was Faming with an innate level 8 power and the other was a little orphan from the village named Eve, her martial soul was two red and gold colored fish with an innate level 5 power.

But what surprised me was that sending her martial soul Sys, told me that if I gave her my blood and guided her in choosing her soul rings she could take on a pseudo divine class armor according to the level criteria of the marian souls of douluo.

But despite this information I didn't have time to think about it, because it was now my turn.

After entering the circle Vince asked me to reach out and relax.

After that I felt a powerful energy pouring into my body and especially into my birthmark which started to disappear and with it but long hair was shortened.

But it was only the beginning of the transformation, I had the impression that a chain in me was broken then I felt a feeling of freshness and renewal I felt like I was reborn and when that feeling disappeared something seemed to want to come out of me and I didn't stop it.

Outside the whole room was bathed in starlight which then began to fade making me appear for all to see.

I no longer had long hair and my tattoo on my forehead instead was a child with short white hair and blue eyes.

After my appearance my martial soul did the same it was a winged steel ram of gold color with blue hues, translucent wings as if made of energy.

I was surprised by its appearance as it was fundamentally different from the Aries God Armor.

The only point of resemblance was that the two represented a winged ram.

Then I received all the information from my martial soul that I couldn't help but swear, it was too powerful.

But I was quickly shaken out of my amazement by Vince asking me to test my soul power, I could see the disappointment on his face seeing the appearance of my martial soul.

After I put my hand on the crystal ball it started to light up with a thousand lights and with her the voice of Vince who exclaimed.

''Damn, innate full soul power, son do you want to join the hall of souls''

Just like Faming and Eve I refused, Vince was disappointed but didn't ask for anything else.

After a brief exchange where he explained the levels of soul masters to us, we left.

As soon as I left, I saw my parents and they were given the certificate of the martial soul.

They were surprised at first by my appearance but without asking too many questions although I could tell by my expression that he wasn't very happy seeing as I lost my tattoo and looked even more like my mother despite the short hair After that we quickly went home because I wanted to show them the true form of my martial soul.

They were surprised by what I said but agreed to go with it. I said goodbye to Faming and Eve while asking them to meet me behind my house tomorrow morning.

Then we left to arrive at my house I asked my children to sit down while I put on my armor in front of them.

They were surprised until my father took me in his arms and said: "He is my son, an armor like martial soul, a perfect fusion between your mother and me, his appearance and my martial soul even if it has mutated."

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was happy but then my mom started asking me questions: "Xiao xing I see that your armor in its ram form has two wings and horns but in this form it only has one wing and no horns is there a problem?"

Listening to my mother's words my father began to inspect me for fear that I have a problem "Xiao xing, are you ok, do you have pain somewhere"

I shook my head and started explaining to them. " Don't worry my wings are made of energy and only one will appear when I wear it and for the horns I prefer to show you''

Saying this I summoned a bow and my parents were surprised but their eyes showed understanding sending that they understood I split my bow into two blades surprising them again.

I then proceeded to explain, "my bow empowers but ranged and blade attacks my melee attacks.

It can also allow me to use melee techniques in conversations in distance techniques and vice versa but the power will drop by 20 to 30%"

After that we spent the rest of the day discussing and planning my soul ring after explaining my attributes.