
Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood

Shui Wuya crossed into Dou Er and became the descendant of Shui Bing'er, possessing the ability to communicate with the ancestor Shui Bing'er. "Ancestor Bing'er, bury the immortal grass underground, and let me retrieve it after ten thousand years!" "Ancestor Bing'er, I will now impart to you the method of condensing the soul core!" "Great ancestor, your path to divinity sweeps across the eight directions, your achievements will span eternity!" Several years later, Shui Bing'er became a god, "Wuya, I have paved the path to divinity for you. Let us meet in the divine realm!" ... 【You cross into Douluo, identified as an orphan】 ... 【Shui Bing'er revitalizes the family, your identity as the head of a declining aristocratic family! Obtain a share of the family's treasures!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er suppresses Tang San, attains godhood, your identity as the head of a secretive clan, granted a level 99 clan ancestor!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er becomes a god, your identity as... a divine companion?】 ****** Power Stone Goal: 150PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 3 CHAP Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 96: The Undead Realm, Ice God's Temple!

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In a room at the Mingdu Inn, Shui Wuyah sat cross-legged, intently examining a blue crystal ball resting in his palm.

This "blue crystal ball" was a Level 7 Illusion Crystal that he was crafting, but it was still a work in progress.

"What exactly are those evil soul masters from the Holy Spirit Church planning by joining the Soul Tool Exchange Conference?"

Through the blue crystal ball, Shui Wuya's gaze sharpened with intensity.

The Soul Tool Exchange Conference had been ongoing for some time, and he participated intermittently. However, the group of evil soul masters from the other day hadn't been seen since.


Suddenly, a sound sliced through the air, breaking Shui Wuya's train of thought. An icy chill crept into the room, chilling the very air.

"Who's there?" Shui Wuya's brow furrowed as he shouted, simultaneously releasing his spiritual power.

However, moments passed without further noise. Shui Wuya's spiritual power swept through the room but only grasped a wisp of a soul in the void.

Shui Wuya looked at the gray soul in his hand and raised an eyebrow slightly. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

"The Scourge of the Undead, the Holy God of the Dead, Electrolux..."

After absorbing the soul's memory, Shui Wuya learned its origin. It was a fragment of Electrolux's residual spirit in the Douluo world. This mindless soul had accidentally ended up here.

At the same time, by absorbing the soul, Shui Wuya gained much necromantic knowledge, including the method to open the Undead Realm.

"Undead Realm, open!"

A surge of excitement filled Shui Wuya's heart, and he immediately cast the spell to enter the Undead Realm.


With a booming sound, Shui Wuya's entire body was directly carried away by a faint blue light emitted by the six-pointed star formation, and in an instant, he appeared in the space of the dead.


The deafening roar of countless undead creatures echoed as soon as Shui Wuya set foot in the new realm. He stood atop a mountain peak, overlooking a vast, dark world.

A fierce wind swept through, and the landscape was littered with skeletal remains of various shapes and sizes, stretching as far as the eye could see. Due to Shui Wuya's presence, all the undead skeletons seemed to sense him, raising their heads and moving en masse toward the mountain peak.

"If I can harness all this power, the Shui family's strength will undoubtedly increase!"

Shui Wuya's eyes gleamed with ambition, fully aware of the potential power of these undead skeletons.

However, he remembered that Huo Yuhao also had access to the Undead Realm. To prevent any interference, Shui Wuya's spiritual power surged violently within him.

"Octangle, Ice Emperor, Dream, Baishan, help me sever the connection between this Undead Realm and the Douluo Continent!"

As Shui Wuya focused, six soul rings rose from beneath his feet. The light of the fifth soul ring, a deep crimson, shone brightly, activating his spiritual power integration.

Within Shui Wuya's spiritual world, the four great soul spirits channeled all their spiritual energy into him.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A terrifying aura erupted from Shui Wuya, his forehead glowing with rainbow-colored light. The flower of his spirit had solidified, forming a tangible manifestation.

Now, with the spiritual power of the four great soul spirits combined, Shui Wuya's spiritual energy had reached a fearsome level.


Across the entire undead realm, countless skeletons saw the rainbow light atop the mountain peak and fell to their knees. The skeletal remains quaked, their bones rattling with fear.

At this moment, it seemed Shui Wuya was not just the master of the undead realm; he had become a supreme necromantic deity.


With a mighty shout, Shui Wuya was lifted by the howling wind and flew high into the sky. Thousands of colorful lights swirled around him as the flower of his spirit shot forth, transforming into a massive sword that sliced through the air.


In an instant, the immense spiritual energy of the spirit flower struck the connection between the undead realm and the Douluo world. The ensuing shockwave was deafening.


The rumbling continued for nearly a dozen seconds before a thunderous explosion shook the entire undead realm. The terrifying amount of spiritual energy successfully severed the link between the undead realm and the Douluo world.


Shui Wuya exhaled deeply as he retracted the spirit flower, a look of satisfaction spreading across his face.

From this moment on, the undead realm belonged to him alone.

On a desolate ice plain, a blizzard raged fiercely, with hailstones the size of pebbles pelting the landscape. The winds swept away any sign of life from the frozen tundra.

On this day, a figure dressed in blue appeared on the ice plain. He was tall and broad-shouldered, and each step he took left a trail of frost in his wake.

All the wind and snow melted into nothingness before they could touch him.

"It's been so many years, and this place has fallen into such decay."

Shui Yanjun exhaled warm breath, his gaze sweeping over the windswept ice plain, his eyes filled with a hint of melancholy.

In his memories, during the Shui family's prime, even this icy plain was once bustling with life and prosperity.

It didn't take long for Shui Yanjun to reach the center of the ice field, where he suddenly halted. He extended his right hand, releasing a wave of soul energy from his palm.


As the soul energy dispersed into the air, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier, causing a deep, resonant chime to echo across the ice plain.

Moments later, a majestic temple made entirely of ice crystals emerged from the empty expanse, radiating a pure, sacred aura. This was the Ice God's Temple.

Shui Yanjun stood at the boundary of the temple's barrier, his gaze fixed on the crystalline structure, his eyes filled with a complex mixture of emotions.

"Could the clan leader be here?" he murmured softly, then slowly walked toward the temple's grand entrance.

As soon as he crossed the barrier, in the divine realm, a pair of eyes filled with malice immediately turned toward the ice plain.

"The Shui family has come, just as I expected!"

In the Divine Realm's Asura Temple, the Asura God sat on his throne, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint, and his entire being emanated a murderous aura.

"Shui Yanjun greets the Seventh Elder."

Inside the Ice God's Temple, Shui Yanjun respectfully bowed to a white-haired elder, displaying utmost reverence.

"It's Shui Yanjun, isn't it? I remember you from when you were just a child, following your father."

The Seventh Elder of the Ice God's Temple looked at the unexpected visitor with a touch of melancholy in his gaze. He seemed both surprised and saddened by Shui Yanjun's appearance.

(End of Chapter)