
Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood

Shui Wuya crossed into Dou Er and became the descendant of Shui Bing'er, possessing the ability to communicate with the ancestor Shui Bing'er. "Ancestor Bing'er, bury the immortal grass underground, and let me retrieve it after ten thousand years!" "Ancestor Bing'er, I will now impart to you the method of condensing the soul core!" "Great ancestor, your path to divinity sweeps across the eight directions, your achievements will span eternity!" Several years later, Shui Bing'er became a god, "Wuya, I have paved the path to divinity for you. Let us meet in the divine realm!" ... 【You cross into Douluo, identified as an orphan】 ... 【Shui Bing'er revitalizes the family, your identity as the head of a declining aristocratic family! Obtain a share of the family's treasures!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er suppresses Tang San, attains godhood, your identity as the head of a secretive clan, granted a level 99 clan ancestor!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er becomes a god, your identity as... a divine companion?】 ****** Power Stone Goal: 150PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 3 CHAP Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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188 Chs

Chapter 177: The Frustration of the Spirit Hall Experts

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Suspended in mid-air, Shui Wuya and Qian Renxue stood silently, unnoticed by the beings below, thanks to their psychic illusion.

Looking down, they saw the core area of the Star Dou Great Forest engulfed in a sea of flames.

A hundred-thousand-year-old Titan Giant Ape and a Sky Azure Bull Python were fiercely battling three elders from the Spirit Hall: Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Devil Bear Douluo.

Chrysanthemum and Ghost Douluo had combined their spirits to create the Polar Forbidden Domain, greatly restricting the movements of the two soul beasts.

Below the battlefield, Tang San, who had just obtained a hundred-thousand-year spirit ring from Xiao Wu's sacrifice, was surrounded by the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall, led by Hu Liena.

Encircling the young elites of the Spirit Hall were numerous other experts from the Hall.

"So this is the so-called Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall. If it hadn't been for Shui Bing'er back then, I would have defeated you myself in the Spirit Master Tournament!"

Tang San, enveloped in a crimson glow, stood with one foot on Yan's head, whom he had just defeated.

Despite Yan's struggles, he couldn't escape from under Tang San's foot.

"You are... Tang San?!"

Hu Liena, not far away, recognized Tang San's identity upon hearing him mention Shui Bing'er and the Spirit Master Tournament, her face showing utter shock.

Before entering the Star Dou Great Forest, the Spirit Hall team had encountered Tang Yin, whom Hu Liena had long admired.

Naturally, Hu Liena invited Tang Yin to join their group and explained their mission to hunt a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast.

Unexpectedly, after the battle erupted, Tang Yin switched sides, joining the Star Dou Great Forest's forces.

At that moment, Hu Liena was unwilling to doubt Tang Yin's identity. But now, there was no denying it—Tang Yin was indeed Tang San!

"So what if it's me? Today, the Spirit Hall uses numbers to overwhelm, as always!"

Tang San sneered, his cold exterior masking a sharp cunning. He knew escaping alone was impossible, given the situation.

Surrounded not only by the Golden Generation but also by numerous Soul Saints and Soul Douluo-level experts, his only chance might lie with Hu Liena.

"Everyone, stop!"

Seeing the Spirit Hall experts preparing to rescue Yan from under Tang San's foot, Hu Liena suddenly shouted, her voice breaking.

At her command, everyone froze, their faces showing collective bewilderment.

"Saintess, what..."

A confused Soul Saint beside Hu Liena cast her a questioning glance, followed by more Spirit Hall experts shifting their focus to her.

What Hu Liena said next stunned everyone present.

"Let him go!"

Hu Liena turned her head away, avoiding looking at Tang San. However, everyone present understood that when Hu Liena said "him," she was clearly referring to Tang San!

"Saintess, you can't!"

"Tang San is not only an enemy of our Spirit Hall but also the son of Tang Hao. We must not let him go!"

"We implore the Saintess to reconsider!"


One stone stirred a thousand ripples. Hu Liena's command to "let him go" caused a commotion among the Spirit Hall experts present, with many voicing their opinions one after another.

This scene naturally caught the attention of Shui Wuya and Qian Renxue, who observed from above.

"See that? This is your esteemed Saintess of the Spirit Hall. In the heat of battle, she wants to give the enemy a way out."

Shui Wuya glanced sideways at Qian Renxue, teasingly remarking.

Qian Renxue's face alternated between shades of green and white.

In this situation, she didn't know how to refute Shui Wuya's mockery.

At that moment, Hu Liena on the battlefield below issued another command.

"I said, let him go!"

Hu Liena deliberately raised her voice, ensuring everyone on the battlefield could hear her clearly.

The Spirit Hall experts showed signs of hesitation.

They had the power to kill Tang San right then and there, but Hu Liena was the Saintess of the Spirit Hall, and this mission was under her leadership.

Despite their inner frustration, no one dared to oppose her directly.

On the other hand, Tang San exuded a smug and confident demeanor.

He knew he had made the right bet. With Hu Liena's feelings for him, she would inevitably grant him an escape route.

"Now that the Saintess has spoken, I won't bother you further. Farewell for now. When I become a Titled Douluo in the future, I will personally visit the Spirit Hall!"

Tang San laughed, his words laced with sarcasm, then turned to leave the area.

The Spirit Hall experts, witnessing this scene, felt deeply frustrated.

Not only did their Saintess allow their enemy, Tang San, to leave, but now he was also mocking them to their faces. It was unbearable!

"Tang San, I'll kill you!"

Just as Tang San's figure was about to disappear into the dense forest, Yan, who had been stepped on by Tang San earlier, could no longer contain his anger and rushed forward again.


Tang San sneered as Yan flew towards him. He gathered his Emperor-level spirit power and, as Yan approached, kicked out with force.


In an instant, Yan, kicked by Tang San, spat out a mouthful of blood and flew dozens of meters away!

Seeing this, the Spirit Hall experts on the scene were filled with a mix of anger and frustration, along with a hint of disappointment in their Saintess.

"In the end... it's hard to become great."

In mid-air, the Devil Bear Douluo sighed helplessly.

At the same time, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who were fighting the two hundred-thousand-year soul masters, turned their disappointed gazes towards Hu Liena, sensing the changes below.

"What a waste of the Pope's efforts in nurturing her. If the Pope's position falls to her in the future, the demise of our Spirit Hall may be inevitable."

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo spoke in succession, never expecting such a scene today.

At this moment, the three of them were entangled by two hundred-thousand-year soul beasts and couldn't break free. Otherwise, with their temperaments, they would have risked confronting the Saintess to kill Tang San on the spot!

In just a few moments, the frustration of the Spirit Hall experts reached its peak!

However, just as Tang San's figure was about to disappear, a furious voice suddenly echoed in the high altitude.

"Tang San, did I let you go?!"


(End of Chapter)