
Chapter 42: [Have an honorary elder come here as Dangdang?]

"Ji'er remembers the teachings of the six offerings."

   In the fiery red light, Chihiro shed tears.


"All right!"

  At this time, Qianjun Douluo moved the barbecue and boiling soup, and took the first bite, and found that the food was just cooked.

   Even though this boy who claims to be Diga, said that he is not hungry.

   But in order to keep a good impression, Qianjun Douluo still gave him a serving.

   I have never thought about it in my entire life. I have been ranked as a Title Douluo, but it depends on the face of the person, succumbing to the silver power of others.

   Qianjun Douluo stirs the steaming tiger-patterned pot with a silver pestle. The reality is far more exciting than the novel.

   The time required to go to the spirit beast forest to hunt for the spirit ring is unknown, if it is a person who lacks the conditions, forget it.

  Thinking about these noble missions, you will enjoy life far more than people think.

   What surprised Su Mutian even more was that Qianjun Douluo took out a few cups of small cups from Qianxunji's space device.

   Open the lid, there are some ingredients in it. After the boiling water and flame steaming and spreading, Su Mutian smells a strong fragrance.

   "New... the taste of Xinjiang lamb skewers..."

   Su Mutian was dumbfounded.

   And this snake meat skewers is not like those stalls in the past life, the meat is pitiful, and each bite is not enough to stuff your teeth.

   The authentic lamb skewers are fat enough.

   But the meat skewers in front of me can be described as amazing.

   A ball of meat as big as a fist is inserted on a sharp steel pole, matching two glasses of old wine.

   is really a fairyland on earth.

   The evaporating feeling on the spot.

   Hearing the sound of 'Zzizi' gravy bursting again, Su Mutian was about to drool.

   No, no, I want to stick to my heart.

   mere temptation, not enough!

  Smelly...Smelly...It's smelly, it's so smelly!

   Su Mutian performed self-hypnosis.

   What's more terrible is that Qianjun Douluo was very sophisticated and placed a copy in front of Su Mutian.

   Qianjun Douluo said with a smile: "Young Master Dijia, we are not acquainted with each other, as long as there is no misunderstanding, have you considered joining our Spirit Hall?"

   After one second of long thinking and difficult thoughts, he went through a century-old showdown with the dark angel and the daytime envoy in his heart.

   lasted two seconds in total.

   Su Mutian trembling his hands, unnaturally put the snake meat into his mouth and tear off a piece of meat...

   Hmm... It smells so good!

"good to eat!"

   Su Mutian sighed sincerely.

   Why do people in Douluo Continent in my own impression do not know much about food!

   How much fun I missed when I came to Douluo Continent!

   What other lobsters are you eating?

   More fishing?

   I want to eat the Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea!

   I want to eat Di Tian!

   I want to eat the silver dragon...Wang...Ah, that's it, this thing is god-level, I can't even think about it.

   The most important thing is to look good.

   But, can't you eat a tutu so cute?

   "Hey, hey."

   Fortunately, the mask I wore this time was the kind that covered half of my face, from the eyes to the bridge of the nose, without covering the mouth.

   Otherwise, you will have two choices:

  ① Holding back the gluttony, his liver and intestines were broken.

  ②Showing his face, and being known by the Spirit Hall of his own appearance, it will be very inconvenient to do things on the Douluo Continent in the future.

   Fortunately, I am cautious enough.

   Su Mutian admired his ingenuity.

  Jian Mo Douluo was originally annoyed that he was beaten by Su Mutian. Douluo's image was not preserved, but he also agreed with Su Mutian's words:

   "The meat is fresh but not greasy. It is grilled hard and soft when cooked. This soul beast is indeed delicious."

   "Haha, in this way, my craftsmanship is still good."

   Qianjun Douluo looked at Su Mutian and said, "If Diga Young Man joins our Wuhun Hall, he can directly become a screen leader and take charge of dozens of soul masters.

   One year later, he was directly appointed as the head of the branch hall. With the ability of Diga Young Xia to leapfrog battle, when his spirit power reached the soul sage, and even with the Contra, he could directly rise to the realm of elders.

   To be honest, with the current strength of my Spirit Hall, it is worthy of this in the entire Douluo Continent. "

   Qianjun Douluo gave a thumbs up, his expression was quite proud.

   Qianxunji quickly spread the voice: "Six worship, do you want him to join the Wuhun Hall?! Are you crazy? He is a subjugated rogue!"

   Qianjun Douluo replied: "Ji'er, you are not yet thirty years old, you are naturally arrogant and don't understand many things.

   You just said, have you seen that Soul King's physical body is stronger than Titled Douluo, and his spirit skills can surpass forty-odd horror levels strangely?

   The entire Douluo Continent has never existed.

The most important thing for being a man is a strategic vision. Right now, he has not been recruited by other big forces. If it is the Clear Sky School, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, or any of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Schools, he will be thrown at him desperately. Olive branch. "

   Chihiro thought carefully, and felt that it was hanging up and down at this time.

   issued a question: "So, is there a way in this world to suppress the spirit power, suppressing the super Douluo or even higher realm to the soul king, to achieve the purpose of confusing the side?"

   Qian Xun Ji said this, Qianjun Douluo and Jiang Mo Douluo were shocked, and the look in Su Mutian's eyes was also bewildered.

   Regardless of his life experience, just this cultivation base.

   With the view of Chihiro Chi, it is extremely possible.

   Because it is impossible for anyone to cross such a high level to carry out undamaged brutality.


   Qianjun Douluo said: "As long as there is a corresponding secret method, it can be done."

  After the Demon Douluo came down, he realized: "You two mean, he really sent us from the three major sects to test us?"

  "It is not certain yet. Except for Clear Sky Sect's hidden world, the other two sects do not have the ability to arbitrarily control Title Douluo, but this is not ruled out, but this situation can almost be ignored.

   can test whether he really hides the realm. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Qianjun Douluo witty said: "Look at his reaction, under the Contra, no one can refuse my offer, and the titled Douluo would basically not accept it."

  Because of the title Douluo's strength, it is enough to be an elder in any organization or sect.

   Perceived that the three people have frequent exchanges of spirit power, Su Mutian was speechless. Haven't these three goods been hammered and filled?

   What conspiracy is being discussed?

   Are you going to fix yourself?

   Su Mutian glanced at the skewers in his hand, and the skewers disappeared instantly.

   They, are they poisoning themselves?

   woo woo woo.

   Su Mutian shook his head, and suddenly used his soul power to raise a violent wind, cutting off the direct soul power connection between the three of them.

   pretended to be inattentive and said, "I'm sorry, the air in Douluo Continent is a bit different from the air in the Kingdom of Light. Sometimes I can't control my spirit power and I'm rude."

   Qianjun Douluo's surface is calm and calm, and his heart is flustered: "It's okay, it's normal to be uncomfortable."

   "What do you think about joining the Wuhun Hall?"

   "Well...I'll consider it." Su Mutian didn't feel strange about Qianjun Douluo's wooing.

   Wuhun Hall is powerful because of its large capacity.

   "But I don't want to be the sub-temple master or something, and I don't want to be responsible."

  Since Su Mutian asked, "Is there any kind of honorable elder who does not restrict freedom?"

   As expected!

   Qianjun Douluo, Jiang Mo Douluo, Qian Xun Ji was shocked.

   is the existence of Title Douluo suppressing the cultivation base? !