
Chapter 15



   Sitting on a seat in the auction house, Su Mutian watched all the masks issued by Haizhi Auction.

  Only the person sitting at the front wore a gorgeous mask that was very distinctive.

   Some people don't even need a mask and expose their real face directly.

   Su Mutian can faintly feel their spirit power fluctuations... unpredictable!

   started, the demigod started again.

   Su Mutian curled up in a corner, searching for the whereabouts of the Haimeizu people.

   I guess, if you can afford the signature items of the Sea Exchange in one day, you must be sitting in the front row.

  Sea Meizu...

   I have never seen it in Douluo.

at this time.

   In the center of the brightly lit stage, there is a red-purple flower.

   "The flowers fall and remain red!"

   "The flowers fall and remain red!"

   "The fairy herb has fallen into red!"

   As soon as this herb was born, it immediately aroused the surprise of all masters.

   "Isn't today's signboard a ten thousand year mermaid soul beast?"

   "How come a fairy herbal medicine suddenly appeared!"

   Everyone murmured, surprised at the sudden appearance of immortal herbs in the Exchange of the Sea.

   But most people, like Su Mutian, don't understand what this fairy grass called Hualuocanhong is and what it does.

   Immortal herbs are not cheaper than Wannian Soul Beasts at all, but the average soul master does not understand the medicinal properties of these immortal grasses, so even if they encounter them, they will not realize that they have encountered a treasure.

   Like Poison Douluo occupying the eyes of both ice and fire, a large number of immortal grasses gathered in the world, many of them did not even know Poison Douluo, and in the end they made Tang San for nothing.

   Rare fairy grasses such as Acacia heartbroken red, Qirong Tongtian chrysanthemum, Burning apricot delicate, Wang Chuanqiu Dew and so on.

   was taken back by Tang San to give to relatives and friends.

   Combining one's own martial spirit physique, applying medicinal herbs, really has the effect of enhancing people's strength.

   "That's right, this is the famous Split Ring Immortal Grass—Hua Luo Can Red."

The auctioneer said: "Hua Luo Canhong, a kind of fairy herb that can quickly transform its own medicinal power into soul power and store it in the spirit ring is extremely rare.

   It is said that dozens of years ago, an 87th-level Contra defeated a 90th-level with the help of the remnant of the flower. He only had to hunt for a spirit ring to become a titled Douluo's power.

   It can be seen that this herb has a powerful effect.

   Since then, the flowers have fallen into red and become famous in the Douluo waters. "

  "However, the name Hua Luo Canhong sounds bad because of its side effects.

After using Hualuo Residual Red, the spirit ring will float like flying flowers. After the battle, the 87th-level Contra was downgraded from the 87th-level Contra to the 63rd-level Spirit emperor. News from then on Nothing, it is really embarrassing. "

  "However, this Hualuo Residual Red has another effect. Under reasonable use, for Wuhun matchers, consumption after decoction can moisturize the spirit ring, and there is a certain chance to evolve the spirit ability.

   This is a miraculous effect that has always been hard to resist. "

   The auctioneer said such a legendary story in the sea.

   Even Su Mutian, who has roughly understood the story lines of Douluo World, is the first time he has heard of it.

   is mainly because the original work is based on Tang San as the theme. It is not easy to write clearly the emotional line of Tang San's Laozi Tang Hao. As for the generation of Tang Chen, it is impossible to think about everything concretely.

   For Su Mutian, it was also the most difficult time to mix, but it was also the easiest time to change everything.

   As soon as this flower fell and the red color appeared, some soul masters stood up suddenly.

   Evolution of spirit abilities, what a temptation this is!

   can make a non-destructive martial soul possess a certain degree of offensiveness, or increase the characteristics of martial soul.

   The Oscar, who was infuriated by the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, was not just uneasy, so he went out to practice alone, and then obtained the Mirror Beast Soul Skill before he gained the ability to protect himself, which proved himself.

   To be reasonable, among the Seven Shrek Monsters, with the exception of Tang San and Xiao Wu, Su Mutian admired Oscars.

Dai Mubai, the white tiger with evil eyes of Wuhun, the offspring of Baihu; Ning Rongrong, one of the three sects of Qibao Liulizong sect princess, martial arts is inherently excellent; Ma Hongjun, although people are not reliable, but Wuhun is a mutant fire phoenix Zhu Zhuqing, the daughter of the nobles, can be in the lofty family of the Star Luo Empire where the strong is respected, the martial arts must not be too bad.

   Only Oscars, orphans adopted by Flanders since childhood, can become monster-level people, mostly relying on their own efforts and talents, and they are less likely to have a genetic relationship.

   If you use Su Mutian's previous experience of reading novels, talents like Oscar are the traditional protagonists.

  屌丝 counterattacks, no family, no background, orphans start, hippie smiley and humorous yet connotation...

   Su Mutian feels inferior.

   Tang San should also feel inferior.

   We damn, I'm all powerful, powerful and stinky people.

   Pulled away, back to the topic.

   is still far from the Shrek Seven Monsters.

   Although this Hualuo Canhong has a good effect, Su Mutian doesn't need it for the time being.

   risked the loose ring to experiment with this evolution, am I crazy?


   Su Mutian covered his palm with a black robe, and secretly tweeted his white sword.

   It's okay to try, right?

   You give it away!

   I don't have a soul ring! How do you go? !

   But in the next second, Su Mutian felt ashamed in his pocket.

   "Forty thousand golden soul coins!"


   Su Mutian almost sprayed out.

   40,000 gold soul coins!

  I need a copy of Twenty-Four Bridges and Mingyueye to save money...

   Give Bo Saixi a piece of jade, where can I teach blowjob...

   Tell the truth, UU reading www.uukānshu. com 40,000 gold soul coins are not many for large households.

   But I think back to the Notting City blacksmiths of the Heaven Dou Empire who lived a life with a silver soul coin every month.

   A bowl of noodles cost two copper coins. Their lives are really not easy.

  Thinking so, Su Mutian felt that it was a shameless act to squander gold coins.

   By the way, by the way, the financial system of Douluo Mainland:

One gold soul coin is equal to ten silver soul coins is equal to one hundred copper soul coins.


   Front row.

   Su Mutian never thought that Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu were in the Haizhi Exchange.

   Both of them wore black masks.

   "Fifty thousand gold soul coins!" Tang Chen increased the price without hesitation.

   Qian Daoliu said depressed: "Brother Tang Chen, you and I are the limits of this world, what do you want the flowers to do? It is harmful and not beneficial!"

   Tang Chen shook his head: "Qian Daoliu, you don't understand."

   "Why don't I understand?"

   Qian Daoliu said, "It's nothing more than the last time you told me in the Seagod Island Prison. You want to manipulate the spirit ring in order to seek the power to reach the gods."

   "If you know, you still ask?" Tang Chen cast a blank look at Qian Daoliu.

   Qian Daoliu said again: "Brother Tang Chen, I know you are arrogant, but please listen to my advice. God's power cannot be touched by humans."


   The other party obviously also has a special liking for this flower and red, clinging to it, and shouting:

   "One hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

   directly block all those who still have ideas about this fairy product.

   One hundred thousand gold soul coins, plus a little more, it is enough to buy ten thousand years soul orc mermaid.