
Douluo: Glory of the Sun Moon Empire

THIS IS A TRANSLATION! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GoldenDragonKing (100 chapters ahead of "DGSL - English"). ... PS: This work is the timeline of the Peerless Tang Sect! ... Xu Zihuang, the son of a prince of the Sun Moon Empire, was exiled abroad for the rest of his life due to the change of the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire. From there the memories of his previous life are awakened. In addition to despair, there is also a turning point. His father's subordinates tried their best to rescue him and he was finally able to escape. Xu Zihuang secretly accumulated power, step by step, seized the position of emperor of the Sun Moon Empire, and unified the world. He wants to make all living things submit, be they humans or spirit beasts, in order to become the sole master of the world. ...

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Chapter 33 - Fifth Tier Soul Guiding Device

Currently in Chapter 134 in PATREON

DGSL - English



However, Shui Jixi, who was sitting on the couch in the VIP room right now, was just another extreme compared to the pitiful image she had shown before.

Slender, beautiful legs beneath a white chiffon skirt intertwined, and her glittering wrists stretched out to support her blemish-free chin.

It's just that the expression on her face is very cold now, like ice for thousands of years, and there is still a bit of resentment in her aqua-blue eyes.

She glanced sideways through the amethyst wall, taking in the auction center below.

"Hmph! It's been a good month, Viscount Yuenan."

This is the first time she has tasted such an unforgettable sense of frustration from a man continuously, ever since she met Yao Yang five years ago, she has been getting vaguely close to Yao Yang.

It is not out of admiration for Yao Yang, but Yao Yang's status and strength can make him feel profitable. In the past five years, she even went so far as to pretend to be a white lotus, only to have Yao Yang contact her.

Shui Qianqian looked at Shui Jixi's cold eyes, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but gently persuade:

"Aunt, stop, if you continue like this, there will be no results, we silverfin pirates, although we are the weakest group, we also occupy an Island, we don't need to be related to that Viscount Yuenan."

"Qianqian, you don't understand, you should know that Yueshu Island's tax revenue is at least three times that of our Yuexuan Island."

"Yueshu Island is the richest island of the Yuenan Islands," Shui Jixi's cold eyes instantly disappeared, and she changed to the soft and weak gaze from before, stroking Shui Qianqian's delicate and fair cheeks.

"Appearance is the best capital for us, you have to learn to use it slowly and take advantage of men."

"If it wasn't for that bitch Zhu Yao hindering me these years, I would have done what I wanted with him."

"This way, think about it, will we still have to pay for the millennial Evil Spirit Orca in this auction?"

Shui Qianqian was speechless for a while, she felt that she had a serious conflict with this aunt's three points of view, but thinking that she is the eldest of her, it is not easy to refute her again.

"Hey," with a soft sigh, she had no choice but to hold back her emotions and looked towards the auction center below.

But what they didn't know was that Xu Zihuang and the other two in the upper VIP room on the other side had a bird's eye view of their every move.

"Hmph," Yao Yang stood in front of the glass wall and smiled, and at the same time warned Xu Zihuang next to him: "Zihuang, you will inevitably have such a woman around you in the future, you should pay more attention in the future." future."

Xu Zihuang smiled slightly and nodded without saying a word, relying on the keen observation skills brought by the Golden Eyes martial spirit, in fact, he was able to see the inconsistency of that Shui Jixi woman from the very beginning.

At this time, a maid has brought the first batch of this auction on a tray.

Standing on the podium as the host of the auction, Zhu Yao smiled and bowed to everyone present, and then began to present auction items to them.

"I think everyone has received the news from our Yueshu auction house. Today's auction is extraordinary. So I won't talk nonsense."

"The first item in this auction is a fifth level soul guiding device, the invincible shield."

"The starting price is 100,000 gold soul coins, and you can bid for the auction after five minutes, and each increase must not be less than 500 gold soul coins."

Although Zhu Yao's introduction was very short, the four words of the invincible shield alone were enough to make the bidders in the audience excited.

Invincible Shield, this type of soul guide is developed based on an extremely rare soul skill, the invincible golden body.

A special gold stringer from the Sun Moon Empire is needed as a medium. With the injection of the central magic circle, the invincible shield can instantly burst the energy on the golden stringer to generate a strong defense.

The so-called invincibility is, of course, relative.

The lowest level of the invincible shield is the fifth level soul guide, that is, at least the soul power of the soul king level can be activated.

The fifth-level invincible shield can block the attack of any soul master below the Spirit Douluo level for three seconds.

At level six invincible shield, even a Title Douluo's ordinary attacks can be defended for up to three seconds.

As for the invincible shield above level seven, it is extremely rare. The value is not above a ten-thousand-year-old piece of spirit bone of excellent quality.

After all, a soul bone can only improve itself, but having a level 7 invincible shield can be called an extra life.

A soul tool like the invincible shield is a treasure that saves lives at some point.

Just like the milk bottle that can quickly replenish the soul master's soul power, it is listed as the soul master's favorite soul tool, and the supply exceeds the demand.

However, the shortcomings of the invincible shield are also obvious.

The first is the high price, although the production of the invincible shield itself is not too difficult, the production of the gold spar is extremely small.

The more advanced the invincible shield, the higher the quality of the gold mast required.

More importantly, regardless of level, the invincibility shield is a one-time consumable.

After using it, the golden mast inside would immediately explode, and even the soul tool with the invincible shield would be damaged, thus this is not something ordinary soul masters can afford.

In comparison, the soul guidance shields used by the members of the Dragon Soul Imperial Corps when facing the group of Evil Spirit Orca were much more affordable.

When Xu Zihuang saw this batch, his mood did not fluctuate in any way.

Not only because he had seen the information about the ten items in this auction before, but in fact, this five-level invincible shield was made by the people of the Imperial Dragon Soul Corps.

High-level soul engineers never worry about money, because selling a soul tool can earn hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins.

It was said before that the Imperial Dragon Soul Corps was short of money, it was better to say that it lacked those precious rare metals.

Among high-level soul engineers, the main rare metals are hard currency.

Soon, the price of this fifth-level invincible shield quickly skyrocketed to 200,000 soul gold coins and was finally photographed by the leader of the purple snake pirate group at a price of 250,000 soul gold coins.

In the Yuenan Islands, which are far away from the mainland of the Sun Moon Empire, these five-level invincible shields are definitely rare.

The subsequent auctions were basically all kinds of soul guides made by the internal staff of the Imperial Dragon Soul Corps.

Of course, the various soul guides up for auction are the ones that don't involve core technology.

Xu Zihuang has been watching with cold eyes, to be honest, he was born into an imperial family, so he has a better perception.

Perhaps in the eyes of those bidders, these are all high-quality soul tools, but to Xu Zihuang, they can only be said to be mediocre.

But when it's auctioned off the seventh item, the Nine Thousand Year Old Great White Shark Head Fish Oil, he took the initiative to ask Yao Yang to help him participate in the auction.

The fish oil on the head of the Great White Shark has the effect of nourishing the meridians and nourishing spiritual power.

Even with Xu Zihuang's status back then, he could barely get in contact with treasures of that level.

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Currently in Chapter 134 in PATREON

DGSL - English


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