
Douluo: Glory of the Sun Moon Empire

THIS IS A TRANSLATION! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GoldenDragonKing (100 chapters ahead of "DGSL - English"). ... PS: This work is the timeline of the Peerless Tang Sect! ... Xu Zihuang, the son of a prince of the Sun Moon Empire, was exiled abroad for the rest of his life due to the change of the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire. From there the memories of his previous life are awakened. In addition to despair, there is also a turning point. His father's subordinates tried their best to rescue him and he was finally able to escape. Xu Zihuang secretly accumulated power, step by step, seized the position of emperor of the Sun Moon Empire, and unified the world. He wants to make all living things submit, be they humans or spirit beasts, in order to become the sole master of the world. ...

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Chapter 30 - Auction House

Currently in Chapter 130 in PATREON

DGSL - English



During the conversation between Xu Zihuang and Qing Mu, everyone unconsciously entered the downtown area of Yueshu City, which is the central and most prosperous area of Yueshu City.

All kinds of tall buildings are everywhere, but compared to Mingdu, where Xu Zihuang lived for a long time, it lacks the metallic cold feeling.

All kinds of retro and complicated buildings give people an ancient feeling.

Especially the huge bell tower with a height of almost 100 meters not far away, judging from the traces left on its surface, it has a history of at least hundreds of years.

The bell rang, and a group of white doves on top of the clock tower became alarmed.

And Xu Zihuang also stopped in front of a strange circular building.

This circular building occupies an extremely large area, with a diameter of at least 500 meters, and the highest point is more than 80 meters. Even in this city center, there are few buildings that can compare with it.

And this is still in the center of the city of Yueshu City, where every inch of land is precious, which shows the profound background behind it.

In fact, this is the case, this is the Yueshu Auction House, and the owner behind this Yueshu Auction House is the nominal owner of the Yuenan Islands, Viscount Yao Yang.

This is also the previously agreed upon meeting place for Xu Zihuang and Wang Xiao.

The gate of the Yueshu auction house is also semicircular, and like the general building of the auction house, it is presented in platinum.

There were several tall, welcoming girls standing in front of the door.

These girls were obviously carefully selected, not only were they around 1.75 meters tall, but they were also extremely well-proportioned.

Although it cannot be called a character, the beautiful appearance and the warm youthful atmosphere are still very attractive.

In addition, there is also a group of soldiers with platinum armor and spears on both sides, and Xu Zihuang clearly felt the fluctuation of the soul power of these soldiers.

The soul power cultivation of these soldiers is almost the same as his, and they are all around level 20.

It seems that this is the Yueshu City Guard Big Brother Yang was talking about.

Xu Zihuang knew this well, and as several welcoming girls stepped forward, he directly took out the crescent-shaped white jade token that he had worn earlier from the soul guide ring on his left index finger.

Seeing this token, the girls' faces instantly changed, and several people exchanged a few words in a low voice, one of them quickly entered the auction room, and the others bowed slightly to Xu Zihuang and others in fear.

"Gentlemen, please come with us." Walking into the auction house hall, there is not a glowing feeling.

The floor is milky white marble and the surrounding walls are decorated with various reliefs, it looks simple and bright, very elegant.

In addition to the reliefs, there are also some building windows mounted on the wall, showing some crystalline or brightly colored rare metals, and there are also many well-made soul guides.

These are the lowest-level auction items that cannot be put on the table, and the prices are below 1,000 gold soul coins.

Many well-dressed photographers comment on posing in the lobby as if they could satisfy their own vanity.

At this moment, a flurry of crisp footsteps came from the stairs at the end of the hall.

A seductive woman in a tight purple dress looked around her towards the staircase, and her eyes finally fell on Xu Zihuang and others who had just entered the hall.

"Why did Principal Zhu come here in person?"

Seeing the person who came, everyone talked a lot, with amazement on their faces.

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, Principal Zhu gracefully walked in front of Xu Zihuang.

From a distance, Xu Zihuang noticed that Principal Zhu is much taller than the girls who greeted him at the gate, standing almost 1.8 meters tall and she didn't seem to be more than twenty-five years old.

Her long black hair was coiled from left to right, her skin was like the most exquisite white porcelain, and her beautiful face was dignified yet charming, there is a strong sense of contrast.

But what worried Xu Zihuang the most was that the girl's eyes, like autumn water, were actually dark purple like his.

Principal Zhu showed Xu Zihuang a beguiling smile, and then she intimately placed her hand on Xu Zihuang's shoulder.

When Meng Lang, who was behind Xu Zihuang, saw Principal Zhu approaching Xu Zihuang, he subconsciously became alert.

And when she reached out to touch Xu Zihuang's shoulder, he was ready to directly stop her.

Not only because of surveillance, but also because of dissatisfaction with Principal Zhu.

What is the identity of the young master, is it something that people like you can easily touch?

"Don't be reckless!" Qing Mu grabbed Meng Lang's right hand and stopped him with soul power transmission.

"This is Viscount Yuenan's territory, think about the relationship between Viscount Yuenan and the young master."

Hearing these words, Meng Lang showed a thoughtful look on his face and then slowly relaxed his clenched right hand.

Principal Zhu did not notice the small movements between the two and seemed to be completely focused on Xu Zihuang.

"The lord of the city has been waiting for a long time, let me take you there."

Xu Zihuang looked at Principal Zhu, who was too close to him with a strange expression and muttered in his heart.

'I don't know what Big Brother Yang said, besides, the relationship between Principal Zhu and Big Brother Yang may be unusual.'

With the Golden Eyes martial spirit, he can clearly see the subtle changes in the depths of Principal Zhu's eyes.

Especially when the city lord, that is, Yao Yang, is mentioned, deep affection cannot be hidden.

Xu Zihuang greeted Meng Lang and the others behind him, and silently followed Principal Zhu, and every time she moved her eyes to him, she would gently smile at him.

There is a great feeling of loving a house and a bird.

And the group of "cheerful" and "pointing at Jiangshan" photographers in the corridor couldn't look away after everyone left.

"This is the son of that family again, and the city lord was able to receive him in person?"

"It's not just an interview. Haven't you heard Principal Zhu say that the city lord has been waiting for a long time? What is the identity of this young master to make the city lord wait?"


Follow the gold sandalwood stairs deep down the hallway to the second-floor hallway.

The number of photographers here is much less than meets the eye.

Connecting the lobby on the second floor is a series of corridors extremely covered with carpets made from the skins of various spirit beasts, and precious flowers can be seen everywhere.

There are even some plant-type souled animal water lilies that can soothe your nerves, lying peacefully in the clear glass containers on either side.

Principal Zhu led Xu Zihuang and others into a corridor with ease and listened to their introduction. Every hallway here is connected to a VIP room.

However, there are only six superior lounges.

Just as Principal Zhu stopped and was about to continue talking to Xu Zihuang, the smile on her face instantly froze, she raised her head and looked directly at the entrance to the VIP room on the other side.

Xu Zihuang silently followed Principal Zhu's gaze and saw two blue-haired girls who were somewhat similar in appearance.

The youngest seemed to be around twelve or thirteen years old, while the oldest was almost equal in age to Principal Zhu and looked at Principal Zhu with soft blue eyes without showing any weakness.

In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to Principal Zhu at all, but compared to the powerful Principal Zhu, this blue-haired woman has a kind of pitiful look.

"Big sister Zhu," the blue-haired girl greeted Principal Zhu in a flattering manner.

"It turns out to be Sister Shui, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you in person."

"After all, I still have important business to bring a distinguished guest to see the city lord."

"It seems that someone wants to see the city lord today, but hasn't seen him yet?"

Principal Zhu's eyes were slightly cold, and she then seemed to think of something, and she proactively responded outside of her usual routine, it just that there is an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth.

Xu Zihuang felt two scorching gazes on him suddenly, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

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Currently in Chapter 130 in PATREON

DGSL - English


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