
Douluo Empress system[HIATUS]

I reincarnated in the DOULUO world, but I am on a different weak continent, and I got an empress system. // Main Mission: Global domination Requirement 1 - Become a god Requirement 2 - Your empire is the sole remaining empire Requirement 3 - ??? Complete first 2 requirements to obtain access to this requirement’s information. \\

LeonardLunsford · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Three years later...

After the wolves left, Valencia was still looking at the mission screen in disappointment. "The wolf leader killed the man in one strike, which means he is possibly a 10,000-year beast. How am I supposed to subdue a 10,000-year beast with 14 level power."

Valencia went back to the cave, except this time, she went all the way to the end. There were some stones glowing in the cave, and she cautiously touched the stone. When she touched the stone, a ding sound was followed by a screen popping up.

// The host has found a spirit stone. Awarding Spirit stone devouring technique//

Suddenly a surge of information went to Valencia and she learned how to extract the spirit power present in the stones.

"Huh, spirit stones, there weren't any in Soul land, it seems that this place has some differences."

Regardless, Valencia got a stone and sat down. The stone was floating between her hands and she started absorbing the stone's spirit power. Valencia did this for a few days, only taking small breaks to find some berries to eat in the forest. She was thankful for all the survival shows she watched in her previous life, or else, she might have died from poisoning. A week later, the stone completely lost its glow and Valencia looked at her status.

// Status:

Name: Valencia Ekaria

Current occupation: Princess of Ekarian Kingdom

Title: "Sole survivor of the Ekarian Kingdom"

Spirit power - 14.5

Age - 6

Spirit: Ekarian Lotus (+)


First Soul skill - Blooming Petals (400 yrs)

Spirit stone devouring technique (elementary) //

Valencia was happy with the increase in soul power, built felt that it was little, so she continued this process for a year. All Valencia did for a year was use the cultivation method to absorb the power of spirit stones, aside from eating.

// Status:

Name: Valencia Ekaria

Current occupation: Princess of Ekarian Kingdom

Title: "Sole survivor of the Ekarian Kingdom"

Spirit power- 20

Age - 7

Spirit: Ekarian Lotus (+)


First Soul skill - Blooming Petals (400 yrs)

Spirit stone devouring technique (elementary) //

//Hostess has reached lv. 20 spirit power, awarding god-given soul ring//

Valencia was very happy, she was getting her second spirit ring.

"Start Absorption process"

Valencia's body faced huge pressure, and it even cracked the stone slab she was sitting on. The pressure grew stronger over time, and this time she fainted, but she lasted longer under the pressure. After some time passed, Valencia woke up and heard a few dings!

// Hostess has gotten a second spirit ring (864 yrs)

Soul skill - Lotus Shield//

// System bonus applied: All previous rings will get an extra half of the preceding soul ring. //

// 1st soul upgraded by 432 years. 400 yrs --->832 yrs //

Valencia was over the moon, not only did she get her second soul skill, but she also strengthened her first soul ring. The lotus appeared in front of her and this time, it radiated a stronger spirit power, its leaves were more vibrant and it had a pattern of inscriptions on the tips of each leaf.

She called out her status to see the increase in soul power.

// Status:

Name: Valencia Ekaria

Current occupation: Princess of Ekarian Kingdom

Title: "Sole survivor of the Ekarian Kingdom"

Spirit power- 24

Age - 7

Spirit: Ancient Ekarian Lotus (+)


First Soul skill - Blooming Petals (832 yrs)

Second Soul skill - Lotus Shield (864 yrs)

Spirit stone devouring technique (elementary) //

Her soul power increased by 4 levels, and Valencia noticed that her spirit had evolved from "Ekarian Lotus" to "Ancient Ekarian Lotus."

Valencia was motivated by the increase in strength but she felt that it was still not enough to subdue the wolves, so she went back to the cave and started doing this again.


1 year later...

Valencia had already made it to level 27, but it was harder to break through levels as more spirit power was needed.

On this day, Valencia was practicing as usual when she heard a ding.

// Enough experience has been achieved towards the Spirit Stone devouring technique, mastery of technique progressed from elementary to proficient. //

Valencia was happy, and as she continued absorbing the power from the spirit stones, she noticed that the speed of her absorbing the spirit power got 4 times faster.

After 2 more months, Valencia was at level 30, and she started the process of absorbing the god-given soul ring again.

The pressure came, but she persisted, and after it became unbearable, she fainted.

When she woke up, a few screens appeared in front of her.

// Hostess has gotten a third spirit ring (1724 yrs)

Soul skill - Crimson Lotus //

// System bonus applied: All previous rings will get an extra half of the preceding soul ring. //

// 1st soul circle upgraded by 862 years. 832 yrs --->1694 yrs //

// 2nd soul circle upgraded by 862 years. 864 yrs --->1726 yrs //

// Status:

Name: Valencia Ekaria

Current occupation: Princess of Ekarian Kingdom

Title: "Sole survivor of the Ekarian Kingdom"

Spirit power- 33

Age - 8

Spirit: Ancient Ekarian Lotus (+)


First Soul skill - Blooming Petals (1694 yrs)

Second Soul skill - Lotus Shield (1726 yrs)

Third Soul skill - Crimson Lotus (1724 yrs)

Spirit stone devouring technique (proficient) //

When Valencia saw her lotus, it had looked more majestic, and all her spirit rings were purple. She thought of the wolves, and still had no confidence in subduing them, but she felt a little bit more confident. Valencia thought that she had some power now, but she had no combat experience. So, she set out of the cave very cautiously and stayed alert. She was walking when the bushes rustled and a snake appeared. The snake had dark green scales and charged towards Valencia. It spat a dark green venom, and Valencia said "Second Soul skill - Lotus shield."

Valencia's spirit rings appeared and the lotus became large and its petals widened, and it formed a semi-sphere barrier around Valencia, and the venom was blocked. The snake, which was charging towards Valencia crashed into the barrier, and the barrier had some cracks, but it did not break. Valencia then used her first soul skill, and the lotus' petals detached from the core, they hardened and flew towards the snake. Valencia felt how she could control the petals flying and of the 8 petals, only 4 hits because she lacked the experience to control the skill. The snake was heavily injured and was bleeding. Valencia took the chance to use her third soul skill to kill the snake. The lotus reappeared, and it started spinning while the core was facing the snake. Then, from the core, a white light beamed and the snake which was blown into pieces from the impact died.

// Host has killed Giant Serpent (2,400 yrs) - Awarding 0.5 soul power//

The snake's corpse withered and all its spirit energy was taken into a sphere floating in front of Valencia. Then the sphere compacted and it became a little bit smaller and more clear. And finally, it flew towards Valencia who quickly absorbed it and felt her power increase.

Satisfied with the new discovery of the system and the increase in her power, Valencia returned back to her cave.

Over the next year, Valencia fought the beasts in the forest and many times she had faced beasts where she was unable to kill them, but she ran back and remembered them. When she grew stronger, she killed. During this time, not only did her soul power increase to 40, she also got a lot of experience in how to use her skills and improved her stamina.

As she was at level 40, the god-given soul skill was awarded by the system again. This time, since her body grew physically stronger, she was able to remain conscious under the pressure for more than quintuple the time she could last time. Valencia woke up again to the screens in front of her face.

// Hostess has gotten a fourth spirit ring (12,000 yrs)

Soul skill - Phrenic lotus //

// System bonus applied: All previous rings will get an extra half of the preceding soul ring.

* Soul circles more than two rings behind the new ring will get a third

*Soul circles more than 3 rings away will get a quarter/ Max 5 ring difference, if more, added bonus is 0 yrs//

// 1st soul circle upgraded by 3,000 years. 1694 yrs --->4694 yrs //

// 2nd soul circle upgraded by 6,000 years. 1726 yrs --->7726 yrs //

// 3rd soul circle upgraded by 6,000 years. 1724 yrs --->7724 yrs //

// Status:

Name: Valencia Ekaria

Current occupation: Princess of Ekarian Kingdom

Title: "Sole survivor of the Ekarian Kingdom"

Spirit power- 43

Age - 9

Spirit: Ancient Ekarian Lotus (+)


First Soul skill - Blooming Petals (4694 yrs)

Second Soul skill - Lotus Shield (7726 yrs)

Third Soul skill - Crimson Lotus (7724 yrs)

Fourth soul skill - Phrenic Lotus (12,000 yrs)

Spirit stone devouring technique (proficient) //

... "Haha, I'm becoming the Tang San of this continent!"

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