
Douluo Dao : Soul Archer: The Bow of Destiny

In the world of Douluo, Feng Xuan is reborn with a rare and powerful martial soul, the Golden Bow Vijaya, a legacy intertwined with ancient myths and celestial prowess. Guided by Shivarjuna, a mentor from the epic Mahabharata, Feng Xuan embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery, rigorous training, and epic battles. Driven by a thirst to uncover the secrets of his reincarnated heritage, Feng Xuan navigates a realm where martial arts prowess and spiritual enlightenment reign supreme. As he harnesses the celestial energies of his Golden Bow, he embarks on a quest to master its unique abilities, testing his resolve against formidable adversaries and ancient mysteries that threaten the balance of Douluo. Along his journey, Feng Xuan allies with familiar faces from the Douluo Dalu universe—companions who share his quest for mastery and stand with him through triumph and adversity. Together, they forge unbreakable bonds, facing challenges that test their strength, honor, and loyalty. As Feng Xuan confronts the shadows of his past and embraces the destiny laid before him, he discovers the true essence of his martial soul and the legacy it carries. Through epic battles and soul-stirring revelations, he unveils the interconnectedness of his past life and his present existence, shaping his identity as a hero destined to transcend the boundaries of legend.

Grategoku · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Bibi Dong's Thoughts

In the grand hall of the Spirit Hall, where Bibi Dong, the Supreme Pontiff, sits on her throne. Yue Guan (Chrysanthemum Douluo) and Gui Mei (Ghost Douluo) stand before her, respectfully awaiting her command.

Chrysanthemum Douluo directly reported to Supreme Pontiff after meeting Feng Xuan. He also had checked condition of Feng Xuan through spirit power which was detected by Shivarjuna but it was not malicious so he didn't warn Feng Xuan.

Bibi Dong gazing thoughtfully asked Yue Guan,

"A bow martial spirit... How does it compare to more conventional martial spirits, like swords or spears?"

Yue Guan replied thoughtfully, "The bow martial spirit offers distinct advantages. It allows for long-range attacks, keeping opponents at a distance. Moreover, it requires precision and skill, traits that can be honed to an extraordinary degree. In the right hands, it can be as deadly as any close-combat weapon."

Leaning forward, Bibi Dong inquired, "And what of its weaknesses?"

Gui Mei nodded, his voice low. "The primary drawback is its reliance on distance. If an opponent closes the gap, the bow becomes less effective. However, with the right spirit abilities and tactics, a skilled archer can mitigate this weakness, creating barriers or using evasion techniques to maintain range."

"This seat asked you to take bow martial spirit child to spirit hall but you come without him. How can you explain it? Does my order nothing to you?" asked Bibi Dong to Yue Guan.

Yue Guan hesitated before speaking. "Your Holiness, I approached Feng Xuan with an offer to join us. However, he has respectfully declined to join the Spirit Hall at this moment. He expressed a desire to continue his current path but indicated he might consider joining us in the future."

Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed. "I see. And what reasons did he give for his decision?"

Yue Guan chose his words carefully. "He believes he still has much to learn on his own and wishes to explore his abilities further before committing to any organization. He holds our institution in high regard and did not dismiss the idea entirely, suggesting he would be open to aligning with us later."

Bibi Dong asked "Interesting. And what spirit abilities has this Feng Xuan demonstrated?"

Yue Guan said with smile " I have not seen demonstration of his spirit skill because he have yet to attached ring but I had scanned his physic through my spirit power. His physic power is as high as spirit master, while his soul power is at tenth level. So I think he can overpower spirit master without even attaching ring. So he is promising child."

Bibi Dong said with nodding in approval" A formidable child indeed. He can rival spirit master at spirit scholar level, this level of talent is worthy to join spirit hall."

Bibi Dong leaned back, contemplating. "It is not uncommon for young talents to seek their own path. His independence could be a sign of strength. Ensure that we maintain a positive relationship with him. Let him know that the doors of the Spirit Hall are always open to him."

Yue Guan bowed. "Of course, Your Holiness. I will continue to monitor his progress and maintain contact. I believe he will see the benefits of joining us when the time is right."

Bibi Dong's smile slightly widened. "Very well. Keep a close watch on him. Offer him assistance when he needs it, but do not press too hard. His decision to join us must come willingly. His unique abilities would greatly enhance our strength."

Gui Mei nodded. "I will ensure that our interactions with him are subtle yet persuasive. His eventual allegiance will be invaluable."

Yue Guan, with confidence, stated, "As you command, Your Holiness. I will see to it personally."

Bibi Dong, sitting back with satisfaction, concluded, "Good. The Spirit Hall must remain the strongest force in the land. Every unique talent we acquire only strengthens our position. Do not fail me in this, Yue Guan, Gui Mei."

After Yue Guan and Gui Mei left the grand hall, Bibi Dong remained seated on her throne, her mind consumed with a mixture of old grudges and new strategies. The grand hall felt colder as she delved into the depths of her thoughts.

The Elder Hall. How she despised them. Her hatred for them was not merely professional but deeply personal, rooted in her animosity towards Qian Xunji, the former Supreme Pontiff. Xunji had wronged her in ways that had scarred her soul and shaped her unyielding determination to seize control. His legacy lingered in the Elder Hall, with its members clinging to outdated traditions and undermining her authority.

"Xunji," she thought with a bitter taste in her mouth, "you and your cronies have haunted me for far too long. The Elder Hall's continued interference is a testament to your lingering poison."

Her fingers tightened around the armrest as she contemplated her next move. But now, a potential solution presented itself in the form of Feng Xuan, a young spirit master with a unique bow martial spirit. His refusal to join immediately did not deter her; instead, it provided an opportunity to mould him into a powerful ally.

"Feng Xuan," she mused silently, "you could become my sharpest arrow, aimed directly at the heart of those who oppose me."

The thought of using Feng Xuan against the Elder Hall brought a cold, calculating smile to her lips. His independence, his rare martial spirit, and his untapped potential made him a perfect tool to disrupt the power structures that had long been a thorn in her side.

"If I can win his loyalty," she contemplated, "he could become a key player in my plans. His precision and his power at a distance make him an ideal weapon."

Bibi Dong's mind raced with possibilities. She needed to play the long game, ensuring that Feng Xuan's development aligned with her goals. She would offer him support, resources, and subtle guidance, all while keeping a careful watch on his growth and allegiances.

"He must see the Spirit Hall not as a monolith, but as a dynamic force led by someone who understands true power and innovation," she thought. "I will nurture his abilities, and when the time is right, he will strike precisely where I need him to."

Her hatred for the Elder Hall fuelled her resolve. Every manoeuvre, every decision, would be aimed at consolidating her power and eliminating the obstacles in her path. Feng Xuan, with his rare martial spirit and potential for greatness, would be a significant part of that strategy.

As Bibi Dong rose from her throne, her thoughts lingered not only on the Elder Hall and Feng Xuan but also on another figure from her past—Yu Xiaogang. The name brought a rush of conflicting emotions, memories of both tenderness and betrayal.

"Yu Xiaogang," she thought, her expression softening momentarily before hardening again. He had once been her greatest love, the person she had trusted and admired above all others. But life had driven a wedge between them, their paths diverging in ways that had left deep scars.

Yu Xiaogang, with his unparalleled intellect and theoretical knowledge of spirit cultivation, had inspired her during her formative years. He had given her hope and dreams of a different future. But the realities of the Spirit Hall and her own ambitions had ultimately driven them apart. His inability to gain power, his perceived weakness, had disappointed her deeply.

"Xiaogang," she murmured to herself, "you were the light in my darkest times, but also a reminder of what I could never afford to be—weak."

Her thoughts turned back to the present. She could not allow her emotions to cloud her judgment. The Spirit Hall demanded strength, decisiveness, and ruthlessness. Sentimentality had no place in her plans.

"Perhaps," she considered, "there is a lesson in our past. Feng Xuan, with his potential, must be cultivated with care but also with clear expectations. I cannot afford to let personal feelings interfere with my vision for the Spirit Hall."

She saw in Feng Xuan an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past. With Feng Xuan, she could nurture his potential without the hindrance of emotional entanglement. She would ensure he became the weapon she needed, sharp and unyielding.

"Xiaogang was a chapter in my life," she resolved, "but he is not my future. Feng Xuan and nana, on the other hand, represents a new beginning, a new tool in my arsenal against those who oppose me."

As she walked out of the grand hall, Bibi Dong's thoughts were clear and focused. She would use every resource at her disposal to strengthen her position and eliminate her enemies. The lessons of the past had taught her well, and she would not repeat her mistakes.

With Feng Xuan's potential and her unyielding resolve, she would solidify her power within the Spirit Hall and beyond. The future was hers to shape, and she would do so with precision and determination, leaving no room for the weaknesses that had once plagued her heart.

"Patience," she reminded herself. "He must come to us willingly, understanding the value and vision I offer. And when he does, he will be the sharpest arrow in my quiver, ready to be unleashed upon those who dare to oppose me."

With a final, satisfied nod, Bibi Dong rose from her throne. The pieces were in place, and she would ensure that each one moved according to her design. Feng Xuan's potential would be realized, and her dominance over the Spirit Hall—and her triumph over the Elder Hall—would be assured.