
hapter 312: Xu Tianchen's fear

When he came to Mingdu during his trip, Ye Chen had another important reason besides obtaining the Soul Guidance Device technology of the Sun-Moon Empire at the request of Mr. Mu, Dragon Valley.

After all, the task of spying on the Advanced Soul Guidance Device could be completed by Huo Yuhao alone. When Princess Jiujiu said that the person who provided the dragon eggs with fire attributes had a strong Mingdu accent. This is what made Ye Chen determined to come here.

Xu Tianchen, as a member of the Sun-Moon Empire, has been in Mingdu for so many years, maybe he will know some news?

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Xu Tianchen said with a weird face: "Special place? You don't want to go to that kind of place. I didn't expect you to be so good..."

The tone was full of contempt and disbelief.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched a few times, and he said angrily: "It's not a special place. I mean, is there a place near Mingdu that is naturally formed, difficult to understand by common sense, and cannot be explained by current technology? You. Don't think too much, I'm not that kind of person."

Ye Chen's explanation was already very detailed. Xu Tianchen was speechless, and then he realized that he would be wrong: "Excuse me, there are many people like this around me, so I subconsciously think about it."

Ye Chen waved his hand nonchalantly, as long as he could get clues to Longgu, these were nothing.

Xu Tianchen lowered his head in thought, with a little hesitation between his eyebrows. After seeing this scene, Ye Chen cried out in his heart.

If you don't know something, the other party can deny it directly, instead of the current reaction

Sure enough, after hesitating for a long time, Xu Tianchen slowly said: "Weird place, according to your description, I know a place, but it's not near Mingdu."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up and said, "Can you tell me more about it?"

That person had a Mingdu accent, which didn't mean that Dragon Valley must be near Mingdu, and it could be placed within the entire Sun-Moon Empire.

And even if it is not within the scope of the Sun-Moon Empire, Ye Chen is not surprised, after all, there are no regulations on the mainland, and Mingdu people cannot travel to other countries.

But that was the worst result, meaning that all the known clues were invalidated, and everything had to be restarted.

At Yechen's request, Xu Tianchen continued to preach: "That place is located in the westernmost part of our country, in a mountain range near the sea. Because of its hidden location, not many people know about it. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would definitely not. I would believe that such a place actually exists on the mainland."

Having said this, Xu Tianchen paused, with lingering fears in his tone: "You already know that my martial soul has the light attribute, and on the mainland, the light attribute soul beast is very rare."

Ye Chen nodded. For a light attribute spirit master, sometimes it really depends on luck to obtain a spirit ring. He and Bei Bei and others are already lucky.

"That mountain range is called the Starry Night Mountain Range. In order to obtain the fourth spirit ring, I searched all the famous soul beast settlements in the empire, but did not find a suitable target. In desperation, I could only hide from my family and bring a few My confidant went to the Starry Night Mountains to try his luck, but he did not expect to see the scene that scared me the most in my life."

Having said this, Xu Tianchen seemed to recall something unbearable, and the fear in his expression made no secret of it.

Seeing this, Liu Yaxuan held his palm and stroked it gently. Although he felt sorry for Xu Tianchen, he did not interrupt him due to his gentle personality.

Ye Chen didn't interrupt either. He knew that this had already involved the other party's pain, so the specifics depended on Xu Tianchen's own choice.

Xu Tianchen took a long breath and decided to tell the story: "It was in a relatively flat forest in the hinterland of the Starry Night Mountains. To this day, when I think of that forest, there are only two words, weird."

"The Starry Night Mountain Range is full of vigorous scenes, and there are even many ten thousand year old soul beasts haunted. The reason why the forest is weird is that the scene inside is completely different from the outside world. Less than a bit of life."

"All the vegetation has withered, and weirdly formed a regular circle, no soul beast dared to approach the location of the boundary. At the beginning, there were a dozen people in our party, and it was almost the instant when we stepped into it. More than half of the people shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually became corpses. That scene..."

Having said this, Xu Tianchen did not continue to speak, the whole person's state appeared very disturbed, and the hands held by Liu Yaxuan also trembled slightly.

After listening to his explanation, Ye Chen's heart was already full of turbulent waves.

Xu Tianchen may not understand what happened, but Ye Chen has a preliminary judgment.

There should be something in the withered forest that instantly absorbed the vitality of those entourages, and then what Xu Tianchen had seen appeared.

And listening to this, it doesn't seem to be a sign of the existence of the Dragon Valley entrance, it's more like some kind of evil thing, or the scene when the treasure was born.

Of course, Ye Chen also ruled out Qiankun Wenqing Valley.

To be sure, Qiankun Wenqing Valley is located outside Mingdu, and its location does not match.

Moreover, Qiankun Wenqing Valley trapped people in it to be tested at most, instead of absorbing all their vitality in an instant.

In this way, the three people in the room were completely silent with different thoughts.

After a long time, Xu Tianchen's mood calmed down a lot: "Ye Chen, I don't know what you are asking about these things. The reason why I told them is only for one thing."

Ye Chen let go of his thoughts, looked at Xu Tianchen with scorching eyes, and said, "What?"

"This matter has become my heart demon, and my spirit has stagnated. There are big reasons for it. So, if you want to find that place, you must bring me. It has been two years, I It's also time to come out." Xu Tianchen said firmly.

Ye Chen nodded, if it was exactly what the other party said, he would check it out anyway.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, even if there is no treasure in it, you have to check it out.

The current situation on the mainland is chaotic enough. The Far North and the Star Dou Great Forest are like two tigers sleeping on one side. Once a new situation occurs, Shrek can't handle it at all.

This is no longer a struggle between nations, it has completely risen to the level of race.

Moreover, even if it is truly a treasure or an evil object, it is best to hold it in your own hands. Once it is obtained by the group of evil spirit masters taught by the Holy Spirit, it will be a big trouble.

So I must go there.