
Chapter 529: Zongmen participating

Many students who got up early and passed by here stopped one after another to watch.

It's not that there are no other beauties among the students. The key is that it is not easy to get these beauties together.

Now that I have seen it, of course I have to appreciate it, lest I never see this kind of opportunity again.

However, there was no one who didn't open their eyes to come up to strike up a conversation. After all, the four of them were celebrities in Shrek. These little guys in the outer courtyard still knew how much they were.

In this regard, Ye Chen would not be jealous in their hearts, which only proves that the four girls are too good.

"Nan Nan, I haven't seen you for a few days. I don't dare to stand with you because of how beautiful it feels again." When the girls came, Xu Sanshi rushed to Jiang Nannan's side to show their courtesy.

This made Ye Chen couldn't help but think of a word: lick the dog.

This person Xu Sanshi interprets the word "lick the dog" vividly and vividly.

Xiao Xiao on the side watched the excitement and said, "Senior Brother Xu is very self-aware, knowing that he is not worthy of Sister Nan Nan."

Jiang Nannan gave him a very contemptuous look, and said: "It seems that you used to rely on these rhetoric to trick those girls who stumbled."

Xu Sanshi suddenly became dumb and hurriedly explained: "How come, Nan Nan, you know, I am the only one in my heart."

Ye Chen and Bei Bei smiled and watched the two quarrel. They hadn't seen such a scene for a long time.

Everyone knew that Xiao Xiao was just joking, and of course Xu Sanshi wouldn't really care.

However, through Jiang Nannan's words, Ye Chen found that her attitude towards Xu Sanshi had changed a lot.

It can be seen that Xu Sanshi wants to catch Jiang Nannan, and again is a fantasy.

After Han Yue came here, he also greeted Yechen and the others separately. Although they have not fully integrated into the two years of getting along with Beibei and others, their personality has also changed a lot.

At least unlike when a few people first met, no one except Ye Chen ignored him.

Xu Sanshi was so embarrassed by the second daughter that he kept winking at Ye Chen and beckoning him to save his life.

Ye Chen chuckled helplessly: "It's been a long time since everyone got together and went out to experience together. The last time I encountered this situation, I went to Star City to participate in the competition. More than two years have passed since the time flickered. It's really not easy to get together again."

"That's right." Beibei sighed slightly, and said with some nostalgia: "The past in Xingluo City is still vivid. I believe that when the next competition begins, we will sweep all teams with the momentum of thunder and board again peak."

Everyone nodded one after another, and now everyone's strength has undergone tremendous changes. Even Xiao Xiao, who has the weakest cultivation base, is estimated to have a cultivation base close to the sixth ring after two years.

In the last competition, the sixth ring cultivation was at its peak, but two years later, a few of them were even confident of raising the cultivation to the seventh ring level.

A team with an average strength of more than six rings, if it is placed in the competition, I don't know what kind of **** storm it will cause.

Ye Chen thought of something and said: "Bebe, I heard Grandpa Mu say that the rules of the next competition will change. On the basis of the original rules, the rules that allow the sect to participate in the war have been added. How about you Tang Is the door interested in doing something?"

"Oh?" Beibei said in surprise: "When did it happen, why don't I know?"

"Just a few days ago, Grandpa Mu told me personally that after I saw you, I would ask for your opinion. He said that if Tang Sect wants to be known to the world again, the next competition will be a good opportunity. "Ye Chen said if something happened.

In fact, this was just made up by him himself, and Mr. Mu had never said anything like this to him.

But I believe that as long as Beibei makes a choice, Mr. Mu will never object.

Beibei pondered for a moment and asked, "If this is the case, then I definitely want Tang Sect to appear on the stage facing the entire continent like waiting for the competition, but what if the college is gone without us?"

Others stared at Ye Chen one after another, which was also their concern.

Among the nine people present, except for Ye Chen and Han Yue, all had joined the Tang Sect.

As members of the sect, they all honoured for their own sect. Moreover, with seven people, they just made up enough places for the main players to participate in the competition.

But if they leave, what will the college do?

To be sure, once they compete on behalf of Tang Sect, they will definitely not be able to fight for Shrek.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "What's this? Two years later, our new reserve team should also be trained. Let alone them, I and Han Yue alone will be enough for other teams to drink a pot. , At least for me at the moment, even if the seven of you add up, you may not be able to win."

Everyone agrees with this, Ye Chen is simply a freak, and cannot be treated with common sense.

Looking at the entire continent, the seven of them are absolute geniuses, and they are quite confident in their own strength.

With seven people added up, they have the confidence to defeat all the teams of their peers, of course, except for Ye Chen.

In their eyes, the possibility of defeating Ye Chen is even less than 50%, which shows what kind of "shadow" Ye Chen left in their hearts.

Beibei pondered for a while, and said: "Let's think about it. Anyway, the next competition will start too early. When the time comes, we will think about it, and I will give you an answer."

Ye Chen nodded and smiled: "Then if you decide to compete alone, you should make good use of the next two years to practice hard, otherwise I won't be merciful when the time comes."

Hearing this, Beibei and the others also relaxed: "That's great. When the time comes, we will take all the first and second places in the competition, and we will be angry with the shameless careerists of the Sun Moon Empire. ."

When Bei Bei said this, everyone burst into laughter.

Ye Chen looked at the time and said, "Don't stand here anymore. Let's talk while walking. The time is actually not easy. Let's hurry to the border of the Sun-Moon Empire."

After all, Ye Chen took out the flying soul guide he had previously made in the Sun-Moon Empire. Because he was limited at that time, he could only make a fifth-level soul guide. Now that he has integrated a lot of knowledge, Ye Chen even has a sixth-level soul guide. Seventh-level soul guides can be made, but obviously there is no time.

But these five-level flying soul guides were enough for everyone.

Ye Chen distributed the Flying Soul Guidance to all Beibei, but did not give it to Wang Dong'er and himself. The flight speed of the two of them, Li Yongwu Soul, was completely sufficient, and because they were more proficient, their soul power consumption was less than flying. Consumed by the Soul Guidance Device.

Therefore, there is no need to do it many times...