
Chapter 523: Almost suffocated

Ye Chen continued to explain: "With your current mental power, you can fuse two or three souls at most. Of course, this is because I provide almost all the mental power consumed, but even so, if you want to continue If you replace the spirit ring with the spirit spirit, you must improve your mental power."

Ye Chen didn't worry about her. Now Wang Dong'er's soul is not complete. Even so, her mental power is much higher than that of her peers. If the soul is complemented in the future, she wants to replace the spirit ring with all the spirits. It's not just empty talk.

Maybe Ye Chen resurrected Elder Yi when they waited for the Ninth Ring of the two, and there was no possibility of failure if his old man personally presided over the contract ceremony.

You know, Elder Yi is comparable to the existence of the gods, that is, the special laws of their plane limit his ascension, otherwise he would have become a god.

Seeing Wang Donger's thoughtful appearance, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile: "Okay, Donger, don't think about these things. There must be a way to the mountain. I will find a way. What you have to do now is to do well. To improve your strength, if you return to the Clear Sky School in the future, see if you can ask the two masters a method for cultivating spiritual power."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Wang Dong'er nodded: "Dad father and second father do have mental power cultivation methods. In fact, they forced me to practice when I was a child, but I was too tired to cry and didn't agree. Dad has nothing to do with me, so I can't stop it."

Wang Donger was embarrassed and stuck out his tongue. It was really embarrassing to say this.

Ye Chen was amused for a while, other people couldn't find a way to practice, and she was standing on the shoulders of giants, and she actually disliked this.

This means being in the blessing and not knowing the blessing...

The night was getting deeper, and the two returned directly to their respective residences after returning to the inner courtyard.

Speaking of it, the male and female dormitories in the inner courtyard are still far apart. Before the separation, Wang Donger gave a thousand exhortations that Ye Chen would never bully Qing Yu before leaving.

Her worry is not unreasonable, at least in the town shop near Tiandou City, if it weren't for Wang Dong'er watching, Qing Yu would have almost climbed onto Ye Chen's bedside.

However, although she was worried, she knew Ye Chen's personality and believed that he would never make a mistake.

The fact is that Ye Chen did not make a mistake, but the price was almost suffocated by him.

As soon as I returned to the residence, I found Qingyu's figure. It seems that I had been waiting at the door for a long time. It was nothing at all. The point is that the girl didn't know where to find a maid costume, and the maid costume still had some Exposed, a pair of white long legs were completely exposed to Ye Chen's sight, even because of the small size, even the smooth lower abdomen was exposed, combined with her delicate and affectionate face, almost turned Ye Chen into the wolf of the moon night , Do indescribable things.

Ye Chen had to forcibly mobilize his mental power, but just abandoning the distracting thoughts in his mind, Qing Yu suddenly took him by the arm and took him to the bathroom to bathe and change his clothes, which frightened Ye Chen.

After a lot of evasion, I had to order Qing Yu to go out with a straight face. This trick really worked. The tone of this command made Qing Yu have to leave obediently, but before leaving, I still asked Ye Chen to call her if necessary. , She has been guarding the door.

Helpless, Ye Chen hurriedly solved it with the fastest speed, for fear that if she didn't pay attention, the girl would come in by herself.

It's okay that he has been watched. Ye Chen is mainly worried. When the time comes, he can't help but eat this girl, and the sin will be serious.

After the bath, Qingyu saw Ye Chen look tired, and began to massage Ye Chen again.

No way, Ye Chen saw that he couldn't escape this time, so he could only enjoy it with ignorance of his conscience, but such a big beauty stood in front of him, but he could only see and couldn't touch it.

After tonight, Ye Chen really realized what pain and happiness mean...

Early the next morning, Ye Chen arrived at Beibei's residence in the inner courtyard. Before the other party had left, he had something to discuss with the other party.

This is to give the Tang Clan secret book taken out of the Haotianzong cliff cave to the other party, and secondly, it is to agree on the date of departure to the Sun-Moon Empire.

There is less than a month to go before the holiday, that is to say, less than a month, and Dragon Valley is about to open.

After a total of two people, they decided to start the itinerary in three days.

They each still have some things that need to be handled in these three days, and everyone needs to find out about Tang Ya along the way. If they leave too late, it may not be too late.

Even so, five days before the opening of Dragon Valley, they will arrive at the Skywind City where the entrance is located, so even if they don't find the news, they have to go there in advance, and continue to inquire after the secret is closed.

Beibei and the others have been in the academy for long enough. It's time to go out and change their minds. Sometimes it's a good thing for cultivation to change their minds.

After separating from Beibei, Ye Chen asked him to inform Huo Yuhao, Xu Sanshi and the others, that he himself planned to see Xu Tianchen.

It has been a certain amount of time since he left Mingdu last time. He hasn't gone to say hello to Xu Tianchen, so he also discussed the next plan by the way.

He hadn't forgotten that Xu Tianran asked him to leave Mingdu as usual. If it weren't for the terrifying ability of his third spirit ability to reverse time and space, he would definitely have accounted for it in the imperial city.

This enmity will be reported sooner or later, but I can't remember, I must plan it carefully.

He already has a plan, and then waits for the time to come...

Before Ye Chen left, he suddenly saw a familiar shadow: "Isn't this a boys' dormitory area? What is she doing here so early, is it waiting for her brother?"

This familiar shadow was Meng Hongchen. After Ye Chen met them at least once, he didn't care about it anymore and left it to Old Mu.

When he went to report to Mu Lao a few days ago, he heard Mu Lao said that the two brothers and sisters decided to stay in Shrek to study, and followed Ye Chen's suggestion, and took the pseudonyms of Chen Xiao and Chen Meng.

In terms of appearance, they also used special makeup techniques to make changes. At least at first glance, they would definitely not be able to recognize the original identity of the two.

The reason why Ye Chen recognized it was because of the unique aura, which couldn't deceive people. Moreover, with Ye Chen's powerful mental power, she could see through her disguise at a glance.

The siblings are currently just ordinary students in the inner courtyard. At present, it is most likely that Meng Hongchen will wait for Xiao Hongchen to attend class together.

Of course Ye Chen wouldn't go up to say hello, but he knew that this girl seemed soft and weak, but she had a strong desire to eat him.

Ye Chen just passed the stage of Qing Yu last night, and Ye Chen didn't want to be uncomfortable in the past at this time.

Really entangled by the other party, it is not easy to get out...