
Chapter 511: Apricot Fragrant Essence

"But now I, even an ordinary Title Douluo, have the power to fight, let alone those Soul Masters of the Contra level." Speaking of this, Ma Xiaotao revealed extremely strong self-confidence.

Although looking at her cultivation base alone, she was far behind Zhang Lexuan, who was already at level 83, but her strength was the same or even surpassed her. As a younger generation of Shrek Academy, she had confident capital.

Ye Chen nodded, with an idea in his mind: "Little Tao sister, the reason why I brought you here is that there are good things for you."

Speaking of this, an object appeared out of thin air in Ye Chen's hand. The object showed a dark red color like blood coagulation. The color was dark and the texture was more like that kind of rubber block, almost the size of a baby's fist.

As soon as it appeared, the fire attribute energy in the space burst out suddenly, Ma Xiaotao was very familiar with the flame attribute, and instantly recognized that it was the energy of the ultimate fire.

"This, this is?" Ma Xiaotao asked in amazement. She could feel the object in Ye Chen's hand, which had a strong attraction to herself.

Ye Chen had already thought about his words, and explained: "Sister Tao, your ancestor Ma Hongjun thousands of years ago, once took a plant of fairy grass with the help of Tang San, so as to solve the evil fire problem in his body and establish him as a god. The first step."

"The fairy grass back then was named Cockscomb and Phoenix Sunflower, and there was a fairy grass with the same effect as it was called Laihuo Xingjiao, and the thing in my hand came from a 100,000-year-old Laihuo apricot. Coquettish, this is the essence she has condensed over the long years. Based on your current situation, if you refine it, your cultivation level will definitely skyrocket to the 80th level, and at least before the 90th level, you will never feel it again. Any bottleneck on the cultivation base."

After all, Ye Chen stuffed the delicate essence of Lihuo Apricot into Ma Xiaotao's hands.

This is what he asked Liehuo Xingjiao to come not long ago. He originally planned to hand it over to Ma Xiaotao. Not to mention that Ye Chen already has a very high status in the hearts of those 100,000-year soul beasts. In this small world alone, he If you want something, there is no possibility you can't get it.

Ma Xiaotao dragged it in her hand, and a faint sense of warmth came from above, and her whole person was a little trembling. If it is really like Ye Chen said, there is no bottleneck within the 90th level, then the value of this thing is already difficult. Measured by money!

And she had actually heard the legend of her ancestors, this kind of fairy grass essence can completely lay the foundation for her to become a god!

In other words, one day in the future, she may also break through the shackles of Douluo Continent and become an existence beyond the realm of heaven.

Such a peerless treasure, it is impossible to say that Ma Xiaotao is not excited and longing, unless her head is burned by the evil fire!

But precisely because she knew the value of this thing, she became hesitant: "Xiaochen, this thing is too precious. You took it at a great risk. I can't take it, and you also have the ultimate fire. Attributes, it also has a huge meaning to you."

She didn't know how Ye Chen got the eyes of ice and fire, so she thought that Ye Chen risked her life and snatched it from a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said firmly, "Sister Xiaotao, accept it. There are many similar treasures here. There is no shortage of the delicate essence of this burning apricot. Besides, you are my sister, you still see me like that. What are you doing outside?"

Ye Chen was right. He had a lot of similar essences, just for the next plan, and didn't absorb it hastily.

Even Xu Sanshi and Bei Bei, Ye Chen planned to release them first, and soon they would go to the Sun-Moon Empire to search for Dragon Valley. According to Jing Hongchen's original statement, the rules there only allowed spirit masters below the sixth ring to enter.

If they take Immortal Grass at this time, Bao Qi Beibei may directly reach the sixtieth level of cultivation. In this way, they will miss the huge opportunity of Dragon Valley.

As for Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao, their cultivation bases were still in the fourth ring. At this time, they could not fully absorb the medicinal power of those immortal grasses, so wait until they return from the Sun-Moon Empire before making plans.

"What you said is true?" Ma Xiaotao was obviously a little suspicious, but the delicate essence of Lihuo Xing Xing had already shocked her, could it be that Ye Chen directly brought a soul beast colony to her?

In order to reassure Ma Xiaotao, Ye Chen could only explain again: "Don't worry, Miss Tao, not only you have it, I even prepared a copy for all of them, Beibei."

"And when you reach the eighth ring, you will be eager to hunt for the spirit ring. I will go to the Sun-Moon Empire in a few days. When I return from the Sun-Moon Empire, I will give you another great opportunity. With this opportunity, it is even possible for you to break through the 100-level limit in the future."

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Ma Xiaotao no longer knew what to say, all the things she saw tonight had numb her, even if there were even more incredible things, she wouldn't be surprised.

But she was still a little puzzled: "What earth-shattering thing did your kid do during this period of time? Could it be that a whole piece of soul beast colony is not made in one pot?"

Ye Chen nodded embarrassedly and said with a smile: "Although it's not as exaggerated as you said, it's almost the same."

Ma Xiaotao rolled her eyes, completely speechless.

It is estimated that the entire continent can be done by Ye Chen alone.

As for Ye Chen when he said that he still had to give her a chance against the sky, Ma Xiaotao had no feelings, and of course she would not expect too much.

With her current vision, this essence is enough to go against the sky, can there be more valuable treasures?


"Okay, Little Tao, you go back to refine and absorb the delicate essence of the burning apricot first, remember that when the eighth ring is cultivated, don't absorb the spirit ring, otherwise you won't get that opportunity." Leaving the small world After that, Ye Chen reminded again.

Ma Xiaotao rubbed Ye Chen's head and completely messed up his handsome hair: "Don't worry, it will take me two months to fully refine this essence, but for me, two Months are already fast."

Ye Chen thought that it was of course. I don't know how many people on the mainland are trapped in the third and fourth ring and hopelessly improve for life. And how old is Ma Xiaotao, he has already touched Contra before he is twenty-two. The threshold is up.

This must let those people know that they might be **** off...

After the two separated, Ye Chen thought again.

Although Binghuo Liangyi also had a 100,000-year-old cockscomb and phoenix sunflower in his eyes, Ye Chen felt that Liehuo Xing was a little better, considering that the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's body had already been purified.

But for the details, let's talk about it after returning from Dragon Valley, and then we will have to look at the attitude of the two hundred thousand year soul beasts.

If it doesn't work, you can only use the strong ones. Anyway, you are in the small world, and you are not afraid that the fairy grass can escape.