
Chapter 470: Brand new world

It was a bit embarrassing to say that Ye Chen really wanted to use his three-inch tongue to persuade the Phoenix to leave with him.

Regardless of the process, as long as you can achieve your own goals, why bother and not please?

What he didn't expect was that listening to the sound of the phoenix flying, it seemed that it was still a female soul beast.

It seems that he has a special relationship with female soul beasts, such as Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor. One becomes his own soul, and the other is recovering his soul in the small world. In one or two months, it is estimated that the contract can be signed.

After that, both Han Yue and Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena had different degrees of intersection with him. It seems that Han Yue has a certain relationship with his life experience, and when it comes to the male one hundred thousand-year soul beast, he has had a relationship with Ye Chen. The only intersection seemed to be the Titan Snow Demon in the Far North.

The key to the two parties is still the hostile relationship. Ye Chen has done badly on the other side more than once, and the injuries left by the sharp gun at the time have not been fully recovered after more than a year.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, but in any case, he was definitely going to subdue this Phoenix soul beast, and would not dispel this idea because of the opponent's gender.

On the other hand, because he naturally regarded Ye Chen as a more powerful kind than himself, the phoenix divine beast shivered under the pressure of the blood pressure of Taiyin Youying, and even the process of Nirvana was forced to stop.

This made her feel sad. The power of the source had already consumed more than half. Missing this opportunity, she didn't know how long it would take to recover before she could accumulate enough power of the source for Nirvana again.

After sensing the other party's thoughts, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have the purest fire of Nirvana. Its flame strength is several times stronger than the flame you own. If I want to, I can easily help you succeed in Nirvana. There is even a chance for your blood to evolve again, but there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get the chance, you need to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" the phoenix divine beast asked subconsciously.

Ye Chen gradually induced her: "It's very simple, sign a contract with me and become my partner."

Unsurprisingly, after hearing this and the conditions, the expectation in the expression of the phoenix divine beast plummeted, and he lowered its arrogant head and began to think.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry. The reason why he straightforwardly pointed out his intentions was because he had already seen the reality of the opponent.

Phoenix had no choice at this time, she had no retreat, and in the end she could only choose to believe in Ye Chen.

Moreover, even if it is unsuccessful, with the opponent's current state, he can use the strong one, first restrict the opponent's actions with four kinds of sacred fire, and then forcefully enter the small world, it will not take a lot of mental energy.

Ye Chen knew how tempting the spirit beast was for the promise she had thrown out, and in her eyes she was not a human being, surrendering to a human being, and surrendering to the same kind that was several times stronger than her, was fundamentally different.

Surrendering to humans is more uncomfortable for the self-reliant and arrogant Phoenix than killing her. In contrast, the latter seems less unacceptable.

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, Ye Chen simply gave her some sweetness, and pointed his right hand towards the sky. The first sun suddenly radiated a lot, and a sacred flame separated and poured towards the phoenix.

Seeing this, the other party dodged subconsciously, but quickly reacted and dispelled the idea of ​​resistance. That was the energy she wanted most. She had noticed the sun a long time ago, and now this man actually bestowed a trace of it on her.

Although it was only a trace, when it was integrated into her original Nirvana flame, the intensity of the flame was instantly qualitatively improved. That feeling was like a long drought and rain, allowing her weak vitality to be instantly replenished.

Nirvana, which had been stagnant, started again. This original flame was enough to support her to complete Nirvana, but if she wanted to evolve the power of her bloodline, it was far from enough.

Ye Chen looked at each other with a smile, waiting for her answer.

In fact, he was a little impulsive in this action, this was just a disguised appearance, his true strength was not as terrifying as the other party had imagined.

If the other party gets enough energy to support her to complete Nirvana and then turn her face, it will inevitably be more troublesome.

He was also betting that the opponent would choose to compromise when seeing such a huge opportunity in front of him. For a soul beast, blood is even more important than strength. He believes that after the opponent feels the most primitive fire of Nirvana, The desire for blood will overcome her only worries.

Sure enough, after incorporating this flame that was homologous to her, but countless times purer than the flame of her Nirvana, the only worries of the phoenix divine beast were dispelled.

She could feel that this kind of flame is definitely not something the mortal has. In just a few breaths, the new flesh and blood on the body has been solidified a lot, at least not like the bones connected to each other and become the real thing. warm bodies.

However, she still has to make certain things: "My lord, I want to ask what effect the contract you mentioned has on me?"

"What's your name?" Ye Chen asked, without answering directly.

Phoenix thought for a while, and replied, "I don't have a name. I am called by a code name in our ethnic group."

Ye Chen nodded slightly: "Phoenix family, the male is the phoenix, the female is the phoenix, I will give you a name, let's call it Huangyuan."

Huang Yuan didn't object, anyway, it was just a code name, it didn't matter what she called. For her, the most important things were only two things, strength and blood.

Ye Chen knows that the time is late, and she must quickly dispel her doubts: "Don't worry, I can tell you plainly, although I am a soul beast, but for some reason, I have been rehabilitated for some reason. That kind of contract will not have you. Too much influence, after signing, we will become partners of life and death, and you will survive in another form, until I break through the shackles of this world, you will also gain true eternal life."

Ye Chen said very mysteriously, he would not tell the other party that he will become his spirit ring after signing the contract, but it is also true that the spirit is indeed another form of life, and after Ye Chen becomes a god, she can indeed follow the night. Chen has survived.

Huang Yuan nodded and continued to ask: "You are so powerful, why did you choose to rebuild?"

Ye Chen said: "The human body is the most suitable for cultivation, besides, my goal is to establish my own God Realm, you relax your mind, I will take you to the world I created to stroll around."

The powerful bloodline suppression prevented Huang Yuan from showing any resistance, and subconsciously relaxed her mind.

Although secretly surprised that Ye Chen has such ambitions, even though Ye Chen is so "powerful" in her eyes, she still has a skeptical attitude towards that seemingly unrealistic goal.

It wasn't until the situation around her changed instantly and appeared in a brand new world that she completely believed Ye Chen's words...