
Chapter 446: Do enough homework

Chen Bing also agrees with this point, but the reserve players don't think so.

After all, how do you say that Beibei and their age are placed there, they can't see the specific strength, but how can strength be simple if they can enter the inner courtyard at this age?

But they have confidence in themselves, not without a chance, besides, the difference in strength is so much, it is another friendly match, and it doesn't matter if they lose.

"Teacher Chen, please come and watch the game with us. By the way, you can also give them advice." Ye Chen said to Chen Bing on the side. From now on, he will be his colleague. Anyway, I have to ask the head teacher for advice.

In this regard, Chen Bing naturally readily agreed: "Okay, let's go to the spirit fighting area now."

"Will the spirit area?" Ye Chen made a sound of friendship, and finally shook his head: "At this time in the spirit battle area, there are many students from other grades playing competitions. We may cause unnecessary confusion in the past. Everyone should go to a place with me. Right."

Ye Chen's concerns were not unreasonable. Judging from their current popularity, the explanation would definitely attract countless students to watch the battle. When there were too many people, the scene would become uncontrollable, which would easily cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, without waiting for everyone's consent, he walked straight out.

Beibei shook his head helplessly to keep up. He was also very curious about the strength of the new reserve team. He had been listening to others talking about how terrifying the talent of this new year was before, and now he finally has the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

Xu Sanshi looked at the students in the classroom who hadn't reacted, and kindly reminded: "Dear brothers and sisters, what are you doing, don't hurry up and watch out for your teacher Ye to get angry."

Ye Chen, who had already walked to the door, staggered, wondering if he was that scary?

After all, Xu Sanshi deliberately looked at a few girls.

I have to say that Shrek has always been a place rich in beauties. Ye Yu and Zhu Mengying's looks are not inferior to Jiang Nannan. Although Mu Yiyi and Song Xiaoxiao are slightly inferior, one of them is strange and strange. Lovely wind, another silly, with a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

"Why is this senior's eyes so wretched? The people who are watching have straight hair." Song Xiaoxiao lay on Mu Yiyi's ear and whispered.

Mu Yiyi nodded in sympathy, and said, "Huh, you must take special care of him when you discuss it later."

After all, he secretly gestured with his small fist.

Although Ye Yu and Zhu Mengying didn't say anything, they frowned and had a very bad first impression of Xu Sanshi.

Jiang Nannan kicked his **** when he saw it, his face was full of hatred for iron and steel, and while chasing Ye Chen's footsteps, he muttered: "Dogs can't change eating shit."

Xiao Xiao made a grimace at Xu Sanshi, turned around and took Jiang Nannan's arm.

Xu Sanshi drooped his face, wishing to slap himself. He understood the reason why Jiang Nannan was angry, but he couldn't control his eyes at a critical moment.

Of course, Jiang Nannan's position in his heart is always untouchable, but everyone has a love for beauty. He just appreciates it. Is this also wrong?

But in a blink of an eye, he recovered his smiling face and chased him up. His face was almost thicker than his tortoise shell. When fighting in the future, he would just use his face to defend.

Chen Bing looked at the crowd with a smile, and a touch of memory gradually emerged. Wasn't it true when she was still studying at Shrek?

More than a decade later, his daughters are already this old.

"Let's go, everyone, the strength of your seniors is not easy, don't be careless, I will want to tell you about their abilities later on the way."

Chen Bing, the teacher in charge of the class, had already spoken, and the seven of them had difficulty staying. They followed Chen Bing in pairs and left the classroom.

There are a total of three places in the outer courtyard that provide battlefields. One of them is the assessment area. When there is no assessment, it is used as a venue for students' actual combat classes.

The second is the fighting spirit area. As long as you pay a certain fee for the use of the venue, you can exchange ideas. Among them, there are professional teachers as judges and protect the personal safety of students.

The third one is naturally the Beast Zone where Gong Changlong is in charge, and it is also the destination of Ye Chen and others' trip.

Although most of the time, there are also practical training students, but different from the fighting spirit area, each venue here is independent of each other, Ye Chen can completely rely on the relationship with the old man Gong to apply for an independent venue to avoid being Other people onlookers appeared.

Moreover, the area of ​​the Arena is much larger than the arena of the Arena of Souls, and there is more room for display.

The Colosseum is located in the southwest corner of the outer courtyard. Although Ye Chen tried his best to choose some remote paths, it was still hardly recognized by many people.

But fortunately, Ye Chen's cold expression was too scary. Although the people around were talking about it, no one dared to come up and talk, let alone follow.

Along the way, Chen Bing has explained the abilities of most of Beibei and the others, quite the feeling he felt when Wang Yan led the team in the competition.

"Xu Sanshi is the senior who observed you just now. For him, what he is best at is not attacking, but defense. He possesses a mysterious soul tortoise. At the third ring, he can barely resist attacks at the Soul King level. ."

At this point, Chen Bing's expression became serious: "The most important thing is that Xu Sanshi possesses a third spirit ability that can be called a magical ability. The name is Xuanming Replacement. The enemy exchanged positions in space. In the last competition, they used this method to force the opponent's core into their own siege circle when they faced a team that was strong enough to advance to the top four, and finally solved the strongest one. , Easily advanced."

I have to say that Chen Bing really did enough homework, and now to explain this to them is also to prepare for them to participate in the competition in the future.

"Especially Xiaoyu, you have to pay special attention to this, because your strength is the strongest in the team, it is likely to be deliberately targeted by them." Chen Bing looked at Ye Yu, and said earnestly.

Ye Yu didn't speak, but the frowning brows told everyone that she had been wary in her heart.

There is still a short distance from the Colosseum, Chen Bing continued to explain: "These people mentioned above are not the ones I value most. The most mysterious person among them is not Beibei, who is the captain, but has always been mediocre. Huo Yuhao."


Everyone became interested when they heard it. They all watched the video of the previous competition. The senior named Huo Yuhao didn't seem to make any moves from beginning to end. In their impressions, it seemed that he had made up the number, but he came to Chen Bing. , But it seems that he has become the one who should be most afraid of.