
Chapter 421: The Bloodline

That's right, Ye Chen used it half a year ago to help Huo Yuhao and the others obtain the spirit ring. At the beginning, with the power of blood in his body, he frightened a Haechi and captured a dream-eating beast alive.

Later, when he met Mu Yiyi for the first time, he used the same method to scare off the Sky Frost Dragon group that rounded them up.

Now that I think about it, Ye Chen even regretted not catching a few alive and bringing them back to the academy. Tianshuanglong is considered the only direct dragon soul beast with the highest bloodline remaining on the Douluo Continent. Even if you don't consider the value of research, you can put it in the Colosseum for the old man It's okay to train.

Maybe after Mu Yiyi's spiritual strength cultivation base keeps up, he can still get the opponent with a Sky Frost Dragon Soul. For Mu Yiyi who has a Sky Frost Dragon Martial Soul, he can achieve a 100% fit.

It is estimated that Ye Chen himself did not expect that he would take himself into the role of teacher so quickly, and he began to unconsciously consider the students.

To be honest, he still has a good impression of Mu Yiyi, the scene in the Star Dou Great Forest is still vivid, and through the first impression at the time, Mu Yiyi has no problems with her temperament at least.

Of course, it's useless to say this now. At the beginning, the situation was special, the Star Dou Great Forest was about to move, and the extreme north had already produced a huge change, and Shrek knew very little about the situation. Under that premise , Even if he thought of this, he didn't dare to do it.


Under the suppression of the powerful bloodline, Ye Yu's Dark Golden Horror Claw began to disintegrate at a rapid rate. If it were just the martial arts ability, this external soul bone has passed thousands of years of inheritance, but its internal remains. A trace of the energy of the dark golden terrine claw bear.

Although the dark golden terrifying claw bear is at the top of the food chain in the Douluo Continent, it is really like a shining light and cannot be compared with Haoyue.

When that trace of dark gold terrifying claw bear energy felt the power of the blood in Ye Chen's body, and the martial soul itself was suppressed by the blood, this caused the attack to instantly collapse.

The coercion of the power of blood is still spreading around. All the students, including Ye Yu, looked at Ye Chen with horror. The weaker students had already begun to tremble, and the fear from the martial soul seemed to be Tell them that the young man in front of them is their natural enemy.

Even at this moment, the scene in front of many people changed, and they saw the scene deep in their hearts that they didn't want to see...

This kind of suppression has appeared on many teachers, their average strength is no more than 6th ring, and they have not yet reached the realm that can withstand bloodline suppression.

Including Yan Shaozhe, he also felt the same, but he knew the extent of Ye Chen's metamorphosis, and he was already mentally prepared.

Therefore, even though the Bright Phoenix Martial Spirit has also been suppressed, it is still not in the same state as the students at the scene.

However, looking at the situation in front of him, and then thinking of the power and influence caused by Mu Lao's use of King's Landing, Yan Shaozhe was a little uneasy after all: "Teacher, Xiaochen's ability, shouldn't it be the same as your King's Landing." Will it have a lifelong impact on the students?"

His worry is not superfluous. Facing Yan Shaozhe's solemn inquiry, Mr. Mu shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, Xiaochen is measured. He is already a member of the Sea God Pavilion. Don't think of him for a few more years. The naughty child before."

The Dean of the Shrek Martial Spirit Department gave a wry smile, and Mr. Mu was right. Ye Chen's young appearance made him almost forget the identity of the other party. Several years of experience have made this young man's temperament difficult to reach his peers. A reachable level.

As for Yan Shaozhe's concerns, Ye Chen naturally thought about it a long time ago. He controls the power of the bloodline very well. The purpose of this competition is mainly to stand up, and it will not have a deeper impact on the students present.

They may recover when they go back to sleep, and maybe students with good talents can still feel something from it.

If this is the enemy, Ye Chen will release the power of the bloodline with all his strength, and if the cultivation base is higher than the opponent, serious problems will occur even in the martial soul. At least, when you see Ye Chen in the future, you will unconsciously feel fear.


The assessment site was quiet and terrifying. Most of the people were still in shock and fear and did not recover. In the storming arena next door, the two people in the battle were also affected.

Mu Yiyi's consumption was relatively high, and the two were in a state of incomprehensibility, but after Ye Chen's troubles, the victory or defeat appeared instantly.

The male student who fought against Mu Yiyi directly lost the ability to fight. After all, his opponent was the first person under Ye Yu in the outer courtyard. Of course, it's not necessary to say the consumption. As for Mu Yiyi, because the strength of Wu Yiyi is much higher than that of the opponent, At this moment, he was the only person standing in the ring.

With such a situation, Ye Chen was amused, but he didn't expect that he would indirectly help the little girl.

Although there was some suspicion of cheating, it didn't hurt. After all, in his mind, Mu Yiyi was originally more qualified to enter the Shrek reserve team than the boy.

Among all the students, only Ye Yu was the first to recover. With the Dark Golden Deinclaw Bear and the Angel of Wish, her spirit strength is undoubtedly the strongest existence among all new students.

Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, she said nothing more, turned around and walked under the ring. At this moment, she truly understood that the talent she was proud of was really nothing in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly. In the current situation, he has to say something: "Let's stop here today, go back and have a good rest, don't think too much, you are already the most talented peer I have ever seen, my The situation is different from any of you. I can't tell you why now, but I believe you will understand one day."

"Also, congratulations on becoming a member of the Shrek reserve team. Don't deny it. This is not a charity, but you used your strength in exchange for yourself." The reason why you say so much is also afraid that Ye Yu will be affected by self-confidence. The blow has never recovered.

Although it was only the first time I met today, Ye Chen had high hopes for this girl, and naturally hoped that she would not bury her talent.

Ye Yu's eyes trembled a few times, and he understood Ye Chen's meaning. The other party didn't need to explain so much. Maybe Ye Chen was unintentional, but the words of concern still made her feel warm.

After nodding slightly, Ye Yu didn't turn around and walked straight down.

Ye Chen couldn't catch up, but there was someone she had to defeat.

Thinking of this, she looked towards the high platform without a trace. There was someone there who had snatched her "things" in the strict sense.

Although she doesn't care very much, but in any case, she has to prove that she is stronger than the other party.