
Chapter 416: Far from enough

While thinking about it, Ye Yu's offensive came again, and the five seven-meter-long metal claws showed a strange angle. Ye Chen realized that he felt inevitable for a moment, as if all the retreats were Was completely blocked.

This girl, of course, can rely on more than just talent to be able to achieve an invincible presence in a place where talents like Shrek are born in large numbers.

In her body, there are the same things as Ye Chen, Han Yue, and even Gu Yuena later. That is the innate judgment and resilience on the spot, and these are the entrances to become top powerhouses in the future. Coupons.

For Ye Yu, this is already a very high evaluation. There are really not many people of the same age who can compare Ye Chen so much in this world.

At least in terms of talent alone, she is taller than Beibei or even Huo Yuhao. To be honest, Huo Yuhao has reached the current height. Although the elements of bad friends work hard, they are more inseparable from the favor of the plane, and these , Ye Yu didn't.

Her calculations are already very accurate, turning the Dark Golden Terror Claw into five directions, and even predicting all possible dodge routes for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the reflection of the Dark Golden Horror's Claw was enlarged in his pupils, and then enlarged: "It seems. It's time to teach her a good lesson."

Having said that, his body became illusory in an instant, and his footsteps flew a little, and with an almost unbelievable angle, he escaped from Ye Yu's attack range.

But until this time, all the students on the field, including Ye Yu, hadn't noticed anything unusual.

Ye Chen in their eyes seemed to be frightened and stupid, his eyes sluggishly standing motionless on the field, seeing Ye Yu's dark golden terrifying claws were close to him.

At this time, even many timid students had already covered their eyes, for fear that seeing the **** scene, only those strong teachers found some phantoms and clues.

On the high platform, Song Xiaoxiao covered his eyes tightly with his hands, and his voice was full of worry and tension: "Why doesn't Senior Ye Chen hide, that's Ye Yu!"

An Xia and Qin Mo have the same nervous expressions. As students of the same level as Shrek, they have already deeply realized Ye Yu's strength, but for Ye Chen on the other side, their cognition is still only in the image, let alone With so many restrictions, it is really impossible to say which one is stronger.

Wang Donger smiled suddenly, her sweet smile seemed to illuminate the first ray of sunlight in the cold winter. In addition to the trust in Ye Chen, her eyes were more proud.

As one of the people who know Ye Chen best, she naturally recognized that method, and she would use it herself.

And out of the five people who have finished the assessment and become members of the Shrek reserve team, only two are the most calm, Zhu Mengying and Yuanfeng.

The two are both agile attack type spirit masters, and there is also an existence with a wind element martial soul, which is extremely sensitive to any speed capture.

At that moment, they clearly saw something flashing behind Ye Chen, and after that, "Ye Chen" became what it is now.

Only one thing can explain "Ye Chen"'s reaction: afterimages.

"Afterimage?" Ye Yu also reacted at this moment, but because of too much inertia, when he found out, he could no longer change the direction of his attack.

"Do you know where your weakness is in this blow?"

A faint voice came from behind Ye Yu, very close to her, as if the wind was blowing her back, as if the other party could touch her neck by gently reaching forward.

Ye Yu's scalp was numb for a while, and of course it was impossible for someone else to be behind. Even though she hadn't turned her head back, she already knew that such a distance could easily make her lose combat ability as long as Ye Chen shot her.

It can be said that she has lost.

At the same time, with the exclamation sound from outside the field, Ye Chen's figure reappeared in the ring.

He was only two meters away from Ye Yu, but he didn't make a move. To win the challenge like this would be a little invincible. Ye Chen needs to win a strong head-to-head match.

He has not forgotten the fundamental purpose of this battle. Although what he has just shown is part of his strength, it is not what the freshmen in the outer courtyard want to see.

Of course, they still don't know much until now, and even most people can't fully understand it.

The ghostly shadow, this ability from the six Tang Sect's unique skills, once again displayed from the hands of Ye Chen.

Strictly speaking, it is no longer a pure ghost trail. Ye Chen has been pondering over the past two years and has incorporated many new things into it.

Moreover, years of accumulation allowed him to apply this ability to the point where he was able to use his finger, and coupled with the liquid prototype of the soul power, regardless of his suppression of the cultivation base, in fact, when using the ghost trail, the sixth ring The following soul masters simply cannot catch his trace.

Ye Yu didn't know these things, and it was impossible for her to know. Facing Ye Chen's question, while turning around, he slowly shook his head, his expression full of desire for knowledge.

Whether she is talent or looks, this girl belongs to the kind of existence that has attracted much attention, but the most rare thing is her character. If you don't understand, you don't understand. The other party is Ye Chen, and it is impossible to disadvantage her. She imparts experience.

Ye Chen smiled with satisfaction. He had only heard Ye Yu's rumors before, but after contacting him today, he really values ​​this girl.

"You have done a good job. When you are at a disadvantage, first stabilize your figure, and then use the huge inertia that should have got you into trouble to launch another attack, even judging all the directions I can dodge. It's clear, all the actions were done in one go, it was a perfect solution to the predicament of the first wave of fights."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen changed his tone and his tone became a lot more serious: "But you have overlooked a problem. When the opponent's speed exceeds the limit you can handle, all attack methods have become decorations, because you fundamentally Can't attack the other party."

Ye Chen's voice was not loud, controlled to a level that only Ye Yu could hear clearly.

Ye Yu's expression was shocked, his eyes trembling a little.

Yes, she has always lived in the adoration and appreciation of the people around her, and has never considered this issue.

Since stepping into Shrek Academy, she has never encountered a comparable opponent. Even Mu Yiyi has a huge gap with her. The fastest Yuanfeng among the freshmen has not reached the level that can threaten her. Level, until she met Ye Chen today, she didn't even realize it.

After seeing Ye Yu's expression. Ye Chen knew that she had understood what she meant: "For others, this kind of performance is already very good, because they have a team, and the cooperation between teammates will make up for many invisible problems."

"But if you put it on you, this kind of performance is far from enough."