
Chapter 340: Royal Family

It had just rained heavily last night, and at noon, evaporated water vapor filled the heavens and the earth, dispelling the summer heat.

After he was busy, Ye Chen walked out of the room, planning to go to the cafeteria to eat something.

He had seen it, Xu Tianchen did not come to the laboratory, and even Liu Yaxuan, who had never been late, was missing.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, thinking about the possible situation and how to deal with it.

The current situation is different from the previous few trips. Ye Chen is not alone, and there are too many things to consider.

In any case, he will put his own life in the first place, and the rest must be built on this basis.

Suddenly, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the familiar figure at the entrance of the cafeteria.

The other party apparently found him too, and beckoned.

This person is Xu Tianchen, and beside him is the girl who treats him tenderly.

After the two sides pulled in, Ye Chen found Xu Tianchen's expression a bit solemn, and with a trace of sadness: "Brother Tianchen, didn't come to the laboratory this morning. Did something happen?"

Xu Tianchen felt a little, and suddenly shook his head and said, "It's nothing. After all, that person is no different to me from a stranger, but he implicated me in it."

Ye Chen thought it was because of the rescue of Huo Yuhao that the other party was burdened, but listening to this, it seems that there is something hidden in it: "Oh, can you tell me more specifically, don't worry, no one can hear our conversation, maybe How can I help you?"

As he was talking, Xu Tianchen suddenly felt a little more mysterious feeling around him. It seemed to have mental power, but it was incredibly powerful.

This level of mental power has never appeared in the Super Douluo Xu Tianchen saw. It is hard to imagine what kind of trump card the youth who seems harmless to humans and animals have in front of him.

Liu Yaxuan looked at Xu Tianchen with tenderness, and just wanted to refuse for him, but was stopped by the other's eyes.

"It's nothing to talk about. Actually, I went to the imperial city today. My father had an accident." Xu Tianchen looked worried. Of course, besides worrying about the old emperor of the Sun-Moon Empire, he was more worried about the future fate of himself and Liu Yaxuan.

Judging from the current situation, after the death of the emperor, Xu Tianran, the prince, was a well-deserved successor, and he would definitely take Xu Tianchen's operation at the first time in order to achieve the purpose of recovering Tianfeng City.

As a result, not only Xu Tianchen, but even Liu Yaxuan was not immune.

"The old emperor has something wrong, is it poisoned?" Ye Chen asked in surprise.

Although Ye Chen had never seen him from the beginning to the end, he couldn't understand the temperament of this careerist.

Want to come, it is Prince Xu Tianran who has been sitting for a long time and wants to change his status.

What Ye Chen blurted out made Xu Tianchen somewhat unresponsive: "You, how did you know?"

There is a certain amount of alertness in his tone, these Ye Chen can understand, after all, if you change to yourself, the same reaction will be the same in this situation.

"Don't worry, I have no malice against you, but I don't want the mainland creatures to be charcoal, so I deliberately understood." Now that the matter is up, I can only try to make it round.

Ye Chen paused, and continued: "Don't worry, our Shrek Academy has our own news channel."

Xu Tianchen nodded, Shrek Academy is also the most mysterious academy besides the mainland's first academy. No one knows its background and what methods it has.

After a moment of contemplation, Xu Tianchen explained: "What you said was good, and this time when I was going back, it was actually my brother's idea. Maybe you don't know it. He has now added a nice title to himself. He said he was the regent. In fact, everyone knows the real idea."

He did not continue to say, but Ye Chen already knew what the other party meant.

Those officials clearly understood Xu Tianran's ambitions, but due to various interest implications and fear of his influence, they chose not to talk about it.

After listening to what he said, Ye Chen felt it was time to clarify something. After all, time is not waiting for anyone: "Brother Tianchen, have you ever thought about replacing it?"

Xu Tianchen's expression was stagnant, and he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so direct: "Don't be kidding Ye Chen, even if I have this idea, my strength is not allowed."

This seemingly denying words actually showed his true thoughts: no strength.

Seeing this, Liu Yaxuan, who had been standing aside before, followed the court ceremony apologetically, and turned and silently left the area covered by Ye Chen's spiritual power.

She is able to clarify her own identity, she only needs to do a good job of the duties of a girlfriend or wife. These things are no longer something she can participate in.

Ye Chen watched this scene with a chuckle, and continued: "The strength is not enough, you can borrow it."

"You mean, your Shrek Academy will help me?" Xu Tianchen said puzzledly.

Ye Chen shook his head, and said: "You will be wrong. Our college will indeed take action when necessary, but in this world, as long as you want to, you can always find a suitable candidate."

"Or in other words, the enemy of the enemy is the friend."

"The enemy's enemy, but with my brother's strength, the empire against whom almost all were slaughtered." Xu Tianchen still couldn't understand.

Ye Chen patted his forehead helplessly, and said, "The fact that Sun Moon Empire does not mean that there are no other places, don't worry, you will know this later."

"What you need to do now is to try to win over the stubborn princes and nobles and wait for the opportunity soon. I believe you can see that the other party is determined to kill you, so we don't have to be afraid of tearing our skin."

In the end, because he was not at ease, Ye Chen once again urged: "Remember, you must not be impatient. That opportunity may be two years later, or one day within these two years. If there is an accident during this period, I will try my best. Keep you safe and sound."

As for asking the other party to abandon the path of Tianfeng City and leave the Sun-Moon Empire, Ye Chen didn't even mention it.

Both of Xu Tianran's character understood that with the state that the other party's gaze must be reported, since they have offended the other party, there is absolutely no room for it.

Moreover, once he gave up Tianfeng City, Xu Tianchen might die faster, and even if he died, no one would know.

No one knows the truth of cutting weeds and roots better than Ye Chen...

The conversation between Ye Chen and Xu Tianchen continued, and unconsciously, a political whirlpool surrounding Zhigao's power had begun.

This is also an alternative battlefield. If you win, the emperor will be crowned. If you lose, Ye Chen is sure to let everyone retreat.

In this way, why not do it?

Moreover, with Ye Chen's method, this matter is not without a chance.