
Ah Yin Wake Up!

After Verdalor left the scene of the confrontation with Tang Hao, he swiftly made his way to find Yasaka, his primary concern being her well-being.

"Yasaka!" he called out as he spotted her, his tone filled with relief.

"I'm glad you're safe. Did you sense anyone following you?"

Yasaka, still a bit shaken by the recent events, replied, "No, Verdalor, I don't think so.

But are you really okay? You didn't hurt yourself during that battle, did you?"

Verdalor, ever the laid-back spirit, simply shrugged off her concerns. "Tang Hao couldn't inflict any significant damage on me, Yasaka.

Remember, I'm a World Tree! It would take more than just one Titled Douluo to harm me.

Now, let's focus on getting out of here before we run into more trouble."

Yasaka nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting her trust in Verdalor's assessment of the situation. Though both of them possessed top-tier bloodlines, they were aware that they hadn't yet reached their full potential.

Yasaka was still didn't reach 100,000 years old in her cultivation!

With a shared understanding that they didn't want to risk encountering another Titled Douluos, they set out for Verdalor's territory, determined to reach it as swiftly as possible. The brief confrontation with Tang Hao had left a trace of Verdalor's aura in the area, and they didn't want to attract any more unwanted attention.

As they journeyed through the lush forest, they maintained a low profile, concealing their energy to avoid drawing any unnecessary notice. It took them two weeks of travel, but finally, Verdalor and Yasaka reached their destination, the Great Star Dou Forest, where their people awaited their return.

Welcomed warmly by the Treant Generals, the Elders of each plant spirit beast tribe, and Kurama, who led the fox tribe, Verdalor felt a sense of homecoming.

His absence had worried Kurama, and he, in turn, had been concerned about his sister, Yasaka.

Verdalor engaged in conversations with his subjects, catching up on the progress of his kingdom's recruitment efforts. The Treant Generals were eager to report that several more plant spirit beast tribes had agreed to join their burgeoning kingdom.

Treant General Fu Gang reported with enthusiasm, "Your Majesty, we have had several plant spirit beast tribes express their willingness to join our ever-expanding kingdom.

Among them are the Thornwood Clan, the Verdantleaf Tribe, and the Blossompetal Collective."

Verdalor nodded appreciatively, taking in the names of the newly joined tribes, "That's excellent news, Fu Gang.

I'm delighted to welcome them. How many spirit beasts have joined us so far?"

Treant General Jia Wei stepped forward, his deep voice resonating through the clearing, "As of now, our kingdom boasts a total population of a hundred thousand plant spirit beasts, a remarkable achievement.

However, it's important to note that the majority of our new recruits are at a lower cultivation level, while the leaders of these tribes possess the highest cultivation power but they're only at most 60,000 years old."

Verdalor brushed off any concerns, welcoming all plant spirit beasts into his kingdom, regardless of their strength. He then expressed his desire to meet with each tribe's leader to establish connections and strengthen their relationships.

Meanwhile, Yasaka found herself answering countless questions from her brother, Kurama, and the young foxlings under her care. She felt a sense of contentment as she recounted the stunning landscapes and rare spirit beasts they had encountered during their journey.

Yasaka, with a warm smile, indulged in the curious inquiries of her brother and the enthusiastic young foxlings. Their eyes shone with excitement as they hung on her every word.

Kurama asked, "And what about that colossal waterfall you mentioned, Yasaka? How high was it?"

Yasaka's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she replied, "Oh, Kurama, it was a breathtaking sight!

The waterfall must have been at least a hundred meters tall, its cascading waters glinting in the sunlight."

One of the young foxlings chimed in, "Were there any strange spirit beasts near the waterfall, Sister Yasaka?"

She nodded, recalling the encounter vividly. "Yes, there was a rare Water Serpent Spirit Beast, its scales glistening like sapphires.

It was a magnificent creature."

Another foxling, his eyes wide with wonder, asked, "Did you fight it, Aunt Yasaka?"

Yasaka laughed lightly, licking the young one's fur affectionately. "No, little one, we didn't fight it. We just observed it from a distance and continued our journey."

Then, Yasaka continued telling the young foxlings about her short journey, all of them gasped in amazement, their eyes wide with awe as they listened to the thrilling story of their leader's adventure.

Then, Verdalor stood amidst a gathering of his loyal subjects, the treant generals, and the leaders of the plant spirit beast tribes.

His voice carried a reassuring tone as he addressed them, "My friends, our kingdom continues to grow, and it's thanks to your unwavering dedication.

I ask that you concentrate on your cultivation and, if any concerns arise, do not hesitate to consult with your respective leaders."

The Treant Generals and the Elders with their massive wooden form adorned with leaves and bark, spoke up, "Your Majesty, we are honored to serve under your benevolent rule.

With your return, our spirits are reinvigorated!"

Verdalor nodded appreciatively and continued, "Furthermore, I shall activate my nurturing domain once again to aid in your cultivation endeavors!"

The enthusiastic response was instantaneous. Cheers and jubilation filled the air as the plant spirit beasts eagerly anticipated the revitalizing influence of their king's nurturing aura.

As the kingdom settled back into its routine, Verdalor retreated to his own lair to contemplate the gains and losses resulting from Ah Yin's unexpected 'kidnapping.'


After Verdalor had engaged with his subjects and heard their reports, he decided it was time to retire to his lair, where he transformed into his majestic World Tree form. As the World Tree, he radiated an aura that spanned across his vast territory, a soothing and nurturing presence that reached every corner of his kingdom.

With a sense of anticipation, Verdalor immediately felt the feedback from his subjects, the numerous plant spirit beasts who were cultivating under the influence of his aura. He was pleased to sense their growth, like the subtle whispers of progress carried on the wind.

He wanted to reach the next stage of his cultivation faster so he 'tax' them a little bit more, "Don't hate the player, hate the game, my lovely subject. Hehehe."

Once Verdalor had finished setting up his nurturing aura, he turned his attention to the delicate task at hand – the awakening of Ah Yin, the Blue Silver Empress. He wanted to wake her up and sap her cultivation when she reached 100,000 years old again!

And this time, she will not become human and kept on giving Verdalor her cultivation. The path to become a laid back king was no longer far away!

Within his inner world, Ah Yin's form seemed to flicker like a fragile flame, her consciousness still wavering in the depths of her spirit.

As he carefully extended his roots into the inner world, he gently tugged at the essence of Ah Yin, coaxing her into the waking world. Her presence appeared before him, resembling a delicate wisp of ethereal blue.

Ah Yin's spirit resembled a shimmering willow, adorned with silver-blue tendrils that danced in the breeze, a vivid embodiment of her true form as a Blue Silver Empress. Yet, despite her physical beauty, there was an air of fragility about her.

Verdalor observed her with a sense of curiosity, recognizing that in her current state, she lacked a solid consciousness. It was a common trait among plant-type spirit beasts in their early stages of cultivation.

Consciousness typically formed when they reached the milestone of 50,000 years or more.

Ah Yin's ethereal presence drifted in the space before Verdalor, akin to a delicate blossom suspended in the air. Her essence was pure and serene, showing her potential for greatness once she reached a more advanced stage of cultivation.

With his wisdom as a World Tree spirit, Verdalor understood the importance of guiding Ah Yin on her journey to maturity with the correct spirit beast mindset. As he contemplated how to assist her in gaining consciousness, he couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the moment.

The tranquility of his lair, the gentle rustling of leaves, and Ah Yin's ethereal form combined to create a scene of serene wonder.

With a measured thought, Verdalor initiated a subtle flow of energy, gently surrounding Ah Yin's essence. He began to weave intricate patterns of spiritual energy, akin to nurturing a delicate bud into full bloom.

As he promised to the other plant spirit beasts and the immortal herbs inside his inner world, he already had the skills to awaken a solid consciousness and even strengthen them.

Several days elapsed, and eventually, Ah Yin's ethereal form solidified, her consciousness fully awakened. Her eyes, shimmering orbs of deep blue, opened to the world with a mixture of clarity and confusion.

Verdalor, with a warm and reassuring smile that concealed his cunning intent, introduced himself, "My name is Verdalor, and I am the World Tree, your guardian and king.

Welcome, Ah Yin, to my kingdom. You have suffered at the hands of humans, deceived and manipulated."

Ah Yin's voice, gentle as a breeze rustling through leaves, carried gratitude and confusion. "Em, thank you, King Verdalor. My memory is fragmented, and I feel lost. Can you shed some light on what has transpired?"

Verdalor nodded, his eyes glinting with cunningness. "Of course, Ah Yin. I will share with you the truth of what has occurred."

Verdalor's voice resonated with a blend of sadness and anger as he wove a narrative that exposed the treacherous nature of Tang Hao and his kin. He told Ah Yin of the seductive curse that had ensnared her, how Tang Hao and his brother had confused her with innocent acts and honeyed words.

They had lulled her into a false sense of happiness, coaxing her to lower her defenses.

The World Tree continued his tale, recounting how Tang Hao had paraded Ah Yin in public places, deliberately drawing the attention of Titled Douluo. It was all part of a sinister plan, one that marked the beginning of a relentless hunt—a hunt for the 100,000-year-old spirit beast, which was Ah Yin herself.

With a calculated sense of timing, Tang Hao had escalated his seduction, weaving a web of irresistible allure around Ah Yin. He led her into a night of passion, one that ultimately resulted in her pregnancy and the birth of their child.

Yet, even as she reveled in the joys of motherhood, the conspiracy persisted.

Verdalor's voice grew darker as he revealed the depths of Tang Hao's malevolence. His ultimate aim was to make Ah Yin sacrifice herself, to become his spirit ring, and take possession of her precious spirit bone.

It was a plot steeped in cruelty and betrayal, one that left Ah Yin reeling with the weight of the truth.

Ah Yin's emotions surged within her, a volatile mix of anger, betrayal, and a newfound resolve. She looked to Verdalor, her trust in him now absolute, and vowed to confront the treacherous humans who had wronged her.

The battle lines were drawn, and Ah Yin was prepared to face the darkness that threatened her and her kind.

Verdalor continued, "Ah Yin, you were once the victim of their deceit.

But now, you are a member of my kingdom, surrounded by allies who will protect and cherish you. Together, we will ensure that such injustices are never repeated."

'And you will live, happily, ever, after. Hahahaha!'

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