
Douluo Dalu: The legend of the two spirits

Played in a world he knows very little about. No system, no golden fingers and no super strong technique. With only two mysterious tools he managed on the day of his awakening. See how he follows his peaceful path along with his beauties and the beauties of others. (If you're going to read it, use the translator because I use it to translate this story! Don't complain that it's weird, I'll delete your comment!)

Novel_Ou_fanfic · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Next time, see if it doesn't show up in front of me!!

(WebNovel's ministry warns: Reading this causes serious damage to neurons, irritation, anger, and desire to curse the author.) Read at your own risk.


" You!" The leader yelled pointing at me as he released his spirit as well.

"What about me? You guys really are weak! Losing to a 6 year old! Shame on you." Kang li scoffed even more.

While he was blatantly mocking them. The arrogant second ran toward me.

This boy was in possession of a clawed wolf. Behind him, one could see the silhouette of a gray wolf with creepy red eyes.

His clawed hand came toward my face at high speed. I managed to dodge ducking easily, but he quickly sent a kick in my stomach and made me fly a few meters.

'The spirit of the beast style is so powerful! ... Too bad he's against me!'

Placing the sword at the side of my body, I concentrated some more spiritual power and increased the sword's weight slightly...

"First move: Fast cut!" I said, and with a *Woosh* I appeared in a second in front of the boy-beast.

"Caution!!" The boys behind yelled urgently. But it was already too late.

My blade skimmed the left side of the boy's long hair, which caused two large strands of his hair to fall to the floor. And in his ear also appeared a thin red cut.

The scared boy took his hand to his ear when he felt something hot running down... And when he saw the blood stained on his hand, he fell unconscious on the floor.

"Eh?..." Kangli was amazed to see that the boy was defeated so easily.

But he quickly recovered and looked maliciously at the group with 8 more people..


"Because you… don't you all come together??" Kang Li said as he raised his blade in front of his face.




"You... You damn commoner! Do you think we can't beat you if we join our forces??" The leader yelled angrily as he saw two of his aides losing.

"...And can you?"

The leader did not respond. With a wave of his hand, a bag of coins appeared in his hands as he looked at his group who had hesitant expressions.

"The first to draw blood from this commoner will be the owner of 100 golden coins! And I myself will speak to my father to bring him to our family!" The leader was already on the verge of madness when he said this.

These coins were the sum that his father gave him for him to spend all his years studying at the academy. If he spent all of them, it would be like a poor commoner.

The arrogant students' eyes sparkled at the sight of the coins, but brightened even more at his words. Their families also gave them money, but it was nothing compared to their leader's family.

Everyone then with their spirits ran towards Kang Li to obtain the numerous rewards...

"That's what I wanted!!" Kang li said with a crazy smile on his face.

He liked to beat up these arrogant people. and he began to think that his personality even changed when he was in closer combat.

illusion or not, Kang Li's eyes glowed in a golden hue when he focused his eyes on eight people with different spirits running toward him.




Several sounds were happening as they got closer to Kang Li. The fighting intent was almost tangible in the air.



Luckily, there was hardly anyone around.

Kang Li gripped his sword tighter and increased the weight a few more times before running to meet the group with a burning gleam in his eyes.


*Bang* Kang Li hit a boy in the rib and threw him to the ground quickly. While he was already catching a girl who appeared beside him holding two daggers trying to hit his belly and sending a flying kick in his chest.

The leader took advantage of Kang Li's moment of rest and punched him with his greatest force in the face. *Booom* Kang Li managed to get his sword in front of him, but he still slipped for several meters until he was leaning his back against the wall.

"Hahahaha! Yes, keep it up!" Kang li said wildly as he walked back into combat.

He was gaining a lot of experience fighting these boys older than him. Too bad Tang San didn't teach him any of his techniques other than how to play hidden weapons and basic hand-to-hand combat.

Fighting, beating, blood, sword in the face. Kang Li struggled with them for several minutes.

Kang Li already had several minor injuries to his body and face. But, the others of the arrogant group were already mostly passed out on the ground with a red sword mark on their cheek. Currently only their leader was standing, with several light cuts on his body as well.

" II give up !! "

The leader said tremblingly feeling the pain of the cuts on its members. This effeminate is crazy, even with several cuts and bruises he kept fighting them all... Worse yet... He beat them all by crushing them with his sword.

"Eh? Are you going to give up so soon?" Kang Li asked catching his breath.

The leader hurriedly shook his head. Cold sweat was already pouring down his face scared the effeminate not accept.

"Alright! But... This pack of gold coins is mine!!" Kang li said as he walked step by step among the bodies lying on the ground. He didn't even make a point of dodging, he just stepped on everyone in front of him.

"B-but this-" The leader was reluctant to give his coins, so he tried to ask for some but was interrupted.

"Is there a problem with my coins?" Kang Li got in front of the leader. He was 6 years old and was a head shorter than the leader. It even seemed strange to see the high was trembling with fear quietly.

"N-not, can lead!"

"Humph, really good! Next time, make sure you don't bump into me!" Kang li said as he walked to his dorm.