
Douluo Dalu: The Legend of the Dragón God of Dark Frost

In this story we will delve into a 16-year-old boy who, after dying due to an accident, a god gives him 3 wishes and is reincarnated as Douluo Dalu----- I do not own anything by Douluo dalu, all copyrights to Tang Jia San Shao, I only own my oc- Strong MC, no system, small harem, first novel as a writer, Au

GodOfPride_z · Book&Literature
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49 Chs

Saving Lan Mengqin

--- Several days later ---

Canglang village

On the roof of a house, we can see Aotian in a black outfit with a red devil mask covering him, and he seems to be keeping an eye on a white-haired beautiful girl.

This girl is Lan Mengqin, a protagonist from Douluo Dalu 4, which confused him a lot since she should exist around 30,000 years later.

So he followed her to see if she could find a reason why she existed in this age.

Although he may seem a bit stalkerish doing these things, Aotian was wondering if he would see more characters from future eras in current age.

And after following her for 2 days, he realized that she is trying to go unnoticed, as if she is afraid of someone.

In a moment I can feel her cultivation, which was rank 32, which is quite high for someone her age (she is the same age as Tang San, Xiao Wu and Aotian, that is, 11 years old).

With all these things on her mind, Aotian climbs down from the roof and walks towards her to start a conversation and try to find out what he is doing in the Far North.

Just as he was walking towards her, he can see how two hooded people come out of an alley and quickly run towards her.

Lan Mengqin noticing this activates her Heavenly Snow Woman's martial soul, and 3 soul rings come out of her body, one deep yellow and two purple.

Seeing this combination of soul rings, Aotian was surprised, since in this age, no one should have this combination of rings.

While thinking this, the two hooded men activate their martial souls, one being a Fire Tiger with 8 rings, with the "ideal" ring combination and his partner also takes out his martial soul, which is a Fire Leopard also with seven rings.

Seeing this, Lan Mengqin gets too scared and activates her Third Ring of hers, [Snow Woman Descent] manifesting a snow woman behind her.

After this she activates her second ring of hers, [Blizzard Tornado] and the snowflakes from the city start to all converge towards her, forming a large Tornado that defends her from the attackers by blocking her view.

After doing this, she tries to run away, but the soul masters combining two skills quickly break the tornado and run towards her.

The leopard soul master activates her third ring and starts running at supersonic speeds towards Lan Mengqin while her partner follows.

Seeing this, Aotian manifests her Kusanagi's martial soul quickly and activates her first and second rings, reaching high speeds, and shoots towards Lan Mengqin.


Taking Lan Mengqin, Aotian activates her third ring, [Fire Doppelganger] and while she is fighting the enemies, Aotian runs off with Lan Mengqin.

"Go after her, I'll take care of this one"

The tiger soul master tells his partner to go after her, since he is the faster of the two, his partner doesn't think twice and activates his third and sixth rings, shooting out faster than before, in the direction towards Aotian and Lan Mengqin.

Seeing this, Aotian deactivates her third ability and stands in the way, because if the soul master activates her Seventh Ring, he is very sure that she could escape, but with Lan Mengqin, she couldn't. .

"Listen to me, I will stop the enemy, I need you to run, I will catch up with you on the way"

Saying these words, Aotian prepares to fight, and activates her first, second, fourth, and fifth rings.

Under his attire, she begins to become covered in scales, while outside of her, a large transparent barrier surrounds him.

"No, I'll stay here and help you"

With a firm attitude, Mengqin sits on the snow and unleashes her second martial soul, Jade Phoenix Cite, and out of it comes a pale black ring.

Although she doesn't know the person who saved her, Mengqin feels that she can trust him, besides being very shocked by her ring configuration, she feels that if she befriends this mysterious man, she could help her. in her revenge.

Aotian seeing this smiles into her mask and proceeds to look in front of her, where she can see a large human fireball running towards him.

Seeing this, Aotian charges at him, and when they are about to make contact, she activates her soul bone skill, [Spirit Shock], causing the enemy to freeze for a few seconds.

"[Kusanagi Series: Bloody Extermination]"

Taking advantage of this, Aotian surrounds her Katana with his sword intent, causing a blood red aura to appear around her Katana.

Advancing forward, Aotian proceeds to slash the enemy's body several times, but it seems that one of his abilities grants him defense, since although he cuts hard, these cuts are only superficial.

Just as he is about to cut the enemy's neck, he activates

his Seventh Soul Ring, causing him to turn into a large fire leopard, 5 meters long and 3 meters high.

Seeing this, Aotian wants to crawl back, but just as he does, the big leopard comes in front of him and throws him towards Lan Mengqin.

"You are well?"

Mengqin catches him and worriedly asks if he's alright, since taking an attack from a soul saint, being a spirit king, you're not very likely to resist.

Contrary to Lan Mengqin's doubts, Aotian quickly stands up and removes the top of his outfit, where a large claw mark can be seen on his chest.

"I'm fine, but be careful, we don't know if they have other companions"

While he was saying these words, Aotian watches how on his stomach, he has a big claw mark in the center.

Seeing this, Aotian gets very angry, since he trained a lot so that he would have the best physique, and thus impress his future wife.

Unbeknownst to Aotian, Mengqin has a small blush on his face when he is looking at his amazing physique.

Just as he was doing this, you can see a huge explosion of fire about 3 diameters being formed.

Aotian seeing this, knows that his clone has been destroyed, and that the enemy's partner is coming here.

So Aotian prepares to make his strongest attack up to this point in his life.


I have decided that Aotian will have 3 wives, and one of them is Lan Mengqin, it is also the first time that I write a long battle, so I hope that if you notice a mistake, tell me in the comments.

The other 2 wives are already decided by vote, so with later I will eliminate the auxiliary chapter of the vote.

Lan Mengqin is a character from douluo dalu 4, if you have any questions you can go to the wiki.