
Douluo dalu : Tan Ming

The protagonist Tang Ming died and was reborn in the world douluo dalu becoming Tang San's adoptive brother From that moment on, he decided to become a martial spirit master in order to ascend and become a god. (Cover not mine)

Mihail_Reshin · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Spirit Awakening Ceremony -1

The Village of the Holy Spirit

Spirit Awakening Ceremony Day


POW(Tang Min).

Right now I'm sitting at home waiting for Old Jack to come

Old Jack was the old man of the Holy Ghost Village

Today, he has to come and take Tang Min and Tang San to the spirit awakening ceremony.

[To be honest, I'm very nervous.]

Anything can happen at the ceremony ]

[If I have a strong spirit or dual martial spirits I will have to hide it from the Spirit Hall]

[If that happens they will try to recruit me and when I refuse they will kill me]

[I'll have to limit my power to hide my true level or I'll be in big trouble]

He could not join the spirit hall as he knew that they were the main enemies of Tang Hao and Tang San.

[In the future I will have to fight them in a fight to the death, and I'd better be prepared. I need to become strong as quickly as possible and it is good to find out the strange thing that happened to me in the body.]


This morning when Tang Min woke up he felt a strange force in his body and some unknown movement.

He suspected it had something to do with the fact that he had begun to improve his technique.

He suspected it might be an awakening of the lineage, although he was not sure.

His theory was that the jolt caused by his technique could have forcibly awakened his bloodline.


Deep down, that's what he was hoping.

He hoped to be able to manifest the bloodline and find out what it was because he felt his rebirth was strange compared to Tang San.

Tang San was reborn as soon as he died.

And he floated in the void until there was a ripple in space that sucked him into it.

And then he plunged into darkness after that, he couldn't remember anything, as if a seal or some kind of restriction was put on him that blocked his memories of the event.

His body had also changed. He had been feeling strange for the last two days. It made him feel like something was about to happen to him.

[So many questions and so few answers]

So he could only wonder what it could be.

[Who or possibly what I am]

Right now he feels a little bit of this strange power

[Perhaps I need another push to fully reveal this anomaly]

Right now he couldn't find answers so he only had to wait for what would happen in the future

So he resigned himself to his situation for now.

In the future, he could still look for answers.

For now, he must concentrate on the upcoming event.


"What is Tang Min pondering about?"

While Tang Min was immersed in his thoughts, Tang San came up to him and plucked him out of his musings

[Nothing much Tang San was just pondering for a bit]

Nodding back, Tang San continued.

[I see... old Jack hasn't come in yet so we still have time so do you want to eat?]

Standing up from his seat, Tang Min replied

[Of course... Let's go cook and...]

When Tang Min wanted to continue, he was interrupted by Tang San

[There's no need for that]

Tang Ming was slightly surprised and asked


[Because I've already cooked]

[What ? When ???]

[While you were sitting here like a statue wandering in your mind, I had already prepared a meal and came to call you]

[So let's go before it gets cold!]

Deciding to close the subject, they went over to the table and started eating.


While they ate, Tang Min thought about his future. A future in which he will have to face many challenges for the goal he has set for himself in this life.

A goal for which he must become stronger to achieve and not be defeated.

His goal is clear. He wants to ascend beyond the limit to achieve immortality.

He wants to gather his family or future friends that he will have in this new world and overcome the limits of this world and ascend into the divine realm and become a god

He has thought about this many times since he was reborn in this world. He wants to leave his mark on the history of this world as he did with the 7 devils of Shrek.

But now what would happen if these 7 Shrek devils were to be joined by a new member of the team with his addition

There is a high probability that out of 7 they will become 8 Shrek devils with his addition. He was originally going to go the other way, but after careful consideration of his decisions, he decided to join them.

In fact it would be the best option for him since all of Shrek's devils always care and support each other

By joining Shrek's academy he can make friends which will become his reliable companions in the future who won't betray and won't stab in the back.

Conspiracies and betrayal are just things that happen everywhere, no matter what world you live in.

He doesn't want to get stabbed in the back and betrayed by people he could trust which is why he must always be careful and not let his guard down when dealing with people



Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Tang Min and Tang San already guessed who it might be.

Tang San stopped his trap, stood up and went towards the door to open it and let the guest in.

When he opened the door an old man appeared in front of his brothers and they immediately recognized him. It was old Jack. Old Jack was the chief of the village of the Holy Ghost and was the face of the village.

When Old Jack entered the house, he looked at the two brothers and quietly spoke

"Tang San, Tang Min, I see you're about to lunch, so we have to go to the ceremony as soon as possible so we won't be late."

"Old Jack we've already eaten and we're ready to go now just clean up the dishes."

Nodding Old Jack decided to wait until they were done.Tang San turned and went back to the table to clear the dishes from the table

Tang Min decided not to stay away and stood up to help. When they had finished and were about to leave old Jack muttered

"Isn't Tang Hao coming?"

Hearing Tang San's question, he replied.

"No father is still asleep and I don't think he will wake up anytime soon."

"This old wino didn't even deign to go to his children's ceremony?! All the parents are seeing their kids off and he didn't even deign to go!!!"

Old Jack raised his voice and shouted.But you could hear a note of anger in his speech.It was not surprising because old Jack was angry with Tang Hao's attitude towards his sons.So uncaring towards children.In his opinion Tang Hao was not a good example for a father since all he did was to work in the forge drinking and sleeping all day long all the time

The ceremony of awakening of the spirit is one of the most important moments in the life of every spiritual master and he did not even deign to go to it and support his children because of this he considered him an unfit father.

"Old Jack, let's go, we can't be late for the ceremony if we don't go now we might be late."

Hearing Tang San's words old Jack turned around "let's go we have to go" then he left the house.And Tang Min and Tang San followed him not forgetting to close the door behind them.


After leaving the house, Tang Min together with Tang San and Old Jack went to the village to meet the other children who were also going to the ceremony.

When they reached the gathering place, there were only a few children present, less than ten in number, but this was normal for a village like Holy Ghost Village.

Children from such villages very rarely awaken a spirit that is not garbage but even so some are born without spiritual power

So it is almost impossible for them to become a spiritual master in the future, unlike children who are born into noble families or sects.

Almost all children that are born into clans or have noble clan ancestry awaken spirits. Mostly because they inherit them from their ancestors who lived in the past.

Such people also have a lineage that is passed down through their family or clan from generation to generation.

But in the history there are also cases when a spiritual master without a clan awakened a strong fighting spirit and lineage. But it's very rare.

In spite of this there are also many who were born with medium level spirits and successfully became spirit masters.


When they reached the temple old Jack began to show the children the mark left in the past by a holy spirit who was born in this village

The last spirit master who was born in the village of the holy spirit was born about 100 years ago, which means that there has not been a single spirit master in the village in the last 100 years.

Of course there were those who awakened the spirit, but they were either trash or children born without spiritual power

Tang Min and Tang San were listening to Old Jack's story but were distracted when they felt an aura in the air. From the corner of their eye they noticed a man who was now standing near the temple and watching them.

Soon Old Jack noticed him too and decided to greet him

"Hello Spiritual Master, thank you for coming."

After listening to Old Jack, the man who had come only briefly replied

"Let's get started quickly."

Nodding Old Jack let the others enter the temple and stayed outside and waited for the ceremony to end

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