
douluo dalu : system of god

this is not my original fan fic

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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  Chapter 17 Strengthening brought by the soul ring

  After Jerry absorbed the first soul ring, his soul power did not upgrade and was still at level 23.

  After all, he only absorbed the first soul ring when he was over level 20. It was still a soul ring that was just a hundred years old, so the increase in soul power was not big.

  Jerry's physical strength has been greatly improved, and the effect is much better than his previous exercise.

  My own mental power has also been improved. It seems that there are still many benefits to absorbing soul rings. The most basic ones are improving physical strength, improving mental power, and improving soul power. You can also obtain soul skills.

  Jerry practiced for a while and found that his training speed increased by about 30%.

  Jerry discovered that innate soul power represents the basic cultivation speed. If the basic cultivation speed of a person with full innate soul power is 10, then he can only count 0.5.

  The primary meditation method given by the academy can increase your cultivation speed by about 20%. At this time, your cultivation speed is 0.5X120%=0.6.

  So after practicing for a year in the first year, my soul power increased by half a level.

  Others with high innate soul power will also improve more obviously.

  And you can plant martial souls. The martial souls can absorb twice as much soul power underground as in the air.

  At this time, the underground cultivation speed should be considered 1, and with the elementary meditation method, it should be 1.2.

  The practice speed on the ground and on the ground adds up to 1.8.

  With the improvement of the first soul ring, the cultivation speed has reached 2.34.

  Coupled with the ten years of animal fertilizers I have made, these fertilizers contain sufficient soul power. As long as the soul power is not exhausted, it can be absorbed. This is probably the original characteristic of the plants themselves!

  There are many plant-type martial souls in Douluo Continent, but when they practice, they summon martial souls, run meditation methods, and use the martial souls to absorb the soul power in the air to practice.

  Even if you practice mimicry, you still have to go to the deep forest, which will increase the speed of your practice. No one has ever planted their martial soul in the soil. Have everyone in this world been reduced to intelligence?

  When I read the original work, I thought it was strange. Tang Hao planted the Blue Silver Emperor seeds in a cave behind a humid waterfall.

  Tang San was an adult, and he was also a very scheming person who could steal the secret books of the Tang Sect. After Yu Xiaogang said a few words, he kowtowed and became his disciple.   

  Yu Xiaogang's ten core theories revealed a lot of problems even if he thought about them, even he, a theory researcher, couldn't find them.

  Where has all the IQ gone?

  Xiao Wu is a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but who gave him the confidence to participate in the National Soul Master Competition and even run to Wuhun City.

  After absorbing the first soul ring, his mental power increased, and Jerry also thought of many questions.

  The master has a theory that a soul master can practice before adding a soul ring, but it will be slower.

  After absorbing the soul ring, the results of previous training will appear.

  Slow down!

  This problem is not a problem at all for Jerry. Most of Jerry's cultivation relies on the soul power of fertilizer absorbed from the soil, which is much more than the soul power in the air.

  It is equivalent to soaking in a soul power jar. As long as you breathe, the soul power will be absorbed.

  Therefore, without adding soul rings, Jerry could still cultivate to more than 20 levels, but after that, he would need too much soul power, and the ten years of soul beast fertilizer would provide only a limited amount.

  Is there support from the forces behind Jerry? Otherwise, Jerry thinks he can cultivate to a higher level.

  The effect of accelerating the recovery of soul power in the first soul skill was also tested, and it also increased by 30%.

  Finally, Jerry tried to absorb the soul power into the soul ring. The natural absorption effect was not very obvious. When he was in the soil, he could control whether to absorb the soul power to practice or absorb the soul power into the soul ring.

  Anyway, I am very slow in absorbing soul power now, so I should absorb it into the soul ring first!

  The second soul ring has not yet been cultivated. According to my current physical strength, even if it cannot absorb a thousand years, it can absorb eight or nine hundred years, which is much higher than the master said it can absorb more than seven hundred years.