
douluo dalu : system of god

this is not my original fan fic

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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  Chapter 20 Breaking the Seal

  "Since I can refine the sixth-grade elixir Po'er Pill, I can also refine high-level elixir that allows you to break through the barriers of the Douzong that have trapped you in the Douhuang peak for many years." Xiao Yan got up and walked At the door, he suddenly turned his head and locked on Hai Bodong firmly.

  The sudden appearance of the familiar deep aura obviously reminded Hai Bodong of the scene when he was subdued by one move just now. Faced with Xiao Yan's big stick and sweet dates, Hai Bodong finally agreed to Xiao Yan's conditions. After all, his wealth, life, and hope of breaking the seal are all in Xiao Yan's hands, so he can't help it.

  "Okay, I promise you, as long as you can help me break the seal smoothly, I promise to serve you for twenty years." Hai Bodong finally said with a livid face.

  "That's good." Xiao Yan walked quickly to Hai Bodong's side, and lightly patted Hai Bodong's shoulder with his right hand. The pale illusory flames in Hai Bodong's body rushed out of his body one after another, and finally scattered in the air, turning into wisps of thin smoke and slowly disappearing.

  Hai Bodong stood up silently and moved his hands and feet, then stood beside Xiao Yan wordlessly.

  "Don't stand there stupidly. Prepare two rooms for me and the little doctor, we need to rest." Xiao Yan took the little doctor's hand and walked down the backyard.

  The next day, the backyard of the "Ancient Map" shop.

  Hai Bodong and the little doctor were sitting opposite each other. The little doctor was eating snacks calmly. Although Hai Bodong was also pretending to be calm and drinking tea, from time to time he looked towards the closed room at the end of the yard and Looking at the right hand with the hem of his clothes up, Hai Bodong's heart is obviously not as calm as it appears on the surface.

  I don't know how long it took, the energy above the courtyard suddenly began to condense on a large scale, forming the shapes of various strange beasts in the sky, followed by a pleasant smell of danxiang coming from the room.

  "Bang" a tyrannical energy flew out of the room, breaking up all kinds of beast-like energy clouds that were about to form in the sky.

  Seeing this situation, Hai Bodong stood up excitedly, staring closely at the door of the room, while the little fairy doctor who didn't know why looked curiously at this strange old man who stood up.

  "Squeak..." The door of the room that had been closed all this time was also opened from the inside, and Xiao Yan held a jade bottle in his hand and threw it towards Hai Bodong who was looking at him excitedly, saying: "Fortunately, it is not a disgrace.

  " Bodong quickly took the jade bottle, opened it, and looked at the purple round pill exuding an attractive elixir fragrance.

  "That's right, it's the same as what's recorded in the classics." Hai Bodong said tremblingly.

  "Alright, let's break the seal." Xiao Yan calmly waved his hand.

  "En!" Hai Bodong said excitedly.

  After a while, Hai Bodong's aura in the room suddenly began to tremble violently, and then the aura suddenly rose and began to rise rapidly. I saw that Hai Bodong's aura began to change from the fighting spirit realm, soaring all the way to the seven-star fighting emperor realm. After hesitating for a while at the seven-star realm, he continued to climb and finally stabilized at the nine-star Douhuang realm.

  "This Haibodong is lucky. Relying on the training of Queen Medusa's seal for the past two years, his fighting spirit has been continuously refined. I don't want to take advantage of the opportunity of breaking the seal of the Po'er Pill today to change from the original Seven Star Dou in one fell swoop. The emperor has broken through to the realm of the nine-star fighting emperor." Yao Lao in Najie said to Xiao Yan.

  At this time, a tyrannical aura suddenly overflowed from the room in the courtyard, and then a tyrannical old man with ice-white fighting spirit wings flew out of the room.

  Hai Bodong flapped his fighting spirit and stood in the sky, embraced the sky with both hands, and shouted loudly and heartily: "I, Hai Bodong, the Ice Emperor, is back!" "Do you want to die?" A crisp male voice suddenly came from below


  When Hai Bodong was really high-spirited and elated, how could he bear this anger. Just when Hai Bodong was thinking about how to teach this little bug who frequently provoked the majesty of the Dou Huang a painful lesson, suddenly a mysterious aura that was several times stronger than the aura he just broke through locked him firmly, making him He couldn't move.

  Having figured out the situation, Hai Bodong finally came to his senses, quickly put away his fighting spirit and landed on the ground with his wings.

  "Hey, didn't I just break the seal and get excited, I'm so excited." Hai Bodong didn't have the majesty of the Dou Huang at this time, he licked his face cautiously and said.

  "You seemed very dishonest just now." Xiao Yan went up and patted Hai Bodong's shoulder, and several pale illusory flames quickly penetrated into Hai Bodong's body and disappeared.

  "." Hai Bodong looked at Xiao Yan's hand movements twitchingly from the corner of his eyes, feeling that he was really an inexplicable scumbag. He just got out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth.

  "Alright, you've already broken the seal, let's talk about business." Xiao Yan said seriously.

  "Now I need the fragmented map that you got in the depths of the desert several years ago, and your detailed map about the possible hidden flames in the Tagore Desert." Xiao Yan said.

  Hai Bodong looked with some fear at the young man in front of him who seemed to know all his secrets, but he only knew that his name was Xiao Yan, other than that he knew nothing.

  "What a mysterious and terrifying boy." Hai Bodong secretly sighed in his heart, and then went to fetch the two maps that he had treasured for a long time.

  Xiao Yan casually put away the fragmented map showing the traces of the Jinglian demon fire, and opened the detailed map of the Tagore Desert.

  Looking at the three flames drawn in the east, west, and north directions on the map, Xiao Yan smiled dumbly and clicked on the flame in the east, and muttered: "Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, is it in the east of Mocheng? Then the green snake with three flower pupils It's time to make an appearance."

  "Hai Bo Dong, I need you to do something now." Xiao Yan suddenly turned around and said to Hai Bo Dong who was standing respectfully beside him.

  "Master, please order." Hai Bodong said.

  "En." Xiao Yan nodded with a soothing expression, obviously very satisfied with Hai Bodong's new title for him.

  "I think even with your strength in fighting spirits in Mocheng, you are probably the biggest local snake." Xiao Yan said.

  "Of course, even if I, Hai Bodong, have been sealed as a Dou Huang, the city lord in this desert city still has to treat me with respect." Hai Bodong said proudly.

  Xiao Yan looked at Hai Bodong helplessly, shook his head with a smile and said, "In that case, I want you to help me find someone."

  "A three-year-old girl with green pupils, some blue snake scales on her arms, a hybrid of snake-human and human. Oh, by the way, her name is Qinglin. Within three days, I want you to bring someone here See me." Xiao Yan carefully instructed Hai Bodong.

  "Yes, young master, I'll do it right away." Hai Bodong said excitedly when he saw that his first chance to show his face in front of Xiao Yan came.

  Three days later.

  Hai Bodong came to Xiao Yan holding a girl who looked like a beautiful porcelain doll with green pupils.

  "Young master, I brought him here," Hai Bodong said, asking for credit.