
Douluo Dalu: story of Jing Ai

Cover is Ai generated. This is a fan fiction of Douluo Dalu/soul land, but the story will center around Jing Ai, it will not focus much on Tang San or the main story, or at least I will try to make it not.

Killerfox56802 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Meeting and News

With the Spirit Awakening Ceremony being over, nobody had any reason to stay in the building where it was taking place anymore and so they all started to flood out. Luckily there weren't many people left in the building or there might have been injuries with the way that people were rushing out.

Jing Ai's family decided to wait until the ones rushing out were out the doors before leaving. It didn't take very long for them to be able to leave, but before they were able to Jing Ai had something that she wanted to do.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going to go and talk to the girl over there!" Jing Ai yelled at her parents while running away from them.

"Ok, just don't take too long!" Jing Yuu replied back to her daughter.

"What she said." Jing Shao said.

In response to what her parents said, Jing Ai made quick work of the distance between her and the girl that she wanted to talk with and before the girl and the person she was with realized, she was right in front of them.

"Hello!!" Jing Ai said to the girl currently in front of her. This girl is the one who awakened a phoenix as her martial spirit.

"H-Hi." She said nervously. The sudden appearance of Jing Ai surprised her.

"What's your name?" Jing Ai asked.

"C-Chen Jia." The girl, Chen Jia answered.

"Chen Jia, huh? Well, my name is Jing Ai!" Jing Ai said before continuing, "Do you want to be friends?"

"Huh? W-Why?" Chen Jia asked.

"No reason! I just thought that you seemed interesting!" Jing Ai said energetically.

"O-Okay? I guess that we can be friends." Chen Jia said.

In truth, there was a reason for Jing Ai wanting to be friends with Chen Jia. She wanted to know why Chen Jia's spirit gave her the feeling that it did, and she felt that only by getting closer to Chen Jia would she be able to find out the reason.

"Yay!! Well, see you later! My parents are still waiting on me so I can't stay for too long." She said the last part slightly sadder than the rest, clearly not wanting to part with her new friend just yet.

Without waiting for Chen Jia's reply, Jing Ai ran off.

Within just moments she reached her parents, "Mom! I made a new friend!" Jing Ai said happily.

"That's great, honey!" Jing Yuu said while being glad that her daughter had made a friend. Jing Ai was like her father in the fact that she doesn't interact much with others. In fact, Jing Yuu thinks that her husband infected her daughter with his personality and that's why she doesn't have many friends.

"Xiao Ai, why did you only tell your mother?! Why not tell me as well???" Jing Shao asked sadly before feeling a malicious gaze on him, looking around he soon found the source.

"H-Honey, why are you looking at me like that?!" Jing Shao asked while wondering what he did to make his wife look at him that way.

Jing Yuu had a look on her face like she was ready to attack her husband. Thinking about how many friends Jing Ai may have missed out on due to her husband made her want to end him on the spot.

"Nothing! When we have this child don't you go expecting that you'll be able to spend nearly as much time with them as you do with Xiao Ai." She said angrily.

"Noooo!" Jing Shao screamed in despair.

Jing Yuu's words scared Jing Shao to the point that he was ready to grovel before his wife and beg for forgiveness. Luckily, he did not have to do this as Jing Ai butted into the conversation.

"Mom, am I going to have a sibling?" Jing Ai asked.

Jing Yuu had accidentally let an important fact slip out of her mouth. Jing Yuu has been pregnant for around a month now and was planning on telling her daughter as a surprise.

"Yuu! Didn't we promise to keep it a secret for a while longer?" Jing Shao asked after noticing that Jing Yuu let the fact that they were having another child slip out.

"It was an accident! Sorry..." Jing Yuu said dejectedly, "But there's nothing that we can do now that she knows." She continued.

"Yeah, you're right about that." Jing Shao said, "We might as well tell her officially though." He stated.

Jing Yuu agreed with Jing Shao and barely even a moment later they both spoke.

""Xiao Ai, you're going to be an older sister."" They both said at the same time.