
Douluo Dalu, Spirit Seven Sin Angel

Qian Daoliu picked up a child from the pile of dead people, considered him his adopted son, and named him Qian Ye. Six years later, Qian Ye awakened the Seven Sins Angel Martial Spirit, which has seven forms. ----X---- The Protagonist will not be friendly with Bibi Dong and is the enemy of Tang San and the Shrek Seven Monsters. His goal is to at the start is revenge then its to be the strongest nothing will get in his way. (He is a Transmigrator) ----X---- This is a TRANSLATION! Original- 人在斗罗,武魂七罪天使

Yandere_Obsession · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 29: I don’t need my Martial Spirit to deal with you!

 At this time, a sturdy young man walked up in front of Qian Ye.

 He looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old, a head taller than Qian Ye, with a tall build, piercing eyes, and muscles all over his body, as steel poured into iron, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

 At this time, the referee came between the two people and announced their names.

 "Zhao Xiong vs. Qian Ye, the game begins!"

 Zhao Xiong didn't know Qian Ye. He didn't know that Qianye was the adopted son of Qian Daoliu. In his eyes, Qian Ye was just a six or seven-year-old kid.

 Then he laughed and said: "Hahahaha. I didn't expect that I would meet the weakest person in the first game. God helps me!"

 Qian Ye just looked at him calmly and did not speak.

 Immediately, Zhao Xiong continued: "Boy, you admit defeat. As long as you admit defeat, I promise not to hit you!"

 Qian Ye just responded coldly: "Let's start!"

 "In that case, let's operate on you first!" Zhao Zhao Xiong roared, and then roared: "Possessed by the spirit of martial arts!"

 Suddenly, an extremely terrifying phantom of a big bear appeared. Zhao Xiong's body began to become stronger, and his skin glowed with a metallic luster as if cast from brass.

 The whole person seemed to have grown a few centimeters taller, and his strength, speed, and defense were also increased to the extreme like a beast coming.

 Not only that, as the martial soul possessed him, some bear hair appeared on Zhao Xiong's body.

 Qian Ye looked at Zhao Xiong. His martial spirit was similar to Zhao Wuji's powerful diamond bear in the original work.

 "Boom -" Zhao Xiong's feet hit the ground, the earth trembled, and he rushed directly towards Qianye.

 At this moment, the breaths of all the surrounding spectators froze.

 "Why did the adopted son of the Great Enshrinement encounter such a powerful great soul master in the first game?"

 "This Zhao Xiong, the Martial Soul Violent Bear, is said to be a twenty-eighth-level great soul master!"

 "The twenty-eighth level great soul master Master, how can I fight this Qian Ye?"

 "You know, he is only a six-year-old child. With such a disparity in strength, how can he fight?"

 Facing the man who was running towards him with such majestic momentum, he was like a ferocious tiger pouncing on food. Qian Ye's face remained calm as usual for Zhao Xiong. He turned sideways slightly and directly avoided Zhao Xiong's attack.

 Zhao Xiong immediately turned around, looked at Qian Ye, and asked, "Boy, aren't you releasing your martial spirit yet?"

 Qian Ye looked at Zhao Xiong calmly and said, "No, I don't need my martial spirit to deal with you!"

 As soon as he said this, The audience on the stage was dumbfounded. This was a level 28 expert, and he was told by such a little guy that he didn't need to release his martial spirit.

 This is absolutely ridiculous.

 Not only was it ridiculous, it was also arrogant. Could it be that he thought he could beat Zhao Xiong? Is it possible?

 At this time, Zhao Xiong was furious and looked at Qian Ye and said, "Boy, you are too arrogant!"

 Qian Ye looked at Zhao Xiong calmly and asked, "Did you attack with your mouth?"

 "You" Zhao Xiong Xiong was extremely angry, but was speechless, and immediately roared: "Watch the move!"

 Zhao Xiong launched an attack on Qian Ye again, and this time the power was several times more terrifying than before.

 Zhao Xiong roared angrily, raised his hands, and hit Qian Ye hard with his two fists like two giant hammers.

 "Boom -" Qian Ye stepped on the steps of the black turtle and directly avoided the attack. Then, he raised his right arm and immediately poured all his soul power into his right arm.


 A dull collision came, and Zhao Xiong flew out directly and fell heavily outside the ring.

 He struggled to stand up and looked at Qian Ye with a look of horror on his face: "How is this possible?"

 At this moment, the audience in the arena were all shocked. They all looked at Qian Ye dumbfounded, unable to believe themselves. What the eyes see.

 Qian Ye actually defeated the twenty-eighth-level great soul master Zhao Xiong with one blow? What's happening here? How can this be? He is only six or seven years old!

 "How could this happen?" Zhao Xiong muttered with a dull look on his face.

 But Qian Ye walked over slowly and said indifferently: "Nothing is impossible. You lost because you underestimated the enemy!" 

After saying that, Qian Ye walked directly off the ring.

 At this moment, everyone changed their view of Qian Ye.

 "Oh my god, is this the adopted son of the Great Enlightenment?"

 "Too strong!"

 "He really has a father with no son!"

 "Yes, how old is he? He is only six or seven years old, and he can leapfrog challenges, and, kill a twenty-eight-level expert with one strike."

 There was a burst of discussion in the audience, and many people's views on Qian Ye changed.

 At this time, the seven worshipers at the VIP table suddenly laughed happily.

 "Hahahaha. This kid Xiao Ye is even more handsome than I was back then!" Golden Crocodile Douluo suddenly laughed wildly. He looked at Qian Ye with eyes filled with relief, admiration, and doting.

 "Xiao Ye, this kid is really good at pretending, but I like it!" Lion Douluo also smiled.

 "Well, it's indeed good. With such strength at such a young age, his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary!" Qingluan Douluo said with a smile.

 "Xiao Ye is not bad, he has a bit of the same demeanor as I did back then!" Guang Ling Douluo praised.

 "It seems that the teachings of our two brothers are better!" Jiang Mo and Qian Jun said together.


 "Okay, okay, this is just the first game, don't get too excited," Qian Daoliu said with a smile.

 Who could have imagined that the seven top soul masters on the continent would be so excited now for a six-year-old child?

 At this time, what Qian Ye didn't know was that Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were also looking at him at the VIP table.

 "Oh, this kid is indeed a soul master of level 20 or above. He is really not that easy to deal with!" Bibi Dong thought to herself as she felt the aura fluctuations on Qian Ye's body.

 It seems that Qian Ye's true strength is far more than what he sees.

 "It seems that I need to give you a little more strength!" Bibi Dong said coldly.

 "Come here!"

 Immediately, a cardinal came to Bibi Dong.

 Bibi Dong immediately said: "Arrange Qian Ye's opponents according to the prepared arrangements!"

 "Yes!" The cardinal nodded immediately, and then immediately retreated.

 Qianye defeated Zhao Xiong and successfully advanced to the first round.

 As for Hu Liena, Yan, and Xieyue, there were no surprises. They all advanced to the next round.

 Seeing Qian Ye advance, the three of them were a little surprised.

 Yan came over, looked at Qian Ye, and said: "I didn't expect you to advance, but it's okay. When you meet me, I can defeat you in an upright manner on the field!"

 Qian Ye didn't pay attention to that at all. Li Gouyan walked straight ahead.


 The three of them looked at Qian Ye's back, furious and helpless.

 Since many players were participating, the schedule was very tight. After advancing to the first round, in the afternoon, the second round of competition began again.

 At this time, Qian Ye came to the ring.

 Qian Ye's second opponent was a thin man. Although he was thin, he was still a little taller than the six-year-old Qian Ye.

 Qian Ye looked at the thin young man. His skin was somewhat dark, and his eyes were full of determination.

 What surprised Qian Ye was that he felt a killing intent from the thin young man. It seemed that he had killed many people!