
Douluo Dalu: Spirit Hall's Demonic Son

In a world governed by martial souls and spirit beasts, Zeng Wei stood apart as an enigma. Possessing not one, but two remarkable martial souls - the Death Aura Axe and the Life Wine Gourd. As an orphan in Spirit City. he immediately grab Spirit Hall's attention. He joined Spirit Hall at the same year with Bibi Dong, herald as the Holy Son and Holy Maiden. After years of cultivation, tempered by fire and blood, life and death, fortune and misfortune, Zeng Wei envisioned the day where he become the sole ruler of Douluo Continent! ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Training Week

With a gracious smile, Qian Daoliu posed a question.

"My dear disciples, as aspiring spirit masters, have you considered the different paths available to you?"

Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei exchanged thoughtful glances, their eyes filled with determination. The path they chose here would shape their futures as spirit masters.

After a prolonged moment of contemplation, Bibi Dong broke the silence. Her voice was unwavering as she spoke,.

"I understand that there are various systems for spirit masters to specialize in. However, I believe that it's still early for us to truly decide which path will be the most suitable path for us, Master.

So, I do not wish to limit myself to a single system at this moment."

Zeng Wei nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, Master. I wish to embrace the opportunities that come in our way and try to know more about spirit master and cultivation as a whole.

I hope that Master can arrange some personal tutor for me. You don't have that much free time as the Supreme Pontiff, I believe?"

The Supreme Pontiff nodded approvingly.

"It is important to remain open to all possibilities. Embracing diversity and adaptability can be a tremendous asset on your journey.

And yes, it might be tough for me to guide you through every step of your cultivation, but don't fret. Once you both reach Rank 40, I'll personally take over and continue your training from there."

With their decision to remain flexible in their spirit mastery path, they delved into the feast before them, savoring not only the delectable dishes but also the budding feelings between master and disciples.

The dining hall was adorned with opulent decor, a fitting backdrop to their newfound commitment.

As the evening progressed, Qian Daoliu shared his guidance and wisdom, emphasizing the value of being well-rounded spirit masters. He told them stories about different spirit masters for them to learn from their both good and bad experiences. 

He taught them to learn from their surrounding and other people, no matter who it was as a wise man never knows all, only fools know everything. He told them to keep an open mind and try to venture on new things as they might found something worthwhile.

The night descended, shrouding the Supreme Pontiff Palace in a serene darkness. The moon, a luminous pearl in the night sky, cast its gentle light upon the world below. As the hour grew late, Qian Daoliu informed Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei that their brief meeting had come to an end.

He granted them a week to acclimate to their new surroundings, and after that, they would enroll in the junior elite class of Spirit Hall Academy—a class reserved exclusively for geniuses.

The junior elite class followed a unique approach to education, blending discipline and freedom. Students had the liberty to choose their areas of focus, yet the teachers also provided essential lectures on subjects like spirit beasts and the history of the Douluo Continent.

With heartfelt farewells, they parted ways with their master. But before they entered the carriage, Qian Daoliu said they will meet again whenever they wanted to hunt for their first spirit ring.

Bibi Dong and Zang Wei were clearly excited at the prospect of getting their first spirit ring but were too tired to give their master a enthusiastic reply, thus they only replied with a nod. After that, both of them entered the carriage and went back to their respective suites.

Zang Wei wished Bibi Dong goodnight when they parted but Bibi Dong was too tired to annoy him so she wished him back. Zang Wei was quite surprised but he didn't think too much of it.

As he entered his suite, he immediately called upon his Life Wine Gourd and indulged in its revitalizing wine to rejuvenated his tired physique. Zang Wei went to the cultivation room to do some swinging practice with his other martial spirit, Death Aura Axe.

He didn't want to spend any of his days without practicing his martial spirits, even if it's just swinging, at least he will be more familiar with his martial spirit, no? He kept on swinging until he was tired and can barely muster the strength to move.

An hour had passed as he swung his axe tirelessly, honing his skills until fatigue coursed through his body. Seeking solace in a relaxing bath, he immersed himself in warm water while sipping wine from his gourd.

The soothing sensation eased his weary muscles, and he savored the tranquility of the moment.

As he emerged from the bath, his mind briefly pondered the catalogs of books and tomes he had yet to peruse. However, with a nonchalant shrug, he decided that it could wait until the following day.

With a sense of contentment, Zeng Wei retired to his bed, the day's experiences occupying his thoughts as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.


Morning arrived with the joyful serenade of birds, their melodies harmonizing with the gentle rays of sunlight that streamed through the window. In a luxurious bed, Zeng Wei lay sprawled in slumber, his face contorted into an awkward expression.

Unbeknownst to him, a delicate bubble had formed at the tip of his nose, proof to his peaceful rest. Snoring softly, he dreamt of the adventures that awaited him.

As the birds continued their merry chorus and the sun warmed the room, Zeng Wei stirred. He greeted the new day with a languid yawn, stretching his arms and legs before finally rising.

A quick trip to the bathroom served to rouse him from his drowsiness.

Breakfast was not a priority for him; he had already enjoyed a hearty meal with the Supreme Pontiff and Bibi Dong. Instead, he chose to revisit the catalog of books and tomes, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

Zeng Wei entered his empty library, ready to embark on his quest for knowledge. He sifted through the catalog, hunting for texts that suited his interests. His focus narrowed to topics like training methods, bloodlines, spiritual power, and herbs that enhanced cultivation.

As he delved deeper into the catalog, he unearthed a wealth of materials, each promising unique insights and knowledge. Some even teased intriguing theories in their synopses.

Without hesitation, Zeng Wei resolved to acquire copies of all these texts, determined to consume their wisdom in the days to come.

His hunger for knowledge was insatiable, driven by a desire to prove himself as more than just an orphan with talent. He knew that word of his and Bibi Dong's talents had already spread among the teachers, and he intended to capitalize on this recognition by excelling at Spirit Hall Academy to get more resources.

After hours of meticulous selection and deliberation, his stomach's insistent growling could no longer be ignored. Zeng Wei, his hunger unabated, made his way to a nearby dining establishment to appease his appetite.

With his focus now on nourishing his body, he set aside his chosen books and tomes and entrusted them to the receptionist, requesting that she pass them on to Bishop Salas.

At the dining establishment, Zeng Wei spared no expense in selecting his meal, embarking on a culinary journey that promised to tantalize his taste buds and nourish his body. The menu offered an enticing array of dishes, each more tempting than the last.

For his appetizer, he indulged in a unique meat dish known as "Sable Roast," a delicacy renowned for its tender cuts of meat marinated in a rich blend of herbs and spices. The flavors danced on his palate, leaving a lingering, savory sensation.

As a side, he opted for a rare vegetable dish called "Verdant Harmony," a medley of vibrant greens and root vegetables, expertly seasoned and sautéed to perfection. The crisp, earthy notes of the vegetables provided a refreshing contrast to the hearty sable roast.

To further elevate his dining experience, Zeng Wei couldn't resist the varieties of seafood on offer. He sampled a seafood platter featuring succulent prawns, buttery lobster tails, and seared scallops, all drizzled with a delicate lemon butter sauce.

The combination of flavors, from the briny sea to the citrusy sauce, was a symphony of tastes that left him craving more.

For refreshment, he ordered a rare rice drink infused with hints of pandan leaves and coconut milk. The sweet, fragrant elixir was both refreshing and rejuvenating, the perfect complement to his exquisite meal.

To conclude his culinary adventure, Zeng Wei treated himself to a sweet dessert called "Golden Elysium." It consisted of a velvety mango mousse layered with passion fruit coulis, adorned with edible gold leaf.

Each spoonful was a decadent revelation, a harmonious blend of tropical flavors and creamy indulgence.

As he savored each bite, Zeng Wei couldn't help but appreciate the meticulous craftsmanship that went into each dish. The dining experience was not just a meal; it was a symposium of flavors and textures that left him with a sense of contentment and satisfaction

After a fulfilling lunch that left his hunger sated and his body invigorated, Zeng Wei returned to his suite. His thoughts were now consumed by the intricate dynamics between his two martial spirits.

He understood that this aspect of his abilities held the key to unlocking his full potential, and he was determined to explore it further.

The arrangement of spirit rings would be crucial in the future, and he was determined to make informed decisions.

Zeng Wei had heard various theories about the optimal age of spirit rings based on a spirit master's cultivation rank. However, he was not content with adhering to established conventions.

His master's advice resonated with him: never close your mind to possibilities. He intended to explore unconventional routes, forging his own path and making new discoveries along the way.

His current goal was to familiarize himself further with his two martial spirits. Zeng Wei knew that a deep connection with them would be the foundation of his strength.

His attention was drawn to the enigmatic rune-like engravings etched upon his spirits. They appeared to hold significance beyond mere decoration, yet their meaning eluded him.

Then, Zeng Wei decided to begin his training with the Death Aura Axe, focusing on honing his skills and strengthening his bond with the martial spirit. He practiced tirelessly, the weight of the axe becoming more familiar with each swing.

During this intensive training, he aimed to hone his skills and foster a stronger connection with his martial spirit.

With every swing of the axe, Zeng Wei felt the weight and balance of the weapon becoming more familiar. The short duration of the training session didn't deter him from pushing himself to the limits, both physically and mentally.

Each strike he executed brought a deeper understanding of the weapon's nuances, making it feel like a natural extension of himself.

In addition to perfecting his axemanship, Zeng Wei also delved into the manipulation of the death aura, an innate skill of his martial spirit, the Death Aura Axe. Despite the limited time frame, he experimented with various techniques, attempting to harness the eerie energy in more profound ways.

However, he recognized that true mastery of the death aura would require continuous exploration and practice in the days to come.

The process was both physically demanding and mentally stimulating, pushing him to his limits.

After his grueling training session, Zeng Wei found himself drawn to the enigmatic Life Wine Gourd. Its mystical properties and the peculiar wine it contained had always piqued his curiosity.

With a newfound sense of inquisitiveness, he decided it was time to delve into the effects of this unique elixir when consumed.

As he took a cautious sip from the gourd, a soothing warmth enveloped him, and he could feel the fatigue from his training slowly ebbing away. Zeng Wei couldn't help but wonder how the wine's effects differed when he was weary compared to when he was not.

He made mental notes, contemplating the intricacies of the gourd's rejuvenating properties.

The more he thought about it, the clearer it became that the Life Wine Gourd's innate skill, the life aura, played a significant role in its ability to heal and revitalize. This life aura seemed to be the key, and Zeng Wei's fascination with it deepened as he considered its potential applications.

Thoughts began to form in his mind.

Could this life aura be combined with medicinal properties to enhance the wine's effects?

Could he refine and upgrade the wine itself?

These questions swirled in his thoughts, teasing him with possibilities. However, for now, he knew he couldn't fully explore these ideas.

With a determined nod, he decided to leave these musings for the future, when he could dedicate more time and focus to unlocking the gourd's secrets.

The hours passed swiftly as Zeng Wei delved deeper into his martial spirits and their mysteries. His determination and thirst for knowledge were unyielding, propelling him forward on his path of self-discovery and growth.

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