
First Battle against Spirit Beasts

The sun hung low on the horizon as Zang Wei and Bibi Dong prepared to face the pride of Blazing Demon Lions, led by the mighty Blazing Demon Lion King. Jin Louyu watched with anticipation, ready to step in if needed, but confident in the young Spirit Masters' capabilities.

Zang Wei's mastery of his Death Aura Axe had reached a remarkable level, showcasing his deep connection with his martial spirit.

With a resolute demeanor, he lifted the Death Aura Axe, its gleaming blade immediately surrounded by an eerie, chilling aura.

The darkness exuded from his weapon swirled around him like an ominous mist, forming an intricate dance of shadowy energy. This mist coiled and twisted, taking on the semblance of ghostly serpents that slithered gracefully through the air.

They moved with an almost sentient anticipation, eagerly awaiting their master's command.

In the presence of the Blazing Demon Lions, Zang Wei's control over his Death Aura Manipulation skill was awe-inspiring.

With a focused thought and a profound connection to his martial spirit, he sent forth the death-attributed dharmas, each imbued with a sinister elegance and potent lethality, aimed squarely at the formidable pride of Blazing Demon Lions.

The ethereal dharmas, imbued with the power of death, hissed and lunged at their fiery adversaries. The lionesses roared in response, their flaming manes blazing brighter as they defended their territory.

The lions leaped forward to intercept the spectral serpents, but Zang Wei's control was precise and agile. The snakes dodged and weaved through the leaping lions, striking with lethal precision.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, unleashed her Death Spider Emperor's first spirit skill, Countless Swords and Shields.

As her spiritual power surged, countless shimmering constructs of weapons and shields materialized around her, forming an impenetrable defense.

With a swift and fluid motion, she summoned her weapons into existence. Glistening varieties of weapons of translucent amethyst energy gleamed with deadly intent, and enormous, resilient shields formed a protective barrier around her.

The lionesses launched fiery attacks, their roars sending waves of scorching flames toward the young Spirit Masters.

Zang Wei's spectral serpents contorted and twisted, intercepting the flames, while Bibi Dong's shields held firm against the onslaught.

The battle was intense, a dance of life and death.

Zang Wei's death-attributed dharmas continued their relentless assault on the Blazing Demon Lions, striking at their life force. Some lionesses began to wither and weaken under the influence of death.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong displayed her versatility with her Countless Swords and Shields. As the pride of Blazing Demon Lions closed in, Bibi Dong's constructs sprang into action.

She weaved her shimmering blades into a whirlwind of destruction, slashing at the lionesses with precision and fury. Her protective shields also served as potent weapons, smashing into their foes with unyielding force.

The Blazing Demon Lion King, not to be outdone, roared with fiery determination. They unleashed a powerful fireballs that hurtled toward the young Spirit Masters, threatening to engulf them in searing flames.

Zang Wei and Bibi Dong exchanged a glance, their eyes filled with resolve. With a synchronized effort, Zang Wei commanded his spectral serpents to coil around the incoming fireball, absorbing and neutralizing its flames.

Bibi Dong summoned an array of swords, merging them into a colossal, shimmering blade of energy. With a fierce swing, she sent the blade slicing through the air, cleaving the fireball in two.

The shattered flames scattered harmlessly around them.

The battle raged on, but Zang Wei and Bibi Dong fought with determination and skill, their new spirit skills showcasing their growing power.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the pride of Blazing Demon Lions realized they faced formidable adversaries, and the tide of the battle began shifting to a higher notch.

The battle continued to intensify, Zang Wei and Bibi Dong's coordination grew even more remarkable. The pride of Blazing Demon Lions, despite their fiery ferocity, faced an unprecedented challenge.

Zang Wei, utilizing his Death Aura Axe's first spirit skill, Death Aura Manipulation, unleashed his spectral serpents with precision. They coiled towards each other and fused, forming a menacing death hydra dharma that thrashed through the lionesses.

One by one, the lions succumbed to the deadly grasp of the death hydra dharma, their life forces extinguished.

Bibi Dong's Countless Swords and Shields had become a symphony of destruction. Her swords danced through the air, their shimmering edges leaving trails of ethereal light as they slashed through the lionesses.

With each strike, her spiritual power surged, infusing her blades with overwhelming force. The lionesses' roars turned into anguished cries as they fell before her onslaught.

The Blazing Demon Lion King, the epitome of strength in the pride, roared defiantly. It summoned a raging inferno that swept toward them.

The intense heat and flames threatened to overwhelm Zang Wei and Bibi Dong, but they stood their ground, resolute and unyielding.

Zang Wei commanded his spectral hydra to form a protective barrier, creating a dome of death aura that absorbed the scorching flames.

The barrier crackled with dark energy, withstanding the inferno's onslaught. The fire raged around them but couldn't penetrate their defenses.

While Bibi Dong gathered her constructs of shields into a colossal tower of defense. The shimmering shields interlocked, creating an impervious fortress that deflected the fire's fury.

The Blazing Demon Lion King's attack was neutralized. Then, as the roaring flames subsided, Zang Wei and Bibi Dong seized the moment.


Then, Zang Wei wanted change his approach, he fixed his unwavering focus on the imposing Blazing Demon Lion King.

His Death Aura Axe was no longer just a weapon; it had become an extension of his very being.

In a climactic shift, Zang Wei departed from his earlier strategy of controlling the death-attributed dharmas from a safe distance.

With a fierce battle cry that echoed through the battle-scarred landscape, he displayed unyielding determination as he took a bold step forward.

In his hand, the Death Aura Axe became an extension of his very essence, and his focus was unwavering.

This axe, shrouded in the chilling and dark aura of death, exuded an ominous presence that coiled and twisted like sinister serpents, eagerly anticipating their master's command.

Zang Wei's movements were nothing short of mesmerizing, a great showcase of his axemanship. As the embodiment of death's cold embrace, his axe cleaved through the air with a lethal finesse that left witnesses in awe.

Each swing and maneuver displayed unparalleled precision, like a deadly dance choreographed by the grim reaper himself.

As Zang Wei closed the perilous gap between himself and the Blazing Demon Lion King, his death serpents dharmas were not to be outdone.

These ghostly, ethereal entities appeared to possess a life and consciousness of their own, their spectral forms coiling and constricting around the formidable lion with relentless and inexorable strength.

It was a macabre spectacle, a stark clash of life and death.

The Blazing Demon Lion King, undeterred by the dire circumstances, summoned a reservoir of inner strength, and with a display of resolute ferocity, it launched a counteroffensive that mirrored the tenacity of a wounded beast.

A defiant roar echoed through the battlefield, reverberating showing its unyielding spirit. In that moment, the Lion King harnessed the very essence of its blazing nature, summoning forth a searing inferno that engulfed its surroundings.

Fires raged with incandescent power, a scorching wall of flame that sought to repel the relentless grip of the death serpents and the lethal cleaves of the Death Aura Axe.

It was a desperate gambit, a blaze of defiance in the face of impending doom, as the Lion King fought with the fierce determination to protect its pride and maintain its dominance in the unforgiving hierarchy of the wilderness.

The battlefield, now transformed into a maelstrom of power, bore witness to the tumultuous contest between life and death, as the two mighty adversaries engaged in a relentless struggle for supremacy.

The King's blazing mane radiated with searing intensity, matching Zang Wei's deadly assault stroke for stroke.

Each move and countermove created a chaotic symphony of elemental forces, a battle of wills that would determine the ultimate victor in this perilous clash of strength.

In the heart of this tumultuous battle, Zang Wei, realizing the desperate stakes at play, mustered his wit and craftiness. With a deceptive flourish, he feigned a momentary retreat, inviting the Blazing Demon Lion King to pursue him further.

The Lion King, aflame with fierce determination, gave chase, believing victory to be within its grasp.

However, it was in this very moment of pursuit that Zang Wei's cunning shone through. As the King lunged towards him, a sea of death serpents suddenly came forth, this sudden torrent of serpents momentarily befuddled the mighty lion.

Seizing this split-second opportunity, Zang Wei reappeared with a breathtaking swiftness, striking with precision at the heart of the Blazing Demon Lion King multiple times with all his strength.

In a final, desperate effort, the lion let out a resounding roar, but it was a futile gesture.

Then King's fiery mane dimmed as the death aura drained its vitality, the once-mighty beast now faltering. The death serpent's grip only tightened, extinguishing the last flicker of its life force, bringing the fierce battle to its poignant conclusion.


As Zang Wei focused his attention on the Lion King, Bibi Dong found herself entangled in a frenzied ballet of battle, expertly maneuvering through the relentless onslaught of the other lions and lionesses within the pride.

Her concentration was unwavering, her agile movements allowing her to dodge the sharp claws and snapping jaws that came her way.

The constructs she had conjured became ruthless instruments of destruction, weaving through the enemy ranks with relentless precision.

Bibi Dong, despite the ferocious assaults, seemed impervious to harm. Her unwavering confidence in her abilities was justified, for she already had a protective shield in place.

She moved with calculated abandon, knowing that her shield provided ample defense.

One by one, she methodically defeated the pride.

While her innate skill had already transformed her cute face into something monstrous.

As her lower body morphed into a colossal spherical form, a grotesque and intimidating sight.

Eight coarse, spindly legs sprouted from this grotesque spheroid, adorned with tufts of green fur and constantly oozing sickening mucus that sizzled upon contact with the ground. The corrosive nature of her transformation was not to be underestimated.

The upper body metamorphosed into an armored exoskeleton of purple-black, shrouding her face behind a fearsome carapace. Four additional, beady eyes emerged below her original pair, giving her a sinister, multi-faceted gaze that spoke of her newfound might.

The ruthlessness of her attacks made her monstrous look to become more scary!

In this fearsome state, Bibi Dong's acts of ruthlessness became a spectacle. Surrounded by her remaining constructs, she channeled her energy into forging a colossal sword of shimmering brilliance.

With a savage, sweeping motion, she sent the blade hurtling through the air, cleaving through the last lioness. The once-ferocious creature fell to the ground, its flames extinguished, its fate sealed by the devastating power of the Death Spider Emperor.

The battle had ended. Zang Wei and Bibi Dong stood triumphant, their new spirit skills proving their might as they came out victorious against the pride of Blazing Demon Lions.

Jin Louyu watched with pride as the young Spirit Masters displayed their incredible growth and determination. The forest echoed with their victory, the spirits of the Blazing Demon Lions peacefully resting as their adversaries departed.

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