
Douluo Dalu: Spirit Grass Ascension

Shane was on his way to buy some discounted orange juice when life took a turn for the worst. He died under the very discounts that attracted his pour soul. Read as Shane is forced to grow in a new world with threats behind every corner. Can he use his cunning and knowledge to become a God or will he remain a Vegetable? You’ll Have to read to find out. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. I do not own the art. *Send me pictures you want for the book cover as I need to change it.

MSChowder · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 19:

A.N - Hey guys over the next few days ill be very busy preparing to start University. Because of that I cant guarantee great quality and there may be some mistakes so please bare with it. I will however continue daily posting chapters for you guys to enjoy so be merciful in the comments. I will try to reply to comments if I'm free as a few of you have asked question and I have not had the time to get around to answering them. I'm informing you guys so you don't think I'm ignoring comments and because I do enjoy interacting with you guys since you have great banter and send me your delicious stones, and I think its important to let you guys now since your vested in my novel. Thanks for the continued support. Chowder out.


Shane moved his roots towards the eggs before spurring his spirit energy into them to observe their souls. After extensively trying Shane concluded that they had no souls, it seemed souls would come to them later as the eggs were still in the developmental stage.

After going through all the eggs, the last egg, also the smallest seemed to have the most mature life within it. Shane could sense a week mind space brimming with excitement of growth whilst holding something far deeper.

Shane spurred his own mind space to provide mental energy and in doing so entered the newly formed mind. This egg still had not hatched however it didn't seem far off.

As Shane entered the dull darkness, accompanied by a stringent headache he quickly found a small ball of light far more miniscule than his own.

Shane carefully moved closer to the soul afraid of causing it damage and spread his sense into the soul core.

As Shane slowly entered the soul core, an ability he had gained and improved with since his 1000-year-old breakthrough. Shane could now inspect the inner happenings of souls; however, he could not alter and affect them unless they were going through some sort of evolution where the soul became vulnerable.

As Shane entered, he could see countless small balls of lights zipping around the inside of the soul core. A delicate white dot hovered in the centre.

The dot was the real soul, it held the memories and experience a living organism had and from what he observed this one had nothing a blank state. His own jewel core would similarly have been this had he not survived the reincarnation process.

The small dots of light flowing around actually contained spiritual information. Simply put they held the different bloodlines and characteristics a soul beats would have and as soul beast grew certain aspects would be strengthened.

From a quick observation there were a few different breeds of Ant soul beast bloodlines represented by the different coloured soul beads as Shane named them. The most beads where a dull red in colour and he found the information of the bloodline after inspecting them.

On the other hand the least amount of soul's beads where black in colour. These soul beads were the Fifteen Ton Ant bloodline the strongest Ant bloodline Shane had seen. Shane's memory was hazy but if he remembered correctly this was the same soul beast Tang had killed for his second spirit soul.

From this he quickly understood what those 2 eggs in the breed room represented. They must have been the 2 Fifteen-ton Ants from the novel.

They were 90,000 years then and that would mean he came 40,000 to 90,000 years before the start of the story. Shane was ecstatic at this revelation, it also made sense as he had seen no humans so far even though he occupied the outer area of the forest added with so many soul beasts.

Shane already began to formulate plans in regards to the future. But to realize his goals he would need to go to the sunset forest. Shane continued to observe the soul beads and found the most common one being the worker Ant bead. It seemed he may have picked up a batch of worker Ants.

Of course, Shane was not bothered by this. When he went through his 1000-year evolution he had successfully added the soul beads from the radiance tree, those soul beads allowed his evolution to take place.

During the process he did have to shield his inner soul or his memories but he believed he could also use the methods on these eggs. If he could get his roots on insect soul beats he should be able to add there soul beads to these Ants when they were born and there soul the weakest.

The only issue was that within his own jewel core there were many different coloured soul beads. Mainly the grey representing the spirit grass and green of the radiance tree. There was no way to fuse them together to create a new soul bead or bloodline as of yet.

It seemed Shane would need to find a way to affect this as well.

As Shane was exploring the unborn worker Ants soul, he was jolted awake by 2 strong spiritual presences. Shane senses spread for 1000 metres and thankfully the soul beasts weren't within his detection or he would have been alerted but their spirit fluctuation had spread to him.

After analysing the fluctuations, he found one belonged to the Queen Ant from before but the other was far stronger and denser. The second spirit energy was filled with hunger and rage and was barbaric in nature.

The chance to observe two 100,000-year-old soul beasts fight was rare and so Shane quickly took off to view the fight.

Of course, he full activated his soul concealment and kept a far enough distance as to just see the fight take place. On his way he found this was the same route to the Ant colonies nest meaning it may have been attacked.

Shane speculated that when the Queen Ant left to chase him the domain must have been cancelled and thus the colony had been exposed. Shane quickly arrived as close as he dared to risk as he watched the battle take place.

As Shane senses observed the battle taking place, he observed both soul beasts. The Queen Ant stood angrily, its mandibles open and closing maniacally as it started with deep hatred at its opponent. Its towering figure of 5 metres rocked back and forth on spear like legs ready to spring into action in a moment's notice.

Around the Queen dozens of dead worker Ants and Armoured war Ants corpses lay. A large dark gold bear stood imposingly whilst continuing to devour the dead Ants. Its maw filled with razor Sharp teeth grinding the carapaces before roughly swallowing.

Shane instantly knew the identity of the bear. The novel had given a detailed image and thus he knew it was the Dark Gold Fear Claw Bear, a top soul beast predator. With a strong bloodline and powerful abilities, it was unmatched in similar cultivation levels.

Its huge powerful muscles moved rhythmically to its chewing and swallowing whilst the dense silk like fur danced in the wind.

From there positions it was clear the Bear had attacked when the Queen had been away as it stood at the foot of the colony entrance with dead soul beasts strown about.

Shane quickly thought of why the bear would attack before coming to an obvious conclusion. From his time within this forest which he now believed was the Star Dou Forest, Shane had seen that the true cultivation age of soul beasts was not representative by their real age.

Factors such as what the soul beats ate and living environments massively helped speed up cultivation. It was more right to suggest soul beats age where the cultivation ages divided by 2 or 3.

The Bear after discovering the Ant colony most likely came due to the rich spirit energy as many Ants lived here as well as the mountain of biomass beneath the ground.

It was simpler to say that this was an all eat buffet and the Bear was hungry.

As the Dark Gold Bear turned to face the Ant Queen it released a deep growl which seemed to further anger the Ant Queen.

The Ant Queen in return released a horrifying shriek accompanied by a wave of pheromones which further spurred the Ants on. Around the Queen stood the reaming 8 Armoured war Ants and 3 of them were injured.

The Queen raised her mandibles and clacked viciously before charging towards the bear whilst the Ants moved like a tsunami clawing there way on top of the bear. The Ants attacked from both side marking the start of this legendary battle.