
Douluo Dalu: Seize the Blue Silver Emperor at the Beginning

Ye Yang(meaning "leaf of the sun or sunleaf") reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu as the Blue Silver Grass. He obtained the "Double Skill Replication" system and awakened the dark devouring ability of the Blue Silver Grass. Tricking the newly humanized Blue Silver Emperor, he copied her Blue Silver Tyrant King Spear skill and defeated the Tang Hao brothers during their mountain trials, winning the affection of the Blue Silver Emperor. Ye Yang's rise was rapid! After quickly reaching ten thousand years of cultivation, each of his nine leaves permanently copied a top-level soul skill: Haotian Hammer, Golden Saint Dragon, Six-Winged Angel, Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Seven Kill Sword, Nine-Headed Phoenix... After one hundred thousand years of soul power, his soul skills evolved into nine top-level martial souls! Facing Ye Yang's terrifying strength, the Wuhun Hall suffered heavy casualties, and Qiandao Liudao fell into darkness, collaborating with the evil soul masters from the Sun-Moon Continent. Tang San led the Seven Monsters and joined forces with the Three Sects and the original body sects of the Sun-Moon Continent but was still defeated. Ten Great Fierce Beasts emerged, three Ultimate Douluo joined forces, the Sun-Moon Continent drifted over early, and Tang San was about to ascend to godhood... Especially to suppress Ye Yang's ascension to God Beast, several major deities from the Divine Realm took action... ---------------------------------------------------- • This is a translation of a fan fiction written by the author "Lao Ge." • If the original author requests the removal of the translation, the translator(i) will comply. • Donations of power stones would be greatly appreciated as they contribute to the translator's(my) energy and translation speed. • Original Fan - Fiction link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/178757/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please leave a review about your reading experience. I will really be gratefull for that.

LostMan · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

10 years, White 9th Soul Ring!

Tang Hao's mind and body went through countless struggles between life and death.

His body's severe injuries and the backlash of his Martial Soul had brought him to the brink of death.

But his strong unwillingness to give up pulled him back again and again.

Just at the critical moment, his White Angel arrived, only it had black skin and was a black-spined pig, carrying yellow holy water, which saved him.

And not only that, it allowed him to break through to become a Title Douluo!

The sudden surge of immense aura made the surrounding spirit beasts flee in panic.

Only the black-spined pig was directly scared into paralysis, and its large, dark, and hairy backside sat down on the ground, trembling all over.

Tang Hao struggled to open his eyes, and his will gradually revived.

Finally, he saw the scene before him and was so angry that his heart almost exploded!


He wanted to roar in anger.

It was so disgusting.

After a long time, Tang Hao finally regained some strength.

He reached out his hand, trying hard to push away the black-spined pig.

However, the more he moved, the more frightened the black-spined pig became, and it kept farting and urinating in fear.


Tang Hao vomited again, and the veins on his forehead throbbed.

The wounds all over his body, which had just healed, were torn open again, and blood overflowed once more.

The little bit of strength he had just recovered from breaking through to become a Title Douluo quickly disappeared.

Tang Hao knew that if he didn't push away this damn pig and stop the bleeding and heal his injuries, he would become the first person in the whole continent to be killed by a ten-year black-spined pig, a Title Douluo!

But he couldn't push it away.

Only by absorbing spirit rings would one truly become a Title Douluo, gaining a tremendous increase in strength and undergoing a massive transformation in body and Martial Soul.

But how could he, in his current state, find spirit beasts to absorb spirit rings?

Tang Hao couldn't help but think of the scene a few years ago when he was drunk and his father handed him a sharp blade, which he stabbed into the eye socket of the 90,000-year-old one-eyed Demon Exploding Bear and then absorbed a top-grade ten-thousand-year spirit ring.

If his father were here, that would be so great.

In fact, because of the connection between father and son, grandson, and the future of the sect, Tang Xiaotian had been restless when Tang Hao and Tang San were beaten up.

Now, he finally couldn't help it and hurriedly rushed towards the Star Dou Forest.

However, it was too late.

"Spirit beast, isn't the one in front of me a spirit beast?"

At the verge of death again, Tang Hao suddenly felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at the black-spined pig on his face.

A glimmer of hope rose in his heart, but this hope seemed more like despair.

"I, the first genius of the continent, finally made it to become a Title Douluo, after missing out on ten-thousand-year spirit rings one after another. Is it possible that now, I can only absorb a ten-year spirit ring?!"

"Ten years... Ahhh!"


In the end, Tang Hao had no choice but to summon his Clear Sky Hammer with all his strength, amid despair and endless frustration.

But his remaining power was too weak, and his Martial Soul was severely damaged.

His Clear Sky Hammer now was even smaller than Tang San's small hammer.

It was just slightly thicker than a thumb, about the length of a middle finger, and the handle was like a pair of chopsticks.

He tremblingly lifted the Clear Sky Hammer and struck the head of the black-spined pig with all his strength.


It made a sound almost as faint as chopsticks falling to the ground.

If Ye Yang were here, he would definitely think of the scene from the movie "Kung Fu" that he had watched before, where the protagonist almost got killed and then found a small stick to hit the head of the Evil God of Fire.

And he might even complain, "This kind of small hammer is not worth even 40 cents, let alone 40."

Tang Hao was a tenacious individual; if once wasn't enough, then he'd try a second or third time...

Smack! Smack! Smack!


He continuously swung the small hammer, repeatedly hitting the head of the black-spined pig.

The black-spined pig reacted violently, with its body convulsing as if it had suffered a heavy blow and was being electrocuted.

The blows from Tang Hao were weaker than the usual rubbing and scratching it did against the tree trunk.

But the psychological stimulation was too great for it, and it was terrified.

The foolish creature couldn't understand why a human strongman comparable to a hundred thousand-year soul beast king would torture it like this.

Couldn't he just give it, Grandpa Pig, a quick and happy death?

Ten-odd minutes later, its pupils contracted, its body twitched, and it collapsed completely on top of Tang Hao, scared to death.

A white soul ring appeared.

The hungry and eager Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul greedily bound the soul ring and rapidly devoured it.

Tang Hao looked dazedly at all this, like an old father watching his daughter being violated, tears of humiliation in his eyes...


A loud shout startled him.

He turned his head and saw his father descending from the sky, staring at him with wide eyes, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

Tang Xiaotian was genuinely stunned. What did he see?

His beloved son was covered in blood, and even more nauseating, pig feces and pig urine.

He lay humiliated on the ground, with a large and robust male Bblack-spined pig lying on top of him.

Tears rolled down his eyes, filled with humiliation.

Could it be that Haotian was forcefully violated by a male pig?!!

Tang Xiaotian dared not think any further.

At this moment, Tang Hao also had some strength and flipped the black-spined pig off himself, struggling to get up.

Beside him, the small Clear Sky Hammer gradually grew bigger as his soul power recovered.

At first, when Tang Xiaotian saw that the Clear Sky Hammer had nine soul rings, he was momentarily delighted.

But then, as he saw the last soul ring, which turned out to be white, he blinked hard, then rubbed his eyes fiercely, and looked again carefully.


"White... white..."

"Haotian, your ninth soul ring..."

Tang Xiaotian, uncommonly, stuttered a bit.

Adding a ten year soul ring as the ninth soul ring, this was even more unbelievable than his son being violated by a ten-year Blackbacked Tufted Pig.

He still had a last shred of hope, hoping that the white soul ring was a special ten-thousand-year soul ring with a different color from the normal black soul rings.

Even if it was a thousand-year soul ring, he would feel a bit better!

However, Tang Hao's face turned ashen, and his whole body was completely devoid of spirit.

He quivered his lips, and his eyes were lifeless.

"Father, I lost..."

Tang Xiaotian stood in a daze.