

Tang li after the auction leaved the the auction House it was already night and he found that even though the sky city was very modern considering the other cities of this continent he understood that it was still primitive as they were no lights the nights only fire lamps at some places making the night life of the city not so popular he decided to introduce electricity and many other circuit systems that could effectively make the people's life a little more easy he walked through the dark alley thinking about these things slowly walking to the the city lords building he directly showed the gaurd his identity token as he knew that many of the gaurds still doesn't recognise him because of his change in appearance, seeing his identity token the gaurd let him pass he didn't want around the the mansion and directly goes to his room to take rest he goes to soft bed a slumbed deep into slumber.

The next morning he was informed by Souei about the spirit halls action after the auction and what the organisation has done he was happy that the organisation got a chance to show its power to the outside world and he told souei to take him to the research lab and souei took him through his shadow and he reached the place and all the members where already informed by the souei clone so they were all before him to greet him and this was helpful for him he told the main team to follow him to the office after he reached the office he told his plan about electricity and using it in daily life and all the knowledge he had from his studies from previous life even though he didn't have practical knowledge he did have the knowledge from his books which SAGE studied and improved it to suit this world.He gave them the file about all things that need to be done and told them first to implement this at the underground city first and sky City later to expand it to the territories of sky organisation.

After that came to the main building called all the elders and told them about future plans and direction of there organisation during the meeting souei suddenly came to him informed that tang brothers have meet with Ah yin and already started there adventure and the tang hao already fallen head over heels for her and tang xiao and already approved of them.

From what he knew the time when hao kill and started the war is near so he decided to go to the sect and change the elders decision of leaving hao when he needed them and he also decided that he would help hao's wife to recover faster and also the single attributed clan, so he decided and started his journey and he didn't get a carriage he flew straight to the clan flying above the forest at a medium pace and after travelling for one hour he reached the clans area when he came he could see the sect creating the formation which was auctioned before and immediately understood that they bought it.

When tang li came to the sect he was stopped by one of the elders at the entrance the elder looked curiously at him at entrance and he asked who li was? and why he was here?, it was then that he remembered his change in appearance and immediately told the elder that he was tang li and his appearance changed due to secondary awakening of a spirit the elder was not convinced as he asked to show his proof of being tang li without wasting any time talking he summoned his hammer spirit the moment the hammer spirit was summoned the surrounding people all felt pressure to their martial spirit causing them to fall down the only one who didn't completely fall down was the elder.The elder established himself and looked at the hammer spirit of tang li and he was amazed to see the hammer just like any clear skyhammer but had a jewel at the centre which was growing in purple Blue and veins of energy flowing throughout the hammer from the jewel.

At this time the other elders also came to the entrance to find out what caused the pressure they immediately saw the young man holding a hammer which look like clear sky hammer but it had more of a destructive aura around it and when li's father saw the hammer spirit and the jewel he immediately guess The Identity of the person he went straight and welcomed tang li by calling his name and giving him a hug and all the elders surrounding them had a confused look while looking at the young man and the hammer spirit later they also recognise the hammer spirit with the jewel at its centre even though it had many changes there was only one person with a hammer spirit similar to it and the elder that previously stopped tang li told the other elders who the young man was and why his appearance changed and they were all convinced and happy that they have one more talented person.

After tang li explained to the elders about secondary awakening and showed his first red ring which is attached to the hammer spirit they were all excited and his father was very proud after the meeting his father took him to his mother who was very emotional after seeing him she cried and scolded him for a long time for not coming back and visiting her after she clam down she asked how he was and why his appearance changed which he had to explain to his mother again from the start some talk later his mother went to the kitchen to make him some food and tang li asked his father why the scet was not aiding the single attributed clan and was not teaching spirit hall a lesson .

His father looked at tang li and told that both hao and xiao are not in the clan and the elders are the ones who take the decision by voting and a majority of the elders have decided to not provoke spirit hall during this time as the sect doesn't have a ultimate douluo and to be honest the sect is skate of the spirit hall strength and the next few days he tried to talk to all the elders about stopping the spirit halls continuous provocation and attack on the single attributed clans and tried to convince the elders that if we didn't stop it now they will it occur sooner or later and we couldn't do anything but after some talk some minority of offer letters a great with me but still the maturity didn't agree causing the decision to be on the side of elders and time passed by a few weeks after the sect got news that spirit hall was hunting the spirit beast who was with hao and the next day tang xiao came back to the sect.

Tang xiao who came back to the sect immediately ordered the clear sky members to assemble and also called all the elders and he told the elders that the sect should protect Tang hao and his wife from the spirit hall and that they should leave immediately but hearing what he said all the elders face visibly changed and stopped tang xiao and disapproved of his decision to fight the spirit hall for a spirit beast and they wouldn't allow him to take the disciples and they also told him as a sect master his priority should be the sect but at this time tang li came forward and tried to convince the elders by saying that if we didn't help hao and abandon him at a time when he needed us what would the other clans and people round us think and the spirit hall would take this as weakness and supress them forever, but the elders were stubborn and said that they wouldn't allow anyone in the clan to start a fight with the spirit hall he tried to change their decision but it was for nothing and tang li was visibly getting angry by the second.

He scolded The sect elders and all the disciples for being a coward and also told them they don't deserve to be called as the members of the clear sky sect and he told that he was leaving the sect and asked his father if he wanted to follow him his father gets irritated but ultimately decided to leave with him as he also found that the sect change from the once mighty and dominaring sect to sect that flees and hide from a fight and he together with his father lived the sect hall and the next day early morning the family of three leaved the clan many elders tried to stop them from leaving but the majority didn't because tang li called them a cowards which was true and they knew it but when he told it in front of all the disciples they were angry and just wanted to kick him out and now that he was leaving they didn't stop him as they were fully consumed in hatred and couldn't think clearly, tang xiao came to tang li and tried to convince him to change his mind but he only told him to always keep the token which he gave him with him and didn't tell anything else before leaving.