
Douluo Dalu: Rebirth Yuhao, They All Have Bad Intention!

During the great calamity in the God Realm, Huo Yuhao dragged Tang San into the turbulence of time and space and died together. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to his childhood. "We have to do something to this distorted world, don't we?" The True God of Soul Beast, the one who bears the seven original sins, Huo Yuhao said so. He wanted to lead his former companions to a different future, but when he came back to his senses, he found that the way his companions looked at him became increasingly wrong. “Huo Yuhao, you still dare to say you are not a succubus?!” "What? Awakening a martial spirit now costs money?!" "Why is there no soul master subsidy...?" "The rapid development of soul guides today will lead to the over-exploitation of resources in the Douluo plane! We should resist it!" After they all died, Tang San, the environmentalist star who was reborn into this era along with Huo Yuhao, said so. P.S: This is a translation and I don't the story. Raw Title: 斗罗:重生雨浩,她们都图谋不轨

YourAlie · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

2. Beating trashes

The two remaining guards came to their senses after hearing their companions' shrill screams.

They were so scared that they dared not hold back and quickly activated their martial souls.

Two soul rings rose slowly from the feet of the two men.

One of them had two white soul rings.

As his martial soul was released, a long sword that looked very ordinary appeared in his hand.

The other had one white and one yellow soul ring, and brown hair appeared on his body.

For a moment, it was impossible to tell what kind of beast martial spirit it was.

The guard with the beast martial spirit swung his arm, and his fist brought a whistling wind and smashed toward Huo Yuhao.

The other guard's first soul ring lit up, and a faint light suddenly lit up on his blade, and he chopped down immediately after.

Before reaching the level of soul master, the physical fitness of a soul master is not much different from that of an ordinary person.

Fortunately, the gap was made up after Huo Yuhao burst into a dark blue light.

The rest is to rely on the experience of fighting in the previous life to ruthlessly crush the two.

Huo Yuhao squatted down to avoid the incoming fist, then rushed forward and rushed towards the slashing blade.

In the process, the White Tiger Dagger was lifted diagonally upwards, just blocking the blade of the long sword.

A sound of metal rubbing against each other was heard, and the blade rubbed against the White Tiger Dagger, bursting out a series of bright sparks, and finally stuck on the blocking hand.

At just this moment, Huo Yuhao's whole body slammed into the opponent's body.

Caught off guard, the guard fell backward.

With his head dizzy, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his wrist holding the knife, which made him scream subconsciously.


Huo Yuhao's thin body was pressed on the guard's body, and the White Tiger Dagger cut like tofu, deeply embedded in the opponent's wrist.

Feeling the opponent's subconscious struggle, Huo Yuhao's eyes became fierce, and he held the handle of the dagger with both hands and twisted it hard!

Scarlet blood splashed out, the nerves were completely cut off, the guard's palm could no longer hold the long knife, and his body began to spasm uncontrollably.

Huo Yuhao indifferently pulled out the dagger, slowly stood up, and tilted his head to look at the last guard standing.

The guard trembled, his face looked a little pale, and at this moment, he wanted to curse the young man next to Dai Huabin.

'How can this demon be a shitty first-level soul power?!!'

The last guard complains in his heart but now is obviously not the time to retreat.

Otherwise, if Dai Huabin gets into trouble, the ending that awaits him will not be much better than death.

The next second, he burst into a loud shout and rushed towards Huo Yuhao.

The second yellow soul ring under his body also suddenly lit up at this time, and the brown hair was dyed with a light silver-gray color, which seemed to improve his defense a lot.

Although he knew that he might not be able to completely resist the sharpness of the dagger, at least he would not be like others who could not withstand even a single knife.

The distance between the two men closed in an instant, and Huo Yuhao raised his dagger again and stabbed straight at him,

But this time, the guard found that the thin blade seemed to be covered with a layer of hazy golden light.

He subconsciously raised his hairy arm to block it, and then there was a sound like the blade piercing leather.

The sharp blade did not break his defense immediately.

This was within the guard's expectations

He endured the pain in his arm and stretched out his other hand to strangle Huo Yuhao's neck.

However, as soon as he raised his arm, he felt a mental force filled with a domineering aura flowing into his body through the wound, rushing into his mind and exploding.

It was like someone hit his head with a hammer, and a strong pain and dizziness came over him.

Huo Yuhao, who had been prepared for a long time, would naturally not miss this opportunity.

He pulled out his dagger and slashed horizontally.

A thin line appeared on the guard's neck, and bright red blood beads flowed out from the wound.

Feeling the stinging pain in his throat, he subconsciously raised his hand to touch it.

Looking at the color on his arm, he trembled and opened his mouth, but could only let out a hoarse roar like a leak.


Finally, under Huo Yuhao's indifferent gaze, he slowly collapsed to the ground.

The six-year-old Dai Huabin had never seen such a tragic scene. You know, he had just awakened his martial soul not long ago.

He watched Huo Yuhao holding a dagger and finishing off the remaining three people one by one.

His body was like a statue, and no matter what he did, he couldn't move at all.

Finally, Huo Yuhao finished dealing with the last guard, straightened up with some panting,

He turned his head and looked at Dai Huabin.

His beautiful blue eyes were like an abyss that devoured the soul in Huabin's eyes.

The young man next to Dai Huabin also had a pale face and spoke tremblingly.

"You!...you are not Huo Yuhao!"

Huo Yuhao raised his eyebrows upon hearing this and became more alert.

He strode towards the two of them.

Dai Huabin subconsciously took two steps back, his face could no longer remain cold and arrogant.

Then, as if he had found a life-saving straw, he spoke in a trembling voice.

"You can't kill me, otherwise you will regret it!"

*The Duke's Mansion and my mother will not let you go. You will face an endless pursuit until you and your mother die!"

"Yes, the Duchess is indeed capable of such a thing." Huo Yuhao nodded in agreement and walked toward Dai Huabin at an unhurried pace.

Then, the golden light covering his fist continued to grow in front of him.

"Do you know? A person will receive three gifts in his life."

With a bang, Dai Huabin was beaten to the ground, and blood splattered from his nose.

"The first gift is what your mother taught you."

As the voice fell, the spiritual power carried by the punch invaded his body, madly destroying his remaining sanity.

The severe pain even made him unable to scream.

"The second gift is what society teaches you to do."

Huo Yuhao's voice still rang in his ears, and then the White Tiger Dagger pierced through his palm that was supporting the ground.

"The third gift is the opportunity for the future. "

"The first two gifts cannot be chosen, but one's future is generally decided by oneself."

Huo Yuhao squatted down, roughly pulled up his golden hair, and calmly stared at the pair of eyes with the iconic double pupils of the White Tiger family.

The chill emanating from them even suppressed the spasm of the other party's body.

"I don't know where your confidence and sense of superiority that you can kill anyone come across."

"Maybe it's because of the environment you grew up in."

"The Duchess protected you very well, and everyone was revolving around you, making you feel that everything in this world belongs to you. Even if some things are not yet, they will be sooner or later."

"But unfortunately, because of your mother, I became your enemy, so your third gift is me."

"Because of me, everything you rely on will no longer exist in the future."

"Maybe after experiencing this, you will grow up and become sensible, but because I became your enemy…"

"Tremble when you think of my name, go limp when you see my face, run away when you hear my voice."

Huo Yuhao leaned close to the other's ear, his voice was soft, but it was like a devil in hell announcing his end.

Experiencing a nightmare-like scene at such a young age was enough to leave an indelible nightmare in Dai Huabin's mind.

"This is the consequence of your action."

As soon as the words fell, the dagger that was stuck in Dai Huabin's palm suddenly twisted, and the severe pain made him open his mouth.

However, just as the screams began, Huo Yuhao had already pulled out the dagger and kicked the opponent in the face.

Dai Huabin, whose face was ravaged again and looked extremely miserable, finally fainted.

After doing all this, Huo Yuhao looked at the young man beside him, and the coldness in his eyes became deeper.

The young man suppressed his body was constantly shaking because of fear, and squeezed out a flattering smile on his face like he had done to Dai Huabin before, which looked very funny.

"You... are you also a time traveler?"