
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


The next day, in the room of Flower Street.

"Listen, you guys." Sleeping Mad Death had a grim expression on his face, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Although I don't know what you have to do with Miss Xiao Zi, if you dare to mess around in Huajie, no one can save you!"

Yang Tai didn't expect that Kuang Shi Lang was so cautious, even though he was the third ugly boy, but he didn't show any rumors.

"However, how did this guy expose Guangyue Rihe? Even Xiaoyu directly communicated with Guangyue Rihe." Yang Tai thought about this for a while. He actually forgot a detail in the original book. Guang Yue Ri and He always carried a blood bag on his body, and he had already been ready for suspended animation at any time.

This time, Denjiro's plan is the same. In his eyes, the possibility of the trio's assassination plan being successful is very low. At that time, he will simply use the knife and pretend to kill Kozuki Rihe, just in time to let Kozukiri and far from here and there.

In fact, if it weren't for raising money and helping the civilians of Wano, Denjiro would not want Kozuki and Hiroko to show up at all. However, although Guangyuerihe is only a weak woman, she is also a determined character. He tried to persuade him many times to no avail.

[Just in this way, His Highness Hiyori can also be freed. In fact, it would be best for the ninja named Xiaoyu to use the transformation technique instead of His Highness Koyuki, but it is a pity that His Highness will not agree. ]

Denjiro was thinking that there was something wrong, and the Yangtai trio had already come to the room of Hiroko Kozuki, and they joined in as the guards of Hiroko Kozuki.

The black charcoal snake seems to be quite obsessed with Xiao Zi, so he often comes here to enjoy the dance, and with the help of the traitor Kasujiro, it is really not difficult to get the black charcoal snake to come over.

When the three of Yangtai entered the room, they happened to see Kozuki Rika sitting there playing shamisen. In addition, there are several maids around, including Xiaoyu.

"I've seen a few righteous people." Seeing Yangtai and others coming in, Guangyuerihe put down the musical instrument in his hand and saluted the three of them slightly. "Thank you for your willingness to help Wano country get rid of the culprit of the black carbon snake?"

"Hahaha, nothing, this is something I promised Xiaoyu long ago." Ace grabbed his head and laughed twice.

Yang Tai asked directly: "Okay, when will the black charcoal snake come over?"

Guangyue Rihe did not expect Yangtai to be so direct, so he froze for a moment before replying, "It will probably take half an hour."

"Half an hour?" Yang Tai rubbed his chin and clapped his hands: "Wooden Clone Technique!"

Several wooden clones grew out of the balcony, and then each performed the transformation technique, becoming the image of Guangyueri and her maids.

"Okay, Miss Xiao Zi, you can leave now." Yang Tai waved his hand: "The Kuang Shi Lang at the door should be yours, right?"

Guangyue Rihe was still in a daze, and when he heard Yangtai's words, he was shocked and subconsciously covered up: "Kangshilang is the confidant of the black charcoal snake..."

"Don't be stupid, his appearance can deceive... but he can't deceive me anyway. With a piece of cloth under his nose, do you think everyone can't recognize him? Isn't the ugly three boy the crazy dead man? ?"

Yang Tai wanted to say that his appearance could not deceive anyone, but thinking about the collective face blindness in the world of pirates, he swallowed the words.

"What? The Ugly Third Boy is Kuangshiro!" Ace and Yamato were taken aback, and even Xiaoyu had a look of surprise on his face. Obviously, Kuangshiro didn't tell Xiaoyu his true identity.

Yang Tai twitched the corners of his eyes, but fortunately, I didn't say anything. The blindness of these people is serious enough.

"Thinking about his eyes, how many people in the entire Huazhi are squinting like him?" Yang Tai said to the two of them with some hatred.

"Yes, yes... It seems to be a bit of an impression, hahahaha." Yamato and Ace looked at each other and said embarrassedly.

Koyukihika saw that he was dismantled, and his face couldn't help showing a slightly bitter smile: "Denjiro, he is also a last resort... It's not that he doesn't trust you..."

"Don't worry, I understand what he's doing." Yang Tai nodded. "For us, the Black Charcoal Orochi is just an object of chivalry. For you, the Black Charcoal Orochi is a mountain that weighs down on your heart, and the degree of emphasis on him is naturally different."

Guangyue Rihe's face was slightly red: "Thank you for your trust, but I still have to say one thing. Today's black charcoal snakes are not easy to deal with. If things can't be done, please protect yourselves."

Obviously, Guang Yue Ri and the actions of several people are not very optimistic. There was still a hint of exhortation in the words.

Although Yang Tai didn't care, he wouldn't directly reject the kindness of others, he nodded and replied: "Don't worry, the black charcoal snake is just relying on the shield fruit of his subordinates. Although it has the power to protect itself, it is definitely not us. Our opponent~www.mtlnovel.com~ So, no matter how bad the situation is. We also have the ability to escape."

In fact, this is also the real reason why Kuyoshiro agreed to their plan. In any case, with the strength of the three of them that Kuyoshiro learned about, even if there is no way to break the barrier, they will never be caught by the black charcoal snake.

"Okay, Miss Xiao Zi should leave quickly." After looking at the time, Yang Tai said, "Otherwise it will be too dangerous."

Although Guangyue Rihe is the daughter of Guangyue Otian, she does not have much fighting power. After all, she has to lurking in the flower street to collect information and money, so naturally she has no time to exercise.

After listening to Yangtai's words, Guangyuerihe was rather straightforward. She knew that she was just a burden to stay, so she just bowed slightly and said, "I wish you all a prosperous martial arts."

Then he left with his maids.

On the other hand, Xiaoyu wanted to stay with an excited look on her face, but was dragged by a wooden clone of Yangtai and led out.

After waiting for a while, Kuang Shi Lang walked in with a serious face and glanced at Yang Tai's wooden clone. Seeing that they played Guang Yueri and her maid vividly, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Afterwards, he said in a low voice: "Sorry, I concealed my identity, and I also thank you for letting Xiao Zi escape from the danger."

"In about ten minutes, the black charcoal snake will come here. If you feel a little reluctant, you can actually find another opportunity. Heishan Chanwan won't last for a few years. It's almost 20 years, and it will definitely be more certain at that time."

Yangtai now finally understands why these guys are always not optimistic about their actions. It can only be said that these guys believed too much in the prophecy of Mrs. Shi.