
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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If it wasn't for not knowing where it was, Neuer would have to take Vegapunk back and use it anyway.

Also, within the Kingdom of Neutum, even the most talented little chestnut received limited education, let alone the citizens.

It is also necessary to build a professional training institution to train all kinds of talents useful to the kingdom.

Thinking about it now, this kingdom lacks so many things...

Neuer rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

If there is an ally who is willing to provide technical and talent support, Neutem may be able to improve faster.

Neuer's heart skipped a beat, by the way, didn't you think about going to Doflamingo before?

Doflamingo's Dressrosa, or the former Riku King Dressrosa, has been able to stand in this dangerous new world for many years, and they must have their skills.

The current Dressrosa is not far behind those superpowers.

Why don't you go to Brother Ming to ask about the previous affairs, and talk about state affairs by the way?

Neuer comforted Xiao Lizi a few words, casually made a few comments and sent her aside, and then asked Kalifa:

"How far is it from Dressrosa?"

Khalifa took out a huge sea chart from nowhere, pointed to a place and said, "It's not close, but if the boat is fast, it will probably be there in two or three days."

Two or three days is nothing to pirates living at sea.

Neuer patted her on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Make arrangements, I want to go there."

Khalifa tilted her head and said puzzledly: "Dressrosa is Doflamingo's territory, what are you doing there?"

Neuer said with a smile: "Of course it is to look up the affairs of the dark world, and by the way, see how much his country can bring us."

Khalifa seemed to understand his intentions, and said, "Do you want to establish exchanges or trade with Dressrosa, and help Neutem through the initial development?"

Neuer snapped his fingers, pointed at her and smiled, "Sure enough, we're just starting out. It's not a bad thing to win over some allies."

Khalifa stared at Neuer, thought about it seriously and said, "Actually, if you want to win over your allies, there are many better options."

"For example, the strong men you have made friends with, the Amazon Lily ruled by the Empress, and the Murloc Island where Seaman Jinbe is."

"Or to be more troublesome, you and the mayor of the city of seven waters in the first half can ask for help."

Khalifa counted on her fingers for a long time before Neuer remembered that apart from enemies, she knew quite a few friends.

Chapter 194 Dressrosa

Although Kali Fati's suggestion is quite good, Neuer still decided to go and play with Brother Ming himself.

After all, Bo Ya and Fat Face Fish are close friends, and if they form an alliance, a letter is enough, but Doflamingo is not.

Besides, Neuer is still not sure whether he is the mastermind behind sending people to hunt down and kill him.

Neuer has already been targeted by the dark world, so it is better to get things done quickly.

Early the next morning, a newly manufactured warship was docked on the shore of Noy Island, and a group of people sent Noyer away on the shore.

For this trip, he only took Lu Qi and Bruno with him. After all, after Neuer, the boss, left, there must be reliable people staying on Noi Island.

A high-end combat power is enough for an uncle with a smile, government talents Robin and Kalifa must stay, Weber and Enilo can act as coolies...

Lu Qi is sharp enough, and Bruno also has the magic escape skill of Menmenguo, so it is enough for Neuer to bring the two of them.

Under the eyes of everyone, the three of Neuer waved their hands and temporarily bid farewell to Noy Island.

Enilu stood on the shore, reluctantly said: "Why don't you take me there, it's so boring here..."

Wei Bo was expressionless, and said disdainfully: "You just added to the chaos when you went."

Robin sighed helplessly while resting his forehead, and said dumbfoundedly: "Not a few days after the establishment of the kingdom, the king left his subordinates and ran out. It's really restless..."

At this time, it is far away on the island of Dressrosa, this passionate country called "the country of love, passion and toys".

This island is a tropical island with a resort style. The island is full of the fragrance of flowers and is famous all over the world for its delicacies.

In addition to these beautiful scenic wonders, the island also has legends about goblins, who are regarded as local patron saints.

For unknown reasons, the residents of the kingdom still live with various living toys and integrate them into their daily lives.

And at present, it is one of the Seven Martial Seas, Doflamingo, who is in charge of all this.

Doflamingo, who is loved and revered by the people, is sitting on the throne at this moment, reading a letter with his legs crossed.

After reading the letter, Doflamingo couldn't help but bend the corner of his mouth, and said in a low magnetic voice, "Neuer, do you want to see me?"

In the spacious and empty palace, a slovenly uncle came out of the shadows wearing a cloak made of sticky liquid and holding a staff of plum blossoms.

This person is Torrebol, one of Doflamingo's confidantes. With his nose drooping, he said in a disgusted tone: "The kid who just became Shichibukai, why did you want to see Doflamingo?"

Doflamingo let out a strange laugh from his throat, and said with a low chuckle, "Heh heh... I might know the reason."

It seems that half a month ago, when the newly promoted Shichibukai Neuer returned to Neutem and wanted to establish a kingdom, the dark world suddenly put up his reward.

As the leader of the dark world, Doflamingo certainly knew about it, and the person behind the scenes was indeed cautious, and even he couldn't find any clues.

The bounty offered by that man to kill Neuer in the dark world is far higher than the reward offered by the navy, so these desperadoes are very attractive.

But as the most powerful Shichibukai, even if there is no evidence, Doflamingo can still more or less guess the origin of that person...

Doflamingo stood up, bent his waist and opened his legs with a defiant smile and said, "Let's go, Torrebol, let's meet the new Shichibukai."

Torrebol sniffed his nose in dissatisfaction, and snorted: "Is a kid who climbed up by chance worthy of our treatment?"

Doflamingo sneered and said, "If you are willing to learn more about Neuer, you will know that he is a terrifying man."

Doflamingo, who has a wide range of contacts and sources of information, is one of the few outsiders who can find out about Neuer's troubles with Mary Gioia and the liberation of slaves.

Therefore, Doflamingo never underestimated Neuer's strength.

Moreover, the purpose of Neuer's trip was not stated in the letter, he had to meet him in person, if he came with hostility...

Doflamingo pushed open the door, and the wind that came out of his face made the pink feather coat on his body flutter. There was a slight flash under the sunglasses, and the whole person suddenly bounced into the air.

After several bounces in the air, Doflamingo easily flew to the shore of Dressrosa against the strong wind.

In the distant sea area, Neuer's warship was sailing staggeringly.

Neuer stood at the bow of the boat, squinting his eyes at the shore of Dressrosa Island, and said in a low voice, "This one looks like a birdman...couldn't it be Brother Ming?"

"This guy, came to pick me up in person?"

Neuer stood proudly on the bow of the boat with a red face, quite a red-haired temperament of "everyone has to give me face".

Doflamingo didn't think too much about it, he just thought that if there was a fight, it would be easier outside the kingdom...

Neuer stared at Doflamingo, secretly launched a systematic investigation, and discovered his talent.

"Name: Doflamingo

King of Chaos: Golden quality, born with kingly aura, three-color domineering will be awakened and strengthened after adulthood, personality charm will be enhanced, dominance over subordinates will be enhanced, and there will be physical and mental catastrophes in life.

After surviving the catastrophe, if one still upholds a kind heart and awakens "extreme kindness", when one is in a desperate situation, one's physical strength, willpower and intelligence will increase by 300% at the same time.

After surviving the catastrophe, if one falls into darkness and commits all kinds of evil, and awakens to "extreme evil", the devil fruit ability must be awakened before the age of thirty, and the direction and intensity of development will be strengthened to the highest degree.

However, if after the catastrophe, the host breaks through the inner barriers and redefines good and evil, the double gain of extreme evil and extreme good will be obtained at the same time.

Devil boarding thread: golden quality, eating the superhuman devil fruit string fruit, the body hosts the power of the devil's favor, and can freely manipulate the thread.

Sin Tinder: Red quality, when engaged in or operating any black industry, the charisma of personality grows with the scale of the industry without limit, and various contacts will automatically center on it, and trust in it will increase.

Spit of the sea: Purple talent, while gaining the power of the devil, it also received the power of the curse of the devil. This curse will be disgusted by the sea, and it will be weak when encountering sea water, and cannot actively use the ability.

Neuer stared blankly at Brother Ming's talent, what the **** is the golden talent of the information boss?

Extremely evil and extremely good?

Neuer remembered that when he was chasing manga in his previous life, he always thought Brother Ming was particularly evil.

But after he learned about Brother Ming's childhood, Neuer suddenly understood the purpose of this talent.

After going through that kind of thing, no one will have no darkness in their hearts.

Only those who stand at the top can define good and evil.

This is the truth that Doflamingo realized from it and carried it through to the end.

Chapter 195 Doflamingo

Neuer generally dare not copy this kind of talent that can only be gained by going through a catastrophe.

After all, judging from the experience of people like Brother Ming, even if Neuer really has the aura of the protagonist, he can still be intact.

Neuer ordered the system: "Copy the ability of the fruit of the line, and replace it with the sword."

Although he is not as good as Brother Ming in playing the fruit of the line, but at least it is the ability to awaken the fruit, which is better than nothing.

Moreover, his swordsmanship has already reached the bottleneck, and he still has a dark golden talent. If the quality of the sword can't keep up, he can't help Neuer too much.

After the boat slowly docked, Neuer led the two off the boat and walked towards Doflamingo.

With his hands in his pockets, Doflamingo watched Neuer through his red sunglasses.

From the outside, he is indeed a very heroic man, worthy of the title of devil man.

And at such a close distance, Doflamingo can clearly feel the arrogance contained in Neuer's body, which is completely restrained but full of power.

It is indeed the youngest Shichibukai, much better than the previous Moria who was reduced to a waste.

When Doflamingo saw Neuer walking in front of him, he was the first to smile and said, "Neuer, you came to me right after becoming Shichibukai, what's your business?"

Neuer smiled and said, "I built a kingdom, you should know."

Doflamingo tilted his head and pretended to think for a while, then said, "I heard something."

Neuer went on to say: "This time, I just want to see the country you rule, and what can be learned from it."

Doflamingo seemed to nod his head in a daze, and said, "If that's the case, how about letting me guide you?"

Neuer found a good reason for this. As Shichibukai, Doflamingo has no right and no excuse to refuse.

But Doflamingo was afraid that Neuer would find out the secrets of this country, and his subordinates would look down on him, so he could only accompany him personally.

Neuer did not refuse, and said with a smile: "Okay."

Doflamingo frowned, then turned around and brought the three of them into Dressrosa.

Once in the town, in addition to food and music, there are many young women dancing **** and hot on the street.

This is a major selling point of Dressrosa. In Neuer's eyes, the dance they are good at is somewhat similar to the flamenco dance in the previous life.

At this time, Doflamingo said in an evil voice: "Dressrosa is also called the island of love and passion. Here, the most indispensable thing is a beautiful woman who is too obsessed with love."

"But it also makes them very jealous. As long as they are betrayed by a man, they will carry out crazy assassinations. Therefore, men who come here not only seek excitement, but also pay attention to safety..."

Neuer's mouth twitched when he heard that, what's the use of Doflamingo telling himself this?

Did he think he came to this island to have fun?

Don't tell me, Doflamingo may really think so...

Because he couldn't figure out why Neuer would go to such lengths to rebuild a country and come to Dressrosa with this lame reason.

As a pirate, or Shichibukai, as long as you find a country you like, you can take over a complete and powerful empire with a little trick, so why bother.

Therefore, in Doflamingo's heart, the label for Neuer is not only a strange brain, powerful, but also... lustful.

Neuer stared brightly at the group of dancing girls in twos and threes on the street, Lu Qi and Bruno were quite speechless.

This made Doflamingo more convinced of his speculation. Taking advantage of the good atmosphere, he said, "I heard that you were attacked not long ago?"

Neuer knew he was testing his purpose, and said simply: "Yes, this is also one of the purposes of my coming to see you."

Doflamingo heaved a sigh of relief, then smiled and said, "What do you think, I did it?"

Neuer did not deny it, and said: "Of course, your power in the dark world is suspect if you think about it."

Doflamingo lowered his glasses, secretly clenched his hands in his trouser pockets, and said in a low voice, "So, you want to take revenge on me?"

As a born king, Doflamingo doesn't bother to explain to others whether he is innocent, even if the other side is also Shichibukai.

Neuer noticed that Doflamingo was about to make a move, and said softly: "Don't be nervous, Brother Ming, I just want to ask you to do me a favor."

Doflamingo sneered and said, "You think... I'd be nervous?"