
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


That's good, even Enilo has suffered a lot of backlash, and it is even more impossible for ordinary people to move the sky island without authorization.

Chapter 190 Cloud Palace

Just after Anilu finished testing the effect of the white beads, Kongdao smiled and brought Lei He up.

Lei He saw Sky Island for the first time, and he said incredulously when he saw the vast expanse of whiteness: "This is Sky Island, so beautiful..."

Neuer looked at the empty empty island with his hips crossed, and said with a smile: "It is indeed beautiful, and it will be even more beautiful if a palace is built."

After hearing his words, Lei He looked at the dreamlike Sky Island and said thoughtfully: "Indeed, if a palace is built on Sky Island, it is indeed worthy of the status of His Highness."

Neuer chuckled, threw the white bead to Leihe and said, "Make this into a scepter, this thing can remotely control this empty island."

Leihe took the beads in shock, put them away preciously and said, "This subordinate understands that this scepter will become the symbol of King Neutem!"

Neuer nodded, then frowned and said, "But the sky island is in the sky, so what about the communication with the ground..."

At this time, Lu Qi suddenly interjected: "Bruno's ability can help."

Neuer waved his hand and said speechlessly, "Are you trying to exhaust Bruno to death?"

Lu Qi shook his head, and Lei He explained for him: "No, it's the research result of Xiao Lizi."

Neuer was taken aback, little chestnut?

He remembered that when he came to Neutem, he had told Little Lizi to focus his research on devil fruits and steel suits. Could it be that there were results so soon?

Seeing Neuer looking at him, Leihe hurriedly said: "Little Lizi used to conduct research on space gates, but there was no progress until I met Mr. Bruno."

"Through the research on the door fruit, the little chestnut has created a relatively crude space that can be teleported in a short distance!"

Everyone was shocked, and Neuer was even more overjoyed.

Sure enough, he was right about the little chestnut, and after such a short time, he created such a big surprise for himself.

Fortunately, the navy and the government didn't turn their attention to Bruno before, otherwise, with Vegapunk's intelligence, the space portal would have come out long ago.

What a treasure...

Neuer felt relieved and said, "That's easy, let's build a palace here."

"At the same time, some important institutions and figures of our Neutem and Hades can also be moved here, such as Xiao Lizi and the others."

Lei He thumped his chest vigorously, and said confidently: "This subordinate will definitely create the most perfect palace!"

Although Neuerm is now in need of a lot of waste, Neuer has a lot of assets now, which is enough to support the development of the kingdom for a period of time.

Therefore, Neuer was very willing to take out Bailey, who built a large inner city of the palace.

Besides, if you don't have money, you can go to rob again. Anyway, you are a pirate, and it's hard to get the legal right to plunder Qi Wuhai.

Again, as long as the people in power in the kingdom are strong enough, there will be no shortage of funds on hand.

Robin raised his head expectantly, looked at the temporarily empty empty island, and said with a smile, "I really want to see the Neutem after it's completed."

Neuer nodded, looked into Robin's eyes seriously, and said softly: "With me here this time, the tragedy of Neutem and O'Hara will never happen again."

Robin froze in place, then put his finger against Neuer's mouth, looked at Neuer's beautiful eyes with a smile and said, "Idiot, of course."

Enilu scratched his head, and interjected without knowing the atmosphere: "Then what is the name of this palace?"

Robin thought for a while and said happily, "I have a good idea."

Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him, Robin raised his head and smiled and said, "How about calling it Yunding Tiangong?"

Wei Bo's eyes lit up, and he agreed: "Not bad, it fits the feeling of Sky Island!"

Enilo also nodded in agreement, and said, "Indeed, Miss Robin finally got a normal name!"

After all, Robin cast a death stare that obliterated human beings in an instant, and Enilu shut up on the spot and dared not speak.

Everyone agreed, but Neuer felt a chill down his back.

This famous name reminded Neuer of the works of a third uncle.

If he really had this name and he still lived in the palace, it wouldn't be the same as living in a big tomb...

Sure enough, it is Robin, even if the name he gave sounds better, but his temperament is still a cross-dimensional underworld.

Neuer forced a smile, interrupted their discussion and said: "This name is too troublesome, just call it Yungong."

After all, it was everyone's leader who spoke, and everyone hesitated for a while, but didn't make any comments.

It's just that, seeing that his opinion was rejected again, Robin crouched on the ground and made a fuss.

Everyone looked at Neuer in unison, and Neuer bit the bullet and walked to Robin's side.

Neuer squatted next to her, sweating profusely, trying to explain it to Robin.

Although, Neuer himself didn't understand what he did wrong...

A group of people stood behind the two of them, and everyone had a tacit aunt's smile on their faces...

This is the VIP seat for CP. Those who have a partner will not understand how happy single dogs are to watch and eat melons!

The ruthless Lu Qi saw it, moved out the tables, chairs and benches skillfully, and silently transformed a huge watermelon from behind.

Wei Bo hugged the big watermelon, sat on a small bench, and said helplessly: "The captain is really slow, why didn't he confess his love?"

Lei He hesitated, and said, "Maybe it's... shy?"

It's okay if you don't say anything, as soon as you said this, everyone stared at Leihe with the gaze of an alien, and said in unison: "The captain will be shy?!"

Lei He didn't speak anymore. Although he didn't get along with him for a long time, he could still see that...

Your Highness's face, uh... can't be described in words.

Enilu, whose mouth was full of bright red flesh, spat out the seeds and complained: "That's not dull anymore, it's just a fool."

Lu Qi stayed away from Enilo calmly, and said: "Be careful to be heard by the captain again."

Enilu was disdainful, lowered his head and continued to nibble on the watermelon, his arrogant posture was not only crazy, but also cowardly...

There was a crowd of onlookers behind him, and a delicate beauty was nestled beside Neuer.

But as a man who has achieved great things, Neuer is still thinking about serious things in his mind.

The freshman Neutem is still in its infancy, and its internal strength is too weak. It needs to accumulate capable ministers in order to make a name for itself.

Neuer's politics are quite rubbish, but it is still possible to learn from the practices of the ancestors in the past life and imitate them.

Although I am a little anxious, let's recruit some talents with leadership ability from within the kingdom first, so as to relieve the pressure on Neuer and Leh's shoulders.

Neuer intends to select the court ministers of the various ministries of Neutem first, and then...

Be safe and sound as the king of hands-offs!

Anyway, as long as Neuer's own strength is enough, such things as treason and betrayal cannot happen in the world of pirates.

Chapter 191 Newborn Neutem

Sailing on the sea before, coupled with the help of the river of the underworld, Neuer has not felt much yet.

Now that so many people were released at once, Neuer realized that he had brought nearly 20,000 people with him before.

Although it is nothing compared to those superpowers in the world, it is already a lot for the new kingdom.

As for the River of Underworld after Neuer was emptied, it was temporarily idle, and he planned to use it as a big prison in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the remnants of Neuer's previous killing of Moria, namely Hogubak and Perona, were released by Neuer.

Hobak has world-leading medical skills and human body research, which Neuer always thought would be useful.

In addition, his loyalty to Moria is weaker than that of Perona, so Neuer boldly released him and forced...

Cough, convince him to do some research for me.

As for Perona, that little girl is a diehard Moriah, and she has lived with Neuer for so long, and she is only getting closer to some girls from the Underworld Pirates.

After all, Hades treated her well before, and Perona is a weird girl, so it's not surprising that it's related to this level.

Anyway, as long as she doesn't make trouble, she can cooperate with Xiao Lizi to do research, and Neuer doesn't bother to touch her.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. When Neutem started construction, everything was a mess.

But after a while, the situation has obviously improved now.

Bright, spacious and clean streets have begun to take shape, extending in all directions, and neatly arranged, and various characteristic buildings that should not exist in this world have sprung up.

At the beginning, Neuer put forward the house he wanted to build with all his teeth and claws, but the architectural designers under his command were very worried.

God knows what those earthen buildings, watchtowers, courtyard houses and "Moore Manor" His Highness mentioned...

It wasn't until the sweaty architects communicated clearly with Neuer that they handed over such a relatively perfect answer sheet.

In the air, the huge pterosaur that Weber turned into hovered in the air. Neuer sat cross-legged on him, looking at the city with satisfaction.

Although it is not a 100% perfect replica, it has its own style belonging to the city, and there is no sense of nondescript.

It was this feeling that made Neuer feel that King Anel was becoming more and more cordial.

In addition, after discussing with his subordinates, Neuer plans to divide the capital into more detailed divisions, such as residential areas, industrial and commercial areas, and entertainment areas.

It seems a little anxious to do so, but the kingdom's current population is not large, so there is no need to develop too many places on Noi Island, just try to improve the quality of life.

In addition, over the years, the group of Lei He and Xiao Lizi have accumulated a very high standard of living, and the cultivation and collection of food has long been no problem.

Seeing the vibrant new empire on the ground, Weber, who was soaring in the air, felt a little emotional, and said, "It feels really good, this country."

Neuer calmed down, feeling the breeze blowing on his face, and said with nostalgia in his eyes: "It's all thanks to everyone."

It's not bad to be able to create a peaceful paradise for these poor people in this cruel world...

Weber gently raised the dragon's head, looked at Neuer on his back and said, "Yes, it's just that there are still too few management talents in the kingdom, and Mr. Leihe has no one to help."

Neuer nodded with deep understanding. These days, he has been staying with Leihe, dealing with problems from various places, and trying to solve them.

It can be said that the busy feet of the two did not touch the ground, and even Enilo and Lu Qi were arrested by Neuer to help.

After all, it is different from living in the Yellow River. There are too many affairs to be dealt with in forming a kingdom, and Leihe does not have the ability to be a prime minister, let alone Neuer.

Neuer sighed, and said, "Fortunately, Kalifa and Robin are so powerful that they can read so many files at the same time."

Weber nodded silently, looked at Neuer with some worry, and said hesitantly: "But, we sneaked out, won't Big Sister and Kalifa be angry..."

Neuer swallowed and hesitated, "Probably not."

Weber gave him a horrified look, probably?

After listening to the boss's instigation, I secretly ran out for "private visits in microservices"!

"Your Highness Neuer, Master Weber, something has happened!"

Wei Bo's ears moved, and he said doubtfully, "Someone called us."

Neuer leaned out, pointed to a person below and said, "He called us."

The man waved his hands anxiously, shouting something, and there seemed to be some wounds dripping blood on his body.

The two quickly landed, and Neuer jumped off the dragon body and asked, "What's going on."

The man grabbed Neuer's arm, gasped and cried, "Someone has invaded the waters of Neuer Island and injured our sentry brother!"

Neuer's face darkened. Someone invaded at this time?

As early as Neuer obtained the ownership of Noy Island from the government, Neuer sent someone to inform the kingdom in the nearby area of ​​the establishment of Noytem.

With the name of Qi Wuhai, who would dare to find fault at this time?

Wei Bo helped him up, frowned and asked, "What is the identity of the visitor? A pirate?"

Unexpectedly, the man shook his head and said, "I don't think so...they don't have a pirate flag on board."

Neuer is also confused, it's not a pirate, the problem of the navy government has also been solved, and it is reasonable to say that he dare not come to the door to provoke...

After thinking about it, Neuer was not idle either, and with a dazzling golden light all over his body, he said to Weber:

"Take him to heal his wounds, and then inform the little ones in Hades to get ready. I'll go and have a look first."

Wei Bo nodded, and the flash of light suddenly shot up into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

At this time, on the coastline of Noi Island, three expensive ships were parked on the shore, and a group of men in black stood there.
