
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


  Chapter 133 132, Fatal Blow

  The other people present also had strange expressions.

   Rorschach knew they had misunderstood him.

  Then explained: "There are indeed a group of star thieves behind me, but they have followed me. They have completely rehabilitated, reformed, and made a break with the past muddle-headed career of star thieves, and embraced a better future with open arms."

  While Rorschach was speaking, the members of the Star Thief Combat Group who came behind Rorschach nodded their heads, as if you were right.

  The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

  Rorschach coughed lightly, looked at the female commander Irani Rael, and asked: "As for the Xandar star, you don't want to let this group of lawless star robbers continue to do wrong things in the star sea?"

   Even the commander Irani Rael, who is known as "Granite", said that he had never encountered this kind of problem.

She could only show an awkward but polite smile: "Because of Peter Quill and Mr. Yondu's team's contribution to Xandaar, we will clear all their previous criminal records, but if they continue to behave If not, our Nova Corps will not sit idly by."

   "Since Xandar is not worried about this group of star thieves, then I will reluctantly solve this problem for you."

   With a big wave of his hand, Rorschach ordered all the Terminator robots to **** Yondu and all the predator star robbers to board the frigate of the Void Fleet.

  Yondu and other predator star thieves wanted to resist, but under the threat of the cold energy gun of the Terminator robot, they could only obediently board the Void Fleet.

   Xingjue was worried about the safety of his adoptive father, so he said to Rorschach: "Mr. Rorschach, for the sake of our fellow earthlings, if you have any requests, you can ask them, but I beg you not to hurt them!"

   "It was for the sake of our compatriots on Earth that I didn't attack them and gave them a chance to work for me. After all, I am a peace-loving person." Rorschach said.

   Xingjue looked back at the group of star thieves behind Rorschach, and he suddenly understood.

  Maybe Rorschach really won't hurt his adoptive father Yondu, and will use some means to make these star thieves work for him.

   After confirming that his adoptive father's life would not be in danger for the time being, Xingjue breathed a sigh of relief.

   At this time, several Terminator robots brought out a person from the damaged Mothership Dark Star.

   To be precise, it should be a woman who has undergone semi-mechanical transformation.

  She is Xing Yun, one of the two adopted daughters of Thanos.

Seeing that Nebula was still alive and being escorted to the Void Fleet together, Gamora pleaded with Rorschach: "That woman is with me, can you give her to me? I am willing to spend a lot of Galaxy Credits In exchange for her life."

   When Nebula heard Gamora pleading for her, instead of being moved, he yelled at her angrily: "Gamora, I would rather die than have your mercy."

  Although Nebula and Gamora are the adopted daughters of Thanos, and both hate Thanos deeply, there is a big gap between them.

"Xing Yun, Gamora, I know your backgrounds, and I know what Thanos did to you. The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend. Thanos and I will definitely have a fight. Are you two willing to help me?" Rorschach suggested.

  Ning Yun didn't even think about it, and replied: "You can easily defeat Ronan the Accuser, which proves that you are really strong, as long as you give me the last knife before killing Thanos."

   Gamora was also very moved. Seeing that she was about to agree to become Rorschach's subordinate, Xingjue suddenly said:

   "Gamora, I will avenge your revenge. There is a saying that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Nebula has already joined Rorschach's team, so it is the best choice for you to follow me."

   "But he has a powerful fleet." Gamora is obviously not an ignorant girl, and it is impossible for Star Lord to deceive her with a few words.

  However, Xingjue was still unwilling to give up easily. He said to Gamora affectionately: "But I have a heart that loves you."

   As he spoke, Star-Lord stretched out his hands and took Gamora's hands.

   Gamora raised his knee directly, and bumped into Xingjue's little brother with a knee.

The most vulnerable part of Xingjue suffered such a blow, a sharp tearing pain almost made him pass out, and his figure also fell to the ground because of the severe pain, clutching the painful part tightly, like a pippi shrimp bouncing on the ground struggling.

   After kicking, Gamora strode up to Rorschach without even looking at Xingjue.

She and Xingjue have only known each other for a few days. Although Xingjue gave up his life to save Gamora once in the void, and Gamora is very grateful for this, but this kind of gratitude did not directly translate into the love between men and women. , so the relationship between them is not as close as imagined.

  The love between Gamora and Star-Lord is more of the kind of love that grows with time.

  Using Nebula's joking words in the Avengers 4 plot, Gamora can only choose between Star-Lord and a raccoon and a tree.

   "You made a very wise choice, Gamora." Rorschach said to Gamora with a smile.

  If Gamora refuses to join his team, then Rorschach's plan, he will release the news of the soul gem to Thanos.

  The condition for obtaining the soul gem is to sacrifice a person you really love.

  Then Gamora is not in her own team, but continues to wander in the universe with Star-Lord, then there is a high probability that she will be captured by Thanos and become a sacrifice for obtaining the soul gem.

   However, Rorschach's recruitment of Gamora will not prevent Thanos from obtaining the soul gem. Even if Thanos only loves Gamora in his heart, doesn't Thanos have other subordinates.

  Anyway, as long as Thanos finds someone and sacrifices his lover, he can get the soul gem.

   All in all, there are many ways, and it is not necessarily necessary to sacrifice Gamora.

   Gamora's departure made Xingjue distraught. Finally, there was a girl in the team who could stand by, but was abducted by others.

   Before Xingjue continued to mourn.

   Rorschach extended an invitation to the remaining members of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

   "Drax, I heard that you and the accuser Ronan also have a deep hatred. Ronan obeys Thanos, so your hatred of Thanos also has a share. Would you like to join me in the crusade against Thanos?"

"Of course I do. I have sworn to avenge my wife and daughter. Since Ronan was killed by you, I will pour all my hatred for Ronan on Thanos. My only request is to When you kill Thanos, let me make up for it." Drax the Destroyer is also willing to join Rorschach's team.

  Xingjue's face turned extremely ugly: "Please, I thought we were a team."

  Rorschach ignored Star-Lord's complaints, but looked at Rocket Raccoon and the tree figure Groot: "Rocket Raccoon, I lack a chief weapon master in my fleet, are you interested?"

   "Sorry, I don't like being restrained..." Rocket Raccoon directly rejected Rorschach.

  On the one hand, because Rocket Raccoon is an experimental creature, he has suffered all kinds of abuse from mad scientists, so he instinctively has a strong sense of vigilance against "big shots" like Rorschach.

  On the other hand, Rocket Raccoon knows that his lifespan is short, he just wants to live freely, and he is unwilling to waste his limited life on working for others.

   Star-Lord was very moved when he heard that Rocket Raccoon rejected Rorschach's invitation.

Luo Xia pretended to be helpless and shook his head: "Unfortunately, I have a lot of research in genetics, and I have achieved some results in prolonging the lifespan of organisms. I originally wanted to say that if you are willing to work for me, I can find a way to make you live." longer."

  Hearing Rorschach's words, Rocket Raccoon stopped.

  He looked back at Rorschach blankly, and asked: "What you said is true, can you really extend my life?"

  The lifespan of an ordinary raccoon is only more than ten years, while the rocket raccoon has undergone biological modification, and its lifespan is slightly longer than that of an ordinary raccoon, but it is also very limited.

   Throughout the MCU movie universe, from Rocket Raccoon's appearance to the final battle of Avengers 4, Rocket Raccoon has more and more white hairs, and his appearance looks a lot older.

  Rocket Raccoon knows his situation, which also makes him irritable, and likes to use pranks to cover up his inner anxiety.

Rorschach directly brought up the case of rejuvenating the old Peggy Carter, "I once made a person who was about to die of old age in a hospital bed return to a state in his twenties. In fact, the technology of rejuvenating children is not No matter what kind of advanced technology, the Kerry Empire has life-extending technology, and the Sovereigns also have gene modulation technology, in this world, everything is possible."

  (end of this chapter)