
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


   Chapter 131 130, Fellow Earth

  Ronan the Accuser held the Kree Warhammer and jumped off the Dark Star mothership.

  He did not immediately use the power of the power gem to destroy Xandar, because this area is far away from the city and has no audience.

  Ronan, he needs someone to witness his 'feat'.

Otherwise, in the original plot, he would not have recited his declaration of victory to the onlookers of Xandar when he swung the Kree Warhammer, and he would not have been attracted by Star-Lord's awkward dance, and he would have been destroyed. The leader Drax can take advantage of this opportunity, and finally destroy Ronan's plan to destroy Xandar.

   "Ronan the Accuser, you have failed this universe."

  Rorschach's figure slowly fell from the sky and landed in front of Ronan.

  Ronan swung the Kree Warhammer subconsciously, and looked at Rorschach vigilantly: "Who are you, Star Bandit?"

"I'm not a star thief. I'm an ordinary person from the earth. Seeing that you seem to be bullying the weak, I can't help but want to bully... I mean, do something brave." Luo Xia said, his eyes fell on Ronanke on the Warhammer Power Gem.

  Ronan noticed Rorschach's gaze, and he sarcastically said with a blank expression: "It sounds good, you also came here for the power gem."

   Seeing Rorschach's true purpose, Ronan swung the Kree War Hammer violently, and swung it at Rorschach from the air.

  As the Kree Warhammer fell, a burst of purple energy blast suddenly landed on Rorschach's black battle suit.


  The sound of a huge explosion resounded through the sky and the earth, but Luo Xia's figure remained motionless, only the cloak of the black battle suit was blown backward by the shock wave and fluttered.

  Rorschach raised his hand, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said with a smile, "The wind blows quite cool, is there any more?"

  Seeing this scene, the accuser Ronan's expression froze.

He glanced at his Kree Warhammer, made sure that the Power Gem was still behind him, stepped forward angrily, approached Rorschach and raised the Kree Warhammer high, the inlaid Power Gem shone brightly, and then used up With all his strength, he slammed down on Rorschach.

   This blow carried the destructive power of the Power Gem, and it slammed towards Rorschach.

  Rorschach watched the power gem light up, he raised his wrist, reached out to grab Ronan's Kree Hammer the moment it fell, and grasped Ronan's Kree Hammer lightly.

  The power gem erupted with energy fluctuations like landslides.

  However, when this energy fluctuation was transmitted to Rorschach's body, it was absorbed by Rorschach's dimensional suit, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

   Ronan was dumbfounded again.

   "Ronan the Accuser, you don't know how to use the power gem at all."

  Rorschach felt the power of the power gem that Ronan used the Kree Warhammer to cast, which was much different from what he imagined.

After all, Ronan just smashed the Power Gem on the Kree Warhammer in a simple and rude way. This is tantamount to forcing the Ark Reactor on the steam engine. It is lucky that it did not explode directly because of incompatibility. How can he be expected to exert the power that the power gem should have.

   After finishing speaking, Rorschach shook his palm vigorously, and Ronan's Kree hammer was crushed by him.

  The power gem fell directly into Rorschach's hand. He stretched out his index finger and thumb, and pinched the power gem with his bare hands, approaching the chest of the dimension battle suit.

  The dimensional suit sensed the energy fluctuations of the power gem, and a traction came from inside, sucking the power gem from Rorschach's hand into a groove on the chest of the suit.


  With a crisp sound, the power gem was inlaid on Rorschach's dimensional suit, and the purple energy current flowed through Rorschach's body, making him feel an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

   On the other hand, the accuser Ronan, he watched Rorschach take away his power gem, and suddenly became angry.

   "What did you do, you stole my power gem!"

   "No, I just confiscated your crime tools, Ronan the accuser, you intend to murder all the people of Xandar, and your crime is unforgivable."

  After reading the accuser Ronan's crimes, Rorschach clenched his fist, and four infinity gems appeared on the back of his hand. The four infinity gems all emitted bright light, and then punched Ronan the accuser.

  The Accuser Ronan only felt an indescribable sense of oppression covering his heart. He saw a fist zooming in and out of his field of vision, covering the entire world as if covering the sky and the sun.


  Rorschach punched down, and the space in front of him suddenly shattered, and cracks like spider webs continued to extend forward.

  The crack in the space emitted a bright light, and then burst open suddenly.

  Starting from Rorschach's fist, the space cracks that spread throughout the Dark Star mothership collapsed and turned into nothingness.

  The accuser, Ronan, was in the center of the shattered space, and had already been submerged in the turbulent flow of the space along with the shattered space, leaving no bones left.

  Up until now, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Predator Star Pirates, and the Star Fighter Group of the Nova Corps have just come here and saw this annihilated space and the remaining half of the Dark Star body.

  Everyone fell into silence again.

  There are more and more spaceships around, but none of them dare to step forward.

  Nova Army team leader Danalian Thrall entered the communication channel and asked Xingjue: "Xingjue, is that one of yours? What's the situation now?"

   The star-lord Peter Quill who was asked was also the first two big, and he tried to connect with his adoptive father Yondu.

   Fortunately, although Yondu's fighter jet was shot down a long time ago, he contacted Yondu again at this moment: "Yondu, where are you, why don't you come up and say hello to your friends, you are calling for support!"

  Accompanied by a burst of noise, Yondu's voice appeared on the communication channel: "What friend, I didn't call for any support."

  Hearing Yondu's answer, the communication channel fell into an eerie silence.

  Everyone looked forward at the same time, the black figure standing in front of the broken space, and the Star Thief Fleet in the sky, which was cleaning up the mess.

   If it wasn't Yondu who called for support, then who is this person? !

  Xingjue boldly landed, walked out of the fighter jet, and walked cautiously towards Rorschach. The Nova Legion and the Predator star robbers also walked over with weapons in their hands, their eyes full of vigilance.

  Rorschach looked back at Xingjue and the others who were walking towards him.

   I don't know why, but when he saw Xingjue himself, a sentence automatically flashed in Luo Xia's mind, 'with the body of a god, it is comparable to a mortal'.

   Xingjue has half of the blood of the gods anyway, even if he has not awakened the power of the gods, he is not comparable to ordinary mortals, as can be seen from the fact that he can catch the power gem with his bare hands.

  Although Xingjue caught the power gem with his bare hands, other team members helped him share some of the energy impact of the power gem.

  But if you try another ordinary person.

  According to the characteristics of power gems, I am afraid that the more people share the burden hand in hand, the faster they will die!

   "Hey, brother, who are you?" Star-Lord Peter Quill came to Rorschach, trying to pretend that he was a big shot.

  Rorschach took back his dimensional suit, and changed back into the expensive suit he often wore: "I am Rorschach, a scientist from Earth."

   "Earth! Did I hear you right, you are from Earth!"

When he heard that he was a compatriot from the earth, Star-Lord dropped his jaw in shock, "My God, you were also taken away by aliens, or is it that the earth has built spaceships during the years I have been away?" gone?"

  (end of this chapter)