
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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After arriving at the small island in the lake, Xue Di sat down cross-legged and said to Wang Feng: "Bing'er should take one to two weeks to retreat, and I will also prepare for the next calamity during this time."

"Okay, I'll protect you, you can rest assured to prepare." Wang Feng jumped to the small island in the lake and came to Xuedi.


Xue Di nodded, his mind retracted and began to make final preparations.

After Wang Feng sat down beside the Snow Emperor, he didn't waste any time. Regarding the soul, the magic of Luyuan's energy, and some other abilities that he needed to explore.

A few days passed quietly, and the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor were still preparing, as was Wang Feng.

At this time, on the other side, Heaven Dou City, the Imperial Palace.

The emperor Xue Qinghe sat majestically on the throne, the ministers below were discussing some things, and Yu Xiaogang at the front looked at Xue Qinghe in confusion.

Today is not the day of the court, why did Xue Qinghe call their ministers into the palace?

Could it be... Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of something, Yu Guang glanced at the superior Xue Qinghe, his face was a little ugly.

He knew before that Xue Qinghe was going to remove him from the position of national teacher, but now he couldn't wait any longer?

At this time, Xue Qinghe glanced at Yu Xiaogang who was at the front, thinking of some things, his eyes were full of disgust and disgust, and then said to the ministers: "Next, I announce one thing."

When the ministers heard the words, their expressions were shocked, and they all looked at Xue Qinghe.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Xue Qinghe nervously, his fists clenched tightly.

"I have decided to remove Yu Xiaogang from the position of national teacher."


"Remove the national teacher?"


Hearing that Qian Renxue was going to remove Yu Xiaogang from the position of national teacher, some ministers who were close to Yu Xiaogang were surprised.

Sure enough... Hearing that Xue Qinghe was about to dismiss him, Yu Xiaogang sneered in his heart.

He had known for a long time that Xue Qinghe would have such a day. Fortunately, he was prepared.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what crime I committed, but you want to dismiss me?"

"Since the day the late emperor let me join the Tiandou Empire as a national teacher, I have served the empire wholeheartedly, helped the empire train its troops, and taught my latest research to the strength of the empire's mighty empire. Even if I have no credit, I have worked hard. But one reason to dismiss me, who in the world would be willing to join the empire in the future and work for His Majesty?" Yu Xiaogang asked angrily.

"That's right, the national teacher has paid so much for the empire, if the national teacher is dismissed, wouldn't it be..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please think again."

"The national teacher is the pillar of our empire, and I hope your majesty think twice."

These ministers who were close to Yu Xiaogang stood up one after another, and persuaded Qinghe Chaoxue.

Xue Qinghe glanced at these persuading people, and decided to deal with them all after a while.

Then he said coldly:

"Didn't you ask me the reason for dismissing the national teacher? Well, I'll tell you now."

"Although Yu Xiaogang is a national teacher, he can communicate privately with Tang San, the son of Tang Hao who killed the late emperor, in order to be detrimental to our empire."

"Furthermore, Yu Xiaogang is Tang San's teacher. The two not only communicated privately, but also disclosed some of our empire's secrets to Tang San's son, wanting Tang San to murder our empire."

"Master, is this true?"

Xue Qinghe looked at Yu Xiaogang with a cold expression.

Yu Xiaogang's expression remained unchanged, and calmly said: "Your Majesty, there is absolutely no such thing. Although Tang San and I are masters and apprentices, I have never contacted him, and I have no intention of murdering the empire."

"Really? Then you're saying that I'm slandering you?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't answer.

"Since that's the case, then I'll let you take a look at the evidence, come here, call the witness."

Then, a maid walked in.

When Yu Xiaogang saw the maid, her expression changed.

The personal maid serving him in his house turned out to be...

Then the maid came in, took out some envelopes and unfolded them in public while telling the story of Yu Xiaogang's contact with Tang San one by one.

Then the personal maid glanced at Yu Xiaogang, especially his crotch and said with a sneer:

"Your Majesty, Yu Xiaogang not only communicated privately with Tang San, the son of the traitor, but also had a private meeting with the Goulan woman day and night, and gave birth to a daughter, and Yu Xiaogang, who is suffering from syphilis, has no cure for syphilis. ."

"What? Syphilis!!"

"The national teacher has syphilis, is this true or false?"

"I heard that syphilis is an infectious disease. If so, wouldn't it be..."

When some ministers heard this, they looked surprised when they looked at Yu Xiaogang, and then involuntarily moved away from him, as if they were afraid of infecting themselves.

"Your Majesty, slander, this is definitely slander." Yu Xiaogang was furious, even if the evidence was here, he would never admit that he had a connection with Tang San, especially the fact that he was infected with syphilis.

"Really? The national teacher said that you slandered him, but is there such a thing?" Xue Qinghe looked at the maid and asked.

"Your Majesty, everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can send it to the imperial physician to come to diagnose it."

"Come here, pass the Taishi." Xue Qinghe sneered, and immediately asked his subordinates to send the Taishi.

After a while, the most famous imperial physician of the Tian Dou Palace walked in, first bowing respectfully towards Xue Qinghe before asking what was going on.

"Aiqing, diagnose whether he has syphilis for our National Teacher."

"It's Your Majesty." The imperial physician replied and turned to Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang's expression changed, and he didn't want the other party to check, but now he has no resistance.

The imperial physician quickly took Yu Xiaogang's hand and began to investigate.

"Your Majesty, the national teacher Yu Xiaogang is indeed suffering from syphilis. He is already terminally ill, and there is basically no cure."

"This... turns out to be true!!"

"The national teacher is... so ignorant of self-love, isn't it?"

"It's so absurd, it's really in vain. National teacher."

"Your Majesty, I agree to dismiss Yu Xiaogang as the national teacher and let a person with syphilis be the national teacher of our Heaven Dou Empire. It is really a loss of the imperial atmosphere. If it spreads out, I don't know what outsiders think about us."


"Agree to remove Yu Xiaogang from the position of national teacher."


After the imperial doctor's decision, he learned that Yu Xiaogang was indeed suffering from syphilis, and some ministers looked at Yu Xiaogang and discussed it, and immediately changed their faces and asked Xue Qinghe to resign and remove Yu Xiaogang from the position of national teacher.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang's face was red and green, as if he had eaten shit.

When he knew that he had syphilis, he had been looking for a doctor to see him, but the result was that he was terminally ill and had no cure.

Today, he planned to find some powerful healing spirit masters to have a look. Maybe he could help him heal. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. .

His current situation is like a classmate in a class who is reading a little yellow book and being dismantled by the teacher in front of his classmates, and watching a small movie and being discovered by his mother, how embarrassing and embarrassing, and syphilis appeared on him, a national teacher, and the society died. It's not enough to describe his current embarrassment.

"Yu Xiaogang, what else do you have to say?" Xue Qinghe sneered and looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"I..." Yu Xiaogang wanted to refute and quibble, but he didn't know what to say.

"Now I announce that I will dismiss Yu Xiaogang as a national teacher, and I will take it lightly for the sake of your contribution to the empire, and limit you to move to the national teacher's house within three days."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was so angry that he clenched his fists tightly. He could see that the people around him were pointing at him with a look of disgust, but he finally endured it.

"Xue Qinghe, you will regret it."

Then Yu Xiaogang coldly put down a harsh sentence, turned and left the palace.

Since he was dismissed and his privacy was published in front of him, it was obvious that he wanted to embarrass him.

He Yu Xiaogang will make these people regret one day.

"Regret, hum, do you still have a chance?" Xue Qinghe sneered, watching Yu Xiaogang's back to leave and immediately announced that the guards had spread the news that Yu Xiaogang was suffering from syphilis and copied the knowledge of Spirit Hall, and at the same time asked Jin Lian to contact him. The dusty woman who was bought by her.

She had already planned these things before, and she just waited for this day when he wanted to abolish Yu Xiaogang in one fell swoop.

Under Xue Qinghe's orders, in Tian Dou City, the news that Yu Xiaogang was dismissed from the position of national teacher, suffered from syphilis, and copied the knowledge of Wuhun Temple instantly spread inside and outside the city.

"This... the national teacher was dismissed because he was suffering from syphilis?"

"Isn't this too self-love?"

"The former national teacher actually suffered from this kind of thing."

"By the way, didn't he say that he was called a master before? What theories are invincible, but that knowledge is actually copied from Wuhun Temple, so the identity of the master is also fake?"

"This matter was announced by the emperor himself, and it must be true."

"Oh, I didn't expect him to be such a person. How powerful did I think he was at the beginning? It made me trust him for so long."

"Damn, it was because I believed the spirit ring theories he published that I ended up like this."

"You see that is Yu Xiaogang, he is the national teacher who has syphilis."

"Come on, let's stay away, so as not to be infected."

On the way back to the National Teacher's Mansion, when some people walking in Tiandou City saw Yu Xiaogang who was passing by talking about it, they all avoided it for the first time.

When Yu Xiaogang heard that these ordinary citizens knew that he was suffering from syphilis, and that the matter of plagiarizing the knowledge of Wuhun Temple was announced, his face turned red and green.

He really wanted to refute, he didn't plagiarize, these were all sorted out by himself, and when he saw everyone's expression, he even walked faster.


"Have you heard that the national teacher Yu Xiaogang was dismissed because he was suffering from syphilis."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Well, this is what I heard with my own ears. It's spread all over the Heaven Dou Empire."

"This person once plagiarized some knowledge of Wuhundian, and was called a master in vain."

"I didn't expect this Yu Xiaogang to be such a person. It's too despicable."

In Yuexuan, some maids were discussing.

Liu Erlong, who came down from the fifth floor and was about to go out to buy some items, when the two girls heard this, came over and asked, "Did you just say that the national teacher Yu Xiaogang was suffering from syphilis?"

"Yes, and it has spread throughout the entire Heaven Dou Empire." The maid did not hide Liu Erlong, so she told them what she knew.

After Liu Erlong confirmed it, he laughed sarcastically.

"Yu Xiaogang, really..."

"You can't look like a person."

For Yu Xiaogang, a self-proclaimed clean person, who is now suffering from syphilis, she didn't know whether she was blind or something, but she actually fell in love with him.

Then Liu Erlong didn't pay much attention to it. After all, she and Yu Xiaogang had nothing to do with her, even if he was poisoned to death, it had nothing to do with her.


Wuhun Temple.

Regarding Yu Xiaogang's dismissal as a national teacher, the fact that he was suffering from syphilis had already spread to Wuhun Hall.

At this time, Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the high position of the Pope, received the news that Yu Xiaogang had raised a girl in Goulan who was suffering from syphilis, and laughed mockingly.

"Yu Xiaogang, it should be your life for someone like you to end up like this."

Bibi Dong already had a deep understanding of Yu Xiaogang's shamelessness.

When she came to the Wuhun Temple, she asked her to tell her enemy's son Tang San the secret of her twin martial arts, and she knew that Yu Xiaogang had become a shameless person.

Shamelessly so righteous.

Now suffering from syphilis, immersed in the land of Goulan, taking care of a woman in Goulan and giving birth to a daughter, all these things prove Yu Xiaogang's hypocrisy and shamelessness.

After reading the news, Bibi Dong paid attention and ignored it.

Compared with these things, she cares more about the empire she is about to set up, and the trace of her beloved disciple Wang Feng.

After communicating with Wang Feng physically and mentally and practicing many times, she already has Wang Feng in her heart.

But what makes her unhappy is that Wang Feng, the bastard, hasn't sent a message back for so long.

And it's more like missing.

"This bastard, I will teach you a good lesson when you come back."

Bibi Dong said a little angrily, and touched her lower abdomen.


Three days passed in a flash, Yu Xiaogang was dismissed as a national teacher, lived a debauched life, secretly met women day and night, suffered from syphilis, and copied masters. These things have already spread all over the world.

And Yu Xiaogang was also ruined because of this.

"How is it possible, how could the teacher have syphilis?"

When Tang San, who came to Heaven Dou City, received the news, he was shocked and angry.

His teacher has always been pure and clean, how could he have syphilis.

"No, I have to go to Heaven Dou City quickly." Tang San hurried to Heaven Dou City without stopping.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang glanced at his former national teacher's mansion, turned and left to go to Jinlian's residence.

Now that he is not a national teacher, he was kicked out of the national teacher's house. He was angry and wanted to vent.

In the past three days, the news about him suffering from syphilis has spread all over the world. Every time he walks on the street, some people point at him when they see him.

He was angry, he was angry, he wanted to kill the emperor Xue Qinghe.

If Xue Qinghe hadn't spread the news that he was suffering from syphilis, he wouldn't have known that his reputation would be ruined.

But let him be a little better, he still has Jinlian, and his son.

Then, Yu Xiaogang quickly walked to Jinlian's residence, which was his best safe haven.

Because he was in a bad mood, Yu Xiaogang didn't knock on the door when he came to Jinlian's residence, but walked in directly.

"Golden Lotus."

When he came to the room, Yu Xiaogang called out.

But no one pays attention to him~www.mtlnovel.com~ You are so amazing, you can't compare to Yu Xiaogang's trash at all. "

"Flander, people like you very much."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang heard these words and the voices of men and women in the room, and his face turned dead green again.

Holding the doorknob with trembling hands, he opened it with all his strength.

When he saw the two people in the room, he was stunned.

In the room, Jin Lian and Flender, who were having an affair, saw that the door was opened, but looked back and saw that it was Yu Xiaogang. Flender wanted to stop.

But Jin Lian didn't stop, instead...


Yu Xiaogang pointed at the two Jinlian Flenders on the bed, shaking hands and flushed face, in a state of exasperation.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.