
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs



"It should be, they may be surrounded."

"Are you alive?"

"It's still active now."

Kurenai Yuhi said quickly.

Her perception range is wider and clearer than Shishui's. At this time, the two teams rely more on her information for guidance.

"I'll speed up first, you all follow quickly, Hong pay attention to saving chakra."

"it is good."

Getting a response, Shishui nodded, and then accelerated forward.

He is fast.

Previously, it was reserved to support teammates, but now...


After a few dodges, Shishui had disappeared from their sight.

He was stunned for a moment.

Later, he realized that they were so fast because they could only be so fast, and Shishui's teleportation technique was far stronger than theirs.

Not one level.

Shishui dashed in quickly, traversing the inner circle of the Forest of Death in a short while, and found Asma's location. At this time, Asma's range of activities was getting smaller and smaller.

When he arrived, a group of people were jumping up and down, and in the dark, there were two other teams watching.

Just when Asma was exhausted.

A huge fireball flew out.

The art of fireball!

Asma's eyes lit up.


His physical strength is nearly exhausted, and it is impossible to retreat, while he can still extract a little chakra...

Asma immediately sealed the seal.

next moment.

Wind Escape: Great Breakthrough!


A bang.

The flames of Shishui were originally intended to cover Asma's retreat and did not target the enemy, but this ninjutsu directly changed the direction of the fireball.

The flames raged, sweeping through the enemy.

Hinata Fire Gate and Qiu Dao Sidong were directly swallowed by the flames.

The others were all speechless.


Too cruel!

Last but not least, Chakra didn't want to run, but instead cooperated with his teammates to attack and kill the enemy.

"His judgment is that even if he leaves, he can only become a burden to his teammates, so he chooses to help his teammates solve the enemy."

Shikaku glanced at the three generations.

Although it's just an exam and an exercise, being able to make such a judgment and choice is enough to prove that Asma has a good judgment and tactical wisdom on the battlefield.


Bai Yun sighed in the morning, but admired it.

Rational and emotional.

Asma chose teammates.

"Very good, many experiences, many lessons."

The third generation was not disappointed.

Asma's performance has far exceeded his expectations.


In his heart, he was somewhat grateful to Jingyi.

What is Asma's condition? How much does it feel to be a father?

And now...

He seemed to have firmed his mind.

This is invaluable!


Kakashi was puzzled.

Obviously there is a better choice, why make such a decision?

He didn't believe that Asma didn't understand.

"Usually, people who can't complete their tasks are called trash, but those who don't cherish their companions are even worse than trash!"

"Cough cough!"

The three generations coughed repeatedly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Kyoichi's words...

It's a bit embarrassing!

More than just killing Kakashi's heart.

Everyone knows that Kakashi talks about "mission first", and the reason is that Hatake Sakumo gave up his mission to save his teammates.

Jingichi's remarks recognized Sakumo's approach.

"You don't know anything!"

Kakashi's eyes were cold and he was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see his face.

"This is just an exam. If you have to give up your teammates to win even in the exam, it would be too utilitarian. I know you want to say Kai, but Kai's first thought was to take Aoba away instead of giving up."

Jing Yi looked solemn.

Kakashi shook his head and didn't answer.

Jingyi was too lazy to say anything.

He's not Kakashi's father, he just said something casually, and he didn't bother to say anything extra.


There is work to do now.

In the field, Kurenai Yuhi and the others arrived, relying on the numbers to frighten the two secret teams, but the two of Nara Oval couldn't stop them. Now it's time for Junin to clear the battlefield.

Akimichi Sidong and Hyuga Fire Gate were injured.

This is probably the most brilliant achievement that the Ho Fireball Technique has made in the Chunin Exam.

Watergate was the first to arrive.

The medical class will take a while.

Jingyi made a seal with both hands and made Chakra, who made medical ninjutsu, and cooperated with the living scorpion to transport it to the living scorpion on the other side of Minato.

The art of living gnats!

Seeing this scene, the third generation sighed and sighed.

Back then, Tsunade used this technique to save many people on the battlefield. Since Tsunade left, Konoha has no medical ninja who can do this.

And now, Jingyi can recreate it!

The issue is.

This kid is not a professional medical ninja. In a sense, Jingyi's medical ninjutsu is only a minor, and swordsmanship and ninjutsu are professional activities.

This is so special!

People are more angry than people.


"Thank you, there's no problem here, you guys continue the exam."

Minato noticed the slug's treatment and heaved a sigh of relief.

No wonder Jingyi dared to play so big.

The Slug Technique!

With his Flying Thunder God and the telekinesis technique in this way, as long as the people in the death forest are not seriously injured, there is basically no danger to their lives.


Kurenai Yuhi stared at the slug with envy in her eyes, and then gradually became firm.

Illusions need to be learned.

Medical ninjutsu must not be put down!

She followed the others and turned to the inner circle.

"Watergate, they are out of danger temporarily, let's prepare for the finals."



This is the meaning of the second contraction.


It was only the first contraction. During the process, many battles broke out, and many accidents directly interfered with the trend of the battle.

For example, Asma was blocked.


Asma's resistance was fierce.

One team~www.mtlnovel.com~ destroyed one team and defeated another team, this record is very proud, and the Nara Oval with only two people can't go far.

The rest of the finals are either top lone wolves—

Like Matt Kay.

Or a team like Zhishui and the others.

Jing Yi stopped the treatment.

There may be many people who need to be healed later, and he wants to save Chakra.

And this time.

The Jōnin kept shrinking, and the battlefield shrank again. In the process, Zhishui and the others ate another team.

There was only a small circle left at the final decisive point, and it was almost clear who survived.

The Shisui and Yuhi Red teams are full.

Two of the Nara Ovals.

The rest of the team is rather odd—

Matt Kay, Rin and Genma Shiranui.

This is a temporary team composed of lone wolves to keep warm.

The top five are eligible to participate in the third game.


Here are six more teams.

Nara Ellipse panicked.


"Let's join forces. If we don't join forces, it's impossible to defeat each other."

Shiranui Genma's face paled.

Along the way, he consumed a lot of chakra and physical strength, and now he is at the end of the line.

On the other hand, Shisui, Yuhihong and the others...

Waiting for work with ease, the front of the army is flourishing!

Non-cooperation is a dead end.

"it is good."

Nara Oval let out a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Matekai and the others would be reckless, so he would join his opponents to kill them first.

That would be miserable!

And now.

It seems that Xuanjian and the others still have the ability to overcome the idea, so there is room for manipulation.

He began to ponder in his mind...

How can you go on!