
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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On the ring, Wang Qiu'er's body shined with golden light, and diamond-shaped golden scales climbed on both sides of her cheeks, and there was also a brilliant golden diamond-shaped scale in the middle of her forehead shining brightly.

Her original white and tender hands were also covered with scales, and turned into extremely sharp golden dragon claws, which are the dragonization skills that the advanced dragons will have.

The sound of the dragon chant is a masterpiece, the huge golden dragon phantom stood quietly behind Wang Qiu'er, the huge dragon wings waved slightly, and a strong dragon power filled the audience.

Four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple rose from her feet, and the four beautiful spirit rings were rippling slightly and shining brightly.

Wang Qiu'er, possesses the super martial soul golden dragon, level, forty-seventh-level assault war soul sect!

A brown-yellow light appeared on Ling Wei beside Wang Qiu'er, and that light gradually condensed, forming a huge brown bear behind Ling Wei.

This big bear is different from ordinary bear spirits. It has a pair of long, sharp, dark golden claws. It is the top beast spirit deinonyx bear whose attack power is even better than that of the blue electric tyrannosaurus.

As soon as the dein claw bear appeared, Ling Wei's body was immediately raised by more than a foot, his arms and body became much stronger, and the skin on the surface became brownish-yellow hair, especially Ling Wei's hands. The bear's paw has a pair of long and sharp claws growing on it, shining with dazzling cold light, and the terrorist attack power in it can be imagined.

And under Lingwei's body, the same four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple slowly rose, and the strong power was released.

Ling Wei, Martial Spirit Direclaw Bear, the forty-fourth level assault system war soul sect!

Behind Wang Qiu'er and Ling Wei, a qin suddenly appeared in the hands of Nian Qinsheng.

This piano is about one meter two long and thirty centimeters wide. It is radiant and has a phoenix carving on it, which is extraordinarily gorgeous.

Different from the usual lyre, this lyre has only six strings, which is the mutant Wuhun of the Qiwuhun Shaoguangqin, the Six-stringed Moqin.

The six-string magic piano is a top weapon martial soul with both mind control and offensive power.

Negative Qinsheng sat down slightly and stroked the six-stringed magic piano with both hands. Four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple rose from under him. With the sound of the piano, an unspeakable spiritual fluctuation spread.

Negative Qin Sheng, Wu Hun Six-String Magic Qin, Forty-Five-Level Mind Control System Battle Soul Sect!

After Ning Qinsheng released the Wuhun, Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan also released the Wuhun.

Ning Rongrong held a noble, gorgeous, and colorful nine-story small tower on his right hand, which was the strongest auxiliary martial soul nine-treasure glazed tower after evolution.

If the Qibao Glazed Glaze Pagoda is still inferior to the Nine Hearts Begonia, then the Nine Treasure Glaze Pagoda is definitely not inferior to the Nine Hearts Begonia, and it can be regarded as the strongest auxiliary martial spirit.

In the same way, four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple rose from under her body.

An emerald green light appeared on the Dugu Goose's body. After the Wuhun possessed her body, her original snake tail became a dragon's tail, with two emerald green horns appearing on her head, and a faint dragon power filled her body. Layers of green mist diffused from her body, and four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple appeared from under her body.

Ning Rongrong, the forty-fifth level auxiliary weapon Soul Sect!

Dugu Goose, the forty-seventh-level control system battle soul sect!

At the same time, Jingling and Jiangzhu also released their own spirits, skeletons and healing staff respectively, and three spirit rings of yellow, yellow and purple rose under them at the same time.

Their ranks are 38 and 36 respectively.

All the members of Team Sky Star had finished possessing their martial arts, and their amazing strength was thoroughly revealed.

The five Soul Sects and the two Soul Sovereigns were all the best soul ring matching, which immediately shocked the audience and many contestants.

As for the Canghui Academy team opposite the Sky Star Academy team, except for the leader of the Soul Sect, the others are all souls, and there is also a soul ring that is not the best match.

This contrast between the two sides immediately highlighted the huge gap in strength.

"What's this special?" Looking at the strength of the Star Academy team, Feng Xiaotian couldn't help exclaiming in the observation area. What else to fight with such a strength gap, Canghui Academy is definitely defeated.

The competition on the momentum alone was already overwhelming, and Canghui Academy was afraid that it could withstand a wave of attacks from the Star Academy team.

"This Star Team is so strong, five Soul Sects and two Soul Sovereigns, this match is probably beyond all of our teams here." Huo Wushuang couldn't help speaking slightly as he watched the scene on the ring.

His expression was solemn. Originally, the Sky Star team had an incredible Lu Yuan, but now their players are also so strong, which is really desperate.

I'm afraid that my sister's battle will be lost, and there is not even a chance of victory.

Huo Wushuang thought to himself.

He cast his gaze on Huo Wu, and it turned out that Huo Wu's expression at the moment was about to drip, her fists were clenched, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

Seeing the strength of the Star Academy team at this moment, she knew that she would definitely lose, but her ambition made her feel unwilling.

Since seeing Lu Yuan's powerful strength back then, while admiration rose in her heart, she also wanted to fight Lu Yuan and defeat him.

But now that this idea wants to be realized is very slim.

How could she be willing in her heart.

Yu Tianxin's reaction was greater than Huo Wu's. He clenched his fist tightly, his nails pierced straight into the palm of his hand, blood dripped from his hand, and his face was full of crazy ferocious color. "Lu Yuan, I will defeat you, I will."

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the ring fiercely with resentment, as if he wanted to find the flaws in the Star Academy team.

Not far away, Shui Bing'er sighed softly, his expression dignified.

When Lu Yuan and his girlfriend were not on the court~www.mtlnovel.com~ Tianxing Academy actually had five Soul Sects and two Soul Sovereigns.

If Lu Yuan were also on the court, wouldn't it be at least the entire soul sect lineup?

After all, the strength without playing will definitely be stronger.

This thought made Shui Bing'er's heart throbbing.

This kind of strength is too strong, it's no wonder that Sect Master Ning of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the elder Poison Douluo of the Dragon King Palace are so optimistic about the Tianxing Academy. It turns out that their strength has reached such a level.

It's really scary.

No wonder Lu Yuan had a relaxed face and didn't care who his opponent was. If they replaced Tianshui Academy with a full soul sect lineup, they would also be like Lu Yuan, regardless of who the opponent was.

"Sister, the male gods and their team are so strong." Just as Shui Bing'er sighed, Shui Yue'er pulled Shui Bing'er's hand and opened her mouth slightly, her pretty face with a touch of shock that could not be concealed.