
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 354 The Demon Shu evolves, takes revenge on Dugu Yan, and enters the Tianheng mountain range (the fifth update, please subscribe!)

"Master, this, what is this?"

At this time, Dugu Yan, who was standing by the side, also sensed the familiar aura that Wang Kai handed to Moshu Neidan. This is not her grandfather Dugu, who had been missing for two years. Bo's Neidan? Looking at this Neidan, Dugu Yan also had eyes shined, and quickly asked.

"jié jié, what is this? Dugu Yan, I think you should recognize what it is, right? Well, let me tell you mercifully, you don't have a guess. Wrong, this is your grandfather Dugu Bo's Neidan!"

Looking at Dugu Yan in front of him, Wang Kai smiled coldly, then looked at Dugu Yan's green eyes, coldly replied.

"Grandfather's Neidan? That grandfather he…"

Looking at Wang Kai, Dugu Yan also seemed to understand something, and there was a trace of tears in his beautiful eyes. .

"Don't cry! Dugu Yan, your grandfather Dugu Bo dared to attack me and was killed by me. At this time, he deserved it, understand?"

Looking at Dugu Yan , Wang Kai's icy voice sounded in her ear.

"Yes, the master, the slaves understand! The grandfather of slaves dared to attack the master, it was really audacious, crime deserving ten thousand deaths, you beheaded him, this is also him having only oneself to blame!"

Hearing Wang Kai's order, Dugu Yan stopped crying immediately, and then said involuntarily.

"Well, on this point, you're right! Your grandfather is indeed crime deserving ten thousand deaths, and even if he dies, he can't pay for the crime he attacked me! So, as for Say that you will pay for the remaining sins. Go and lie down!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Kai also pointed to a wooden bed beside him and ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

After listening to Wang Kai's words, Dugu Yan also walked to the wooden bed with numb eyes, and then lay down silently.

"Remove the clothes."

Wang Kai commanded coldly.

"Yes, the slaves obey."

Said without emotion, Dugu Yan also complied with the order to undress and present his beautiful body in front of Wang Kai.

"Yes, then I'm welcome!"

Looking at Dugu Yan's body, Wang Kai also rushed up coldly.


Two hours later, Wang Kai left Dugu Yan's body at will. At this time, Dugu Yan's body can be called bruised and bruised. His body was covered with bloodstains and indescribable fluids, his body was extremely sore and numb, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers. It was impossible to move even a little bit.

Not only that, after starting this special atonement, Wang Kai also released Dugu Yan's enslavement collar, so that her spirit was temporarily free, and she could endure this with an independent and sober consciousness. everything.

"Wang Kai, you, kill me!"

Looking at Wang Kai with hatred flashing in his eyes, Dugu Yan gasped and mouthed said word by word.

"hmph, kill you? That's too cheap for you, right? Don't worry, I won't kill you or make you commit suicide so easily until you've paid for your grandfather's sins And you will often experience things like this."

Glancing at Dugu Yan on the ground, Wang Kai said indifferently.

"Xian'er, help me take good care of her and heal her. Don't let her die or commit suicide. After a day, help me put the slave collar on her."

On the side, Mo Shu has started to refining Dugu Bo's Neidan, her body is also wrapped in a layer of faint red cocoon, the rune on the red cocoon flashes on and off, and the spirit power of countless small planes rushes there, making Mo Shu Mysterious changes took place in his body, and at this time, Wang Kai also instructed Wang Xian'er.

"Yes, Wang Kai big brother, I understand!"

Listening to Wang Kai's words, Wang Xian'er also walked over with a waist and took Wang Kai's hands to control Dugu Yan's servitude collar, said respectfully.

"By the way, Wang Kai big brother, do you want me to play games with you again?"

After seeing Wang Kai and Dugu Yan, Wang Xian'er was also itchy. , Hope and Wang Kai game.

"No, I have to go to cultivation, next time!"

Wang Kai didn't agree to Wang Xian'er's suggestion. He just played with Qian Renxue and other eight girls for a month. Games, Wang Kai is not so interested in games. For Dugu Yan before, it was more revenge than playing games with her.

"Yes, Master, then Xian'er is looking forward to the next visit of the Master!"

Hearing Wang Kai's words, Wang Xian'er also darkened slightly. Seeing this, Wang Kai Naturally, he didn't want to make the lovely Wang Xian'er unhappy, so Wang Kai also comforted Wang Xian'er for a while. Although he didn't accompany her to play games, he also brought her a good experience of the happy scene that is only available when playing games.

Leaving the small plane again, Wang Kai has no other worries, so he spares no effort and rushes towards the mountain range.

After a long journey, Wang Kai finally reached the edge of the mountain range.

Tianheng mountain range, which stretches for thousands of miles, is located at the junction of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire. According to the distance, Tianheng mountain range is divided into three parts: core area, inner area and outer area.

The outer area of Tianheng mountain range is the outermost 500 kilometers area of Tianheng mountain range. In this area, the most important Spirit Beasts are 10 Year Spirit Beast and 100 Year Spirit Beast , Occasionally you will encounter 1,000 Year Spirit Beast near the inner area. However, these Spirit Beasts are generally extremely weak 1,000 Year Spirit Beasts. As long as there is a Spirit Elder powerhouse in the town, there is basically no threat. Therefore, the first three of many Spirit Masters The spirit ring is obtained here.

The inner area of the Tianheng mountain range refers to the area that is 500 kilometers deeper into the outer area. In this area, the most important Spirit Beasts are 100 Year Spirit Beast and 1,000 Year Spirit Beast, however, in the inner area, 10,000 Year Spirit Beast is not rare. Of course, there are very few powerful 10,000 Year Spirit Beast in the outer area, and they are basically some weaker 10,000 Year Spirit Beast.

As for further inwards, it is the core area of Tianheng mountain range. Here, more than 90% of the Tianheng mountain range is concentrated with 10,000 Year Spirit Beasts. Of course, the number of other low-level Spirit Beasts is also Not a lot. Among the 10,000 Year Spirit Beasts, there are also the most powerful 10,000 Year Spirit Beasts in Jiutou. Their cultivation bases have reached 90,000 years, and they are only one step away from 100,000 years. Not only that, they have opened Certain spiritual wisdom, known as the Nine Emperors.

They are:

Tai Sui Purple Rabbit;

Shadow Nether Soul Wolf;

Pure Yang Fire God Ant;


Devouring Heart Snake;

Xuanbing Supreme Unity Lizard;

Bone Steel Tooth Crocodile;

Purple Electric Hundred zhang Deer;

The Shadowless Cow;

The Elephant of Black Flame.

For the Nine 10,000 Year Spirit Beast, even the weakest Nine 10,000 Year Spirit Beast can escape from Titled Douluo, and the powerful Nine 10,000 Year Spirit Beast can even defeat the weakest Titled Douluo. For Wang Kai, these nine 10,000 Year Spirit Beasts are similar to his strength and are his best hunting objects, which can not only improve Wang Kai's strength, but also exercise Wang Kai's battle strength.
