
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 352 Integrates with the attached spirit bone, which greatly increases the strength

6,000 points of experience per day , This is definitely not a difficult task for Wang Kai, who is a Spirit Sage powerhouse, as long as he hunts about a thousand heads of 1,000 Year Spirit Beast.

Of course, Wang Kai will never be satisfied with only getting 6,000 points of source experience per day, but will hunt with all his strength. After all, the sooner Wang Kai is promoted to Spirit Douluo, the sooner he can start to complete the world's martial arts. Tasks, interfering with the Doluo Continent form, will help Wang Kai's advancement and growth the greater.

"However, before you start hunting, let's get the two attached spirit bones first. The strength is stronger and the hunting is more efficient!"

thoughts move , Wang Kai also entered the small plane.

After passing through Hell Road, Wang Kai's source points also reached more than 14,000 points. If Wang Kai wishes, he can even directly exchange an additional God Spirit. However, compared to God Spirit, the exchange of the attached spirit bone obviously improves Wang Kai's strength even more.

"system, exchange for a 'Tai Xu Thunder Dragon Wing'!"

Thoughts move, Wang Kai coldly instructed.

"It takes 5500 points to redeem a piece of 'Tai Xu Thunder Dragon Wings', do you want to redeem?"

Along with Wang Kai's thoughts, the system's prompt sound came.

"Of course redemption!"

With Wang Kai's words, the points were deducted, and waves of silver light flashed in front of Wang Kai, forming a pair of silver wings, which looked gorgeous It is incomparable, but it also contains terrifying energy, which makes people feel that there is a feeling of shivering in the soul.

Compared with ordinary spirit bone, the attached spirit bone is directly ten times more expensive, even more how is the attached spirit bone on the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast, but its benefits are also obvious, Once the ordinary spirit bone is redeemed, a lot of points must be spent to help it grow, while the external spirit bone can grow naturally with the growth of the Spirit Master, and at the same time, it will improve the Spirit Master's physical fitness even more.

"Then, Taixu Thunder Dragon Wings, give me fusion!"

As Wang Kai whispered, vigorous spirit power poured out of Wang Kai's body, wrapping After living the Taixu Thunder Dragon Wing in front of him, Wang Kai also began to have a special connection with it.

The process of fusing the external spirit bone is not much different from the process of fusing the ordinary spirit bone. The only difference is that during the process of fusing the external spirit bone, the amount of cold flow that flows into the body is higher. A lot, but none of that is a problem for Wang Kai either.

A few hours of cold baptism, Wang Kai also had a mysterious connection with the Taixu Thunder Dragon wings in front of him, and then, accompanied by 81 dull humming and concussive sounds, Wang Kai also had a mysterious connection. The Taixu Thunder Dragon Wing in front of Kai also turned into a silver light and merged into Wang Kai's body.

Suddenly, one after another vigorous power of evolution gushed out from the deepest part of the body. The quantity was so large that it was only a few points inferior to the fusion of God Spirit, and far surpassed the fusion of ordinary spirit bone and spirit. income of the ring.

Several hours later.

"Very good! My strength has improved again!"

After refining the Taixu Thunder Dragon Wing, a lot of power of evolution also made Wang Kai's body completely new All attributes have been greatly improved, the crystallization degree of spirit power has also increased to 32%, and the strength and Titled Douluo powerhouse are also one step closer.

If in the past, Wang Kai's strength was only able to compete with the weakest Titled Douluo, then now, Wang Kai's strength has been able to beat the Titled Douluo powerhouse, of course, for Bibi Dong's twin martial spirit , 100,000 years of spirit skill and realm's solid existence, Wang Kai's current strength still has a big gap.

apart from this , the Taixu Thunder Dragon spirit bone set has also evolved after fusing an external spirit bone.

In the past, the Taixu Thunder Dragon transformation that comes with the Taixu Thunder Dragon spirit bone set can make Wang Kai comparable to the normal Level 91 Titled Douluo powerhouse, but only lasts fifteen minutes at a time, but in After obtaining a piece of external spirit bone, the Taixu Thunder Dragon can make Wang Kai comparable to the ordinary 92 Titled Douluo powerhouse, the duration is extended to thirty minutes, and the charging time is shortened to ten and a half days.

And apart from this, after integrating the spirit bone attached to the wings of the Taixu Thunder Dragon, Wang Kai also got a new skill – Taixu Wanblade Thunder Feather, through the spirit power , Condensing the Taixu Thunder Feather on the wings of the Taixu Thunder Dragon, and launching it in all directions, cutting all enemies within the range powerfully, and finally exploding, which is a very powerful range spirit skill.

"Very good, let's continue to integrate!"

Wang Kai was very satisfied with both the growth of strength and the evolution of Taixu Thunder Dragon. Kai is also starting to incorporate the second additional spirit bone of the Taixu Thunder Dragon spirit bone set – Taixu Thunder Dragon's Tail.

Like Taixu Thunder Dragon Wings, as an external spirit bone, the price of Taixu Thunder Dragon's tail is also 5,500 source points, but I saw the powerful effect of Taixu Thunder Dragon Wings , Wang Kai also redeemed it without the slightest hesitation, and his source points were also reduced to less than 4,000 points.

As the points disappeared, a silver light flashed in front of Wang Kai, and then, a silver bone that was one meter long, like a long whip, emitting terrifying energy appeared in Wang Kai. Kai's hands.

"This is the tail of Taixu Thunder Dragon, right? Let me fuse it!"

Looking at the outer spirit bone exuding strong energy fluctuations, Wang Kai's There is also a burning color in the eyes, and then the spirit power is activated!


in a few hours.

"Very good! My strength has reached a new level!"

Completed the fusion of the spirit bone attached to the tail of Taixu Thunder Dragon, feeling the vigorous body Strength, Wang Kai also showed a faint smile and stood up.

After merging the spirit bone attached to the tail of Taixu Thunder Dragon, Wang Kai's entire attribute has increased by 15%, and the spirit power level has also increased by 1%, reaching Thirty-four percent.

Twenty percent of the full attribute doesn't seem like a lot, but don't forget, Wang Kai's strength has long since advanced Spirit Sage and incorporated so many spirit bone spirit rings. Not what it used to be, a fifteen percent improvement, already very terrifying.

After merging the spirit bone, Wang Kai also acquired a new skill, called Taixu Thunder Dragon Whip, which slaps the enemy with the tail of Taixu Thunder Dragon, causing massive damage. harm.

At the same time, after obtaining the last piece of external spirit bone, Taixu's Thunder Dragon has also evolved again, and the power when activated has reached the power of the ordinary nine Level 13 Titled Douluo, and the duration When it reaches one hour, the cooldown is reduced to one week.

As for Wang Kai's strength, it is also as the tide rises, the boat floats, even if the Thunder Dragon change is not used, it is enough to defeat the weakest Level 91 Titled Douluo, and comparable to the regular Level 91 Titled Douluo!
